Fast-paced, goal driven, friendly, courteous, team oriented professional.
Please follow this page to find out more about Project “S.S.V” and Theory of “ABHX” 
“New Ideas are always suspected and usually opposed because they are not already common.”
Limited Introduction

Future Focused
Imagine unlimited sources of energies from one single energy. we have designed the technology to do so, details are given in innovation aria. 

Imagine two become three and three become one. 

Imagine technology that reverse aging cell and a person can live 3-5 times longer with 100% healthy body. imagine we have the technology to do so. 

Imagine we have capability of creating bubble city which any given living cell reset its DNA to a perfect cell we call it supper cell. now imagine a technology that able to do this. imagine now all things said is not imagination anymore and its proven fact, scientific fact with scientific algorithms! after all its our worlds, and our way to re-write its DNA. 
Transforming how we live, Discover, apply Laws, Do Business, new century Vision.
Revolution in Economy, Science, Life-Style!

What we need to know about (A World Class City), Project “S.S.V”?

It will transform ordinary city to a world class city; Respected and Known Globally.
It attracts visitors from all around the world to be part of over 6000 sub project.
It creates jobs and it is a window of opportunities. Path to success.
It transforms our way of living, doing business, economy and scientific discoveries.
It reduces crime and reforms Legal and Justice System. Eco & Environmental friendly.
It attracts Investors, Inventors, Developers, Businesses, Corporations and more to the city.
It transforms city to a center of universe in Innovations - researches and developments.
It changes the way we apply the law, Science, Technology and more in our everyday lives.
It will transform the way of doing business in the world by becoming a center of Global Economy.
It will change the way we live, discover, invest, educate & do business locally - globally.
It will be a dream destination - must to see places for ages 10 to 100 years.
It will be only place to explore imagination. The only place no one can afford not to be. 
A city that never stops growing and shining. A city that people die to come and visit.
An inspiration to all cities around the world, because It is designed to be unique.
A leader in technology and science, economy, Human rights, Innovations and more.
It will make a world a better place to live. One world, One dream, One vision, One goal.
It attracts ordinary and extraordinary people to come to our city to spend their currency in exchange for their life time opportunity and experience. To invest and to do business.
I designed this project carefully to fit the needs of our world. This project will benefit our economy.
Our city will be ambassador of excellence, pioneer in science and economy, messenger of peace and hope. Solution to the World major issues.
Corporations and investors love to come and do business in “A World Class City”.
A center of business - technology. Future focused, eyes to see and predict outcome of future!  Windows of opportunities; a bridge to a better life-style.
The main aim of our project is to bring scientists, investors, high-tech corporations, researchers, ordinary and extraordinary people, business, tourists, companies from all around the world to put this city in number one priority to Visit and to do business.
Project “S.S.V” will create a first true World class city, and then rapidly will transform the country to a world class country. The only Extraordinary city to invest with confident
It will fast track and re-direct science; It will shape the world economy, stability and peace.

“I am not here to change the Past; I am here to change the Future.”      ~ Aria Javan   
 Founder of Project “S.S.V” – A WORLD CLASS CITY.

BUSINESS OVERVIEW: Description of the business
Creating “A WORLD CLASS CITY” under the project “S.S.V” with over 6000 Sub-Projects.
“A World Class City” is 300 Hectares of close land with place to stay and research, invest, invent, and discover and then create more projects. This is a city about science, economy, business, Technology, Innovations and creativity. It will guest 2000 visitors every week for 6 night stay in each visit. The visitors of this city are mostly scientists or scientific mind peoples with an educational background on all types of science and business and social life, laws, and more. Either they are extraordinary people looking to participate in project “S.S.V” or ordinary science seeker people looking to a  higher knowledge, or bringing a live their imagination and creativities by participating in project “S.S.V” and having chance to start new projects.
“A World Class City” is able to accept 2000 visitors world-wide per week for 6 night stay for the cost of $900 per stay. Total of 8000 people per month, generating revenue of $7,200,000.00 per month. This is not includes extra revenue from projects and other services available to the visitors, Which generates over extra $5 million per month, plus more solid revenues from participation in hundreds of projects that brings extra millions to the world class city. And hundreds of millions to the economy of surrounding cities. 
“A World Class City” is a future focused city with future focused projects. It will profitable over next 50 years.  It is designed to create and provide new projects in daily bases; which lead us to millions of new projects and millions of new investors willing to invest. It will shape Science, Technology, High Tech technology, Economy, Life-style, and much more in global scales.
Majorities of the sub-projects designed to lead to the creation of new projects; this means that we will always challenging 100,000 of new born projects in action from the results of project “S.S.V” and its sub-projects. Therefore attracting 100,000 of new investors world-wide to invest.
By the end of first year or latest second year of operation of “A World Class City” under project “S.S.V”, Project “AP” will be introduced to the world, which is a combination of science and business project. Project “AP” designed to shape, change and create new vision of world’s economy and predict and reform the future of the world’s market and its outcomes. This project is already designed and ready to put in to the action; revenue from Project “AP” is $1 Billion in first year. It will create new ways of marketing by creating Smarter and Rock-solid-stable economy. This project designed to become a business with $100 Billion in Revenue per year by first 5 years of operation.
“A World Class City” might be a place for all science seekers or business minded people and attraction for tourists and new investments to come, visit, invest, achieve, or just enjoy being part of extraordinary projects, but it is a heart of world’s science, economy, Tech, as well as birth place for future innovations and creativity.
“A World Class City” is not just ordinary city, it is a city designed and operated under project “S.S.V”. It is a city that universe expands, develop, create their future innovations in science, Technology, Economy, Justice Reform, and practically every aspects of life and every day  needs.
“A World Class City” is a place that future of our universe will be born, develop, expand, shaped, and shared. A place of extraordinary innovations and creativity.

Statement of purpose:

“A WORLD CLASS CITY” and Project “S.S.V” has a fundamental goal and purpose, to create a “A WORLD CLASS CITY” for an advance science, research, and Business plan in order to speed up achievement in scientific research by using Project “S.S.V” and ease process of research in wide area of scientific and financial researches by implementing procedures by project “S.S.V”, and create a formula that predicts the outcomes of global economy in advance by using the Project “AP”.

One of its Goals is to attract all extraordinary and ordinary innovative minds people to come and be part of project “S.S.V”. This city solely designed to attract scientists, economists, and any person with interest in research, science, technology. Attract scientific minded, educated people or seeking for higher education and understanding of universe, science, business, social life, and more to come and visit “A WORLD CLASS CITY” and explore they innovations and creativity with benefits from the Project “S.S.V” and in addition, to be part of this projects; this city is open for business  365 days a year.

Demographic, economic, social and cultural factors:

-  “A World Class City” under project “S.S.V” has a major effect in demographic factors in the cities close to the World Class City and eventually the whole country will feel the results of it. It will boost the rate of population since it will increase income and earning opportunities and purchasing power, as well as increase in financial capabilities to the population living and benefiting from existing of   “A World Class City” and its recognition as a centre of Tech and Science in our universe.

- This project will boosts economy by having a direct economic impacts in the tourist industry, hospitality, construction and more due to the nature of the city to attract investors and new arrived tourists willing to stay longer and visit this city over and over again, as well as the nature of the projects that keep coming to a live.

- “A World Class City” under project “S.S.V” will impact directly and indirectly in social and cultural factors surrounding the area of “A World Class City” under project “S.S.V” since the resident and visitors of this city are all highly educated or seeking for higher education and science, then it will change a social life-style of the city around it to adapt to a new reality and become more science loved culture and it will change the shapes of society and shift it into the science and business liked environment.

 - “A World Class City” under project “S.S.V” will bring more new business investors as a major players in the area, not only in “A World Class City” , but also cities and communities around it and eventually all around the country.

- It will change some of old nature industries and will replace it with new ones; more future focused natures.

- It will also make sharp and creative shifts in trends in the industries and speed up its advancing and future shapes.

- and finally  “A World Class City” under project “S.S.V” will have its impact on some of government regulations in order to adjust with a new reality and fast growing economy, life-style and more; which results to more benefits to the society and in the best interest of everyone.

Project “S.S.V”

This project is about making small city of 300 hectares in or close to a city to attract investors, inventors, scientists, students, researchers, corporations, high-tech corporations, private and government institutions to involve, invest, come and stay in a World Class City under the project “S.S.V”.
Each individual visitor will stay 6 nights and seven days and welcome to stay more days in outside of a World Class City and discover more about CITY. So the other parts of country and other cities will benefit indirectly from “A World Class City” and its investors and visitors.
Project “S.S.V” has over 6000 Sub-Projects and it keeps growing every days and that is why this project and city is so unique and first in the world. It is special because it is about science and future of our universe and providing a chance to everyone to become special, investor, inventor, and successful. To make a better choices and extraordinary life-style; simply better universe to live for this generations and future generations to come.
Why and how this city and project attract investors? Because investors see the golden opportunities to provide their products to the world by providing to a people coming around the world to participate in project “S.S.V”.  Because the investors knows that these visitors and tourists visiting a World Class City are not ordinary tourists, they are scientific minded people or business minded individuals who seeking more knowledge, more business and much higher technologies. They have influence in the other peoples in their societies, as well as they knowledge might be useful or considered as a golden opportunity to invest. Investors all around the world have no choice than to be part of this project or left out of the market.
Why investing in “A World Class City”? Because the visitors of this city are mostly Students, Scientists, Educated people with extraordinary or ordinary business and scientific backgrounds, people well known by their society or institutions and corporations. They are the individuals that sponsored by their corporations or governments and institutions to visit this city and be part of project “S.S.V”.
What makes “A WORLD CLASS CITY” special and different than other cities?  The answer is simple ( Project “S.S.V”)
This project is a scientific project which connected to economy and science (Outer Space, Environment, chemistry, Biology, Physics, Medicine, Pharmacy Compounding, High-Tech and other wide ranges of science), Laws, and basically provides a Rock-Solid – Logical solutions to every Issues exists in every parts of the world.
This project make this city a must see, visit, invest place and projects for every individuals or institutions around the world. Practically no one affords to not see and visit this city or not to be a part of project “S.S.V”.
Project “S.S.V” made it possible that this city is a place that science, Innovation, and creativity born, raised and completed. 

Government Regulation:

This Project is Eco and Environmental friendly project and it comply with all of the regulations regarding environmental aspects locally and globally according to municipal, federal and international laws.

Products / Services:

“A WORLD CLASS CITY” and Project “S.S.V” provides wide-ranges of scientific products and projects; it also provides essential services for needs of tourists and visitors. Basically “A WORLD CLASS CITY” provides Project “S.S.V” which is a first – unique and extraordinary project.

It provides opportunities to everyone to be able to introduce their ideas, innovations, and creativity to the world as well as opportunities to angel investors to invest in Ideas that interest them; it creates a unique experience to all innovated people.

It shapes and introduces new scientific, business, social ideas, since it is a city that implement only innovation; therefore it collects all ideas and bring a common sense with rock – solid solution to it.

The Market Trends:

“A World Class City” under project “S.S.V” is designed to be unique and first. Since this “A World Class City” is fully depends on the project “S.S.V” and there is no such a business plan and market exist in the world; therefore all the products and services, design and pricing and distribution factors are also unique; first and exclusive to this city, and the way it has been designed. Then there will be no competition exists.

Implications or risks factors:

Implications or risks factors are very low and basically around zero risks. Since there is no such as “A World Class City” under project “S.S.V” exists, then there is no needs to evaluate any strengths and weakness of the “A World Class City” under project “S.S.V” which designed to have an absolute competitive advantage to any other business interested to invest in the world class city under project “S.S.V”.

The fact is that “A World Class City” under project “S.S.V” designed to be independent and investors depend on this project to improve their investments, products and business values. This make all business comes to us to be parts of these projects and not us to go and convince them to invest on these projects.


Competitors and type of competition:

No competitions, and No competitors or any types of competitions as a risk to this project.

Competitive advantage:

 Project “S.S.V” designed to have an absolute competitive advantage to any other business interested to invest in the world class city under project “S.S.V”.  The fact is that “A World Class City” under project “S.S.V” designed to be independent and investors depend on this project to improve their investments, products and business values. This make all business comes to us to be parts of these projects and not us to go and convince them to invest on these projects.



Extraordinary and ordinary people around the world; students age 10 to PHD ( from High Schools to universities), research groups, researchers, developers, designers, scientists, science seekers, corporations from CEO to their staffs, Governments around the globe and their represented; adventure seekers, business owners from small business to corporations; Investors, Inventors, Economists, teachers, Artists, Innovation Groups around the worlds, spiritual leaders, business developers in the areas of Tech, High Tech, Science, Pharmaceutical companies, MORE …

Advertising & Promotion:

This project needs about $500,000 for advertising and promotions for start-up of business. One of the 6000 subproject will do the remaining of advertising and promotions for years to come and no further financial needs for the future advertising and promotions. This sub project not only provides high standards of promotion and high positive out-come, but also will generate over $1 Billion in revenue.

Customer Service Policy:

This policy will be implemented by the city.


Business location & requirements – Management and operations:

Business Location: Urban area close to the city .

Size and capacity: 300 Hectares of Land, 2000 visitors at a time.

There are many economical, business, and social advantages to the cities close to “A World Class City”, the only disadvantage to this project is that value of lands and businesses will increase rapidly due to activities of new business and high demands for work forces and properties which might considered as an advantage point.

Ownership: “A World Class City” will be owned and operated by the owner of the city and projects / whom invested in this city and projects. The owner (City) may choose to lease some parts of the business/ Projects inside the city to potential investors or keep it as a part of city and provide their products.

Equipment / technology / environmental aspects:

Equipment, furniture, fixtures, and details about it which used in this project are subject to the nature of project and will provided in the final contract to keep confidentiality and details about the natures and operations of all the projects; but the cost of these equipment are included in $100 Million total costs.

Future Expenditures: This project will be expanded to city number  2, 3, 4 with less costs to build and same net revenues as city one. There will be new needs in technology requirements to this project as it developed to new projects which is designed to pay by it selves.  

Research & development, Innovation and creativity are the main principal in this project and main idea behind the project “S.S.V”. the unique part of this project is while it keep its principals, it also Generates revenue and speed up scientific discoveries, and develops formula to overwhelming numbers of issues and creates a solid solution to it; it also provides a formula to stable economy and improving life-style.

This Project is Eco and Environmental friendly project and it comply with all of the regulations regarding environmental aspects locally and globally according to municipal, federal and international laws.

What makes “A World Class City” an attractive and unique with solid business plan and opportunities; and different from other cities are how it designed and what is offered by Project “S.S.V”.

Ownership and decision making power will be always with the city.

Based on my calculation (City / Investor) will take back all or majority of $100 Million investment in creating the World Class City in a first year of operation.

This project will need about 40-50 full time employees.
This project will create additional full time jobs about 150-200 position inside the world class city, which are not employees of the city but provide a services in the city.
This project will creates additional 800-1000 full time jobs related to “ A World Class City”


The city will operate 365 days a year. It will accommodate 2000 visitors every week for six night stay, and over 2000 another visitors for one day visits. This project designed to improve science, economy, and life-style.


Action Plan & timetable with options:

The Market:

“A World Class City” under project “S.S.V” is designed to be unique and first. Since “A World Class City” is fully depends on the project “S.S.V” and there is no such a business plan and market exist in the world; therefore all the products and services, design and pricing and distribution factors are also unique; first and exclusive to this city, and the way it has been designed makes sure that no competitions to exist.

Implications or risks factors are very low and basically around zero risks. Since there is no such as “A World Class City” under project “S.S.V” exists, therefore there will be no competitions, and no competitors or any types of competitions as a risk to this project, then there is no needs to evaluate any strengths and weakness of the “A World Class City” under project “S.S.V” which designed to have an absolute competitive advantage to any other business interested to invest in the world class city under project “S.S.V”.

The fact is that “A World Class City” under project “S.S.V” designed to be independent and investors depend on this project to improve their investments, products and business values. This make all business comes to us to be parts of these projects and not us to go and convince them to invest on these projects.

This city will take between one to two years to build.


“A World Class City” under the project “S.S.V”  will sale some of the projects and locations or lease them to the potential corporations that interested to buy or lease it, by doing this the city will re – collect most of investments but still have ownership and control of the city and projects. And still profit $7,200,000.00 per month. In this option city will only have 40-50 employees in its payroll. The city will lose some extra revenue from these projects, but the beneficial side is that city will be more focused in operating of the major projects and running the city with fewer employees and less area of focus to manage, but still keep full ownership and control of the project with more cash flow.
 “A World Class City” under the project “S.S.V”   will decide to keep full ownership of all projects and have additional 150-200 employees, with less cash flow and more continues revenue in long term and perhaps sale of some projects with much higher prices in the future. This option will take away more focus on providing needs and satisfaction of the 2000 visitors every week, but creates more revenues in long term. 

Executive Summary:

This project need total of $100 Million to build.
It needs 300 Hectares of land
It will take between one to two years to build.
It will generate revenue of $7, 200, 000.00 per month with annual revenue of over $86 Million in first year; these profits should be higher when other revenues collected from sub-projects. And it will be much higher in second year and following years.
This project will need about 40-50 full time employees.
This project will create additional full time jobs about 150-200 position inside the world class city, which are not employees of the city but provide a services in the city.
This project will creates additional 800-1000 full time jobs related to “ A World Class City”
This project will benefits from some external revenues related and depend on the existing of project “S.S.V”.




Theory of “ABHX”

Special and general Theory of “ABHX”
25 years old discovery of "BHX"
April 9, 1989: For a first time Black Hole “BHX” have been identified by “Aria Javan”
August 7, 1989: Theory of “ABHX” defined Existence of Trillion-Infinite (Black – Hole - X), calculation of how they works and providing a scientific formula explaining transformation between “ENEM” forms of matters to “NEEM” form of matter.

Theory of “ABHX” is about Trillion Infinite (Black-Holes) and its recent reverse reactions that considers clear and present danger to our existence not as a nation but as a human. In august 7, 1989, Aria have discovered existence of over Trillion Infinite Black-Holes (25 years ago) in age 20; not as Black-Holes that all scientists aware of it. These Black-Holes are with us as long as we exist and after we no longer exist in “ENEM” form; matter of facts every humans existence are depend on these Black-Holes which I named “Black-Hole- X” OR simply “BHX”. Until recent years “BHX” was acting as it should act according to universal Laws. Therefore I had no concern about it, and kept my discovery under the rap in order to not make mistakes other scientists made.

There are no technologies to prevent this reverse – re – action, and to find the one, we need to act now. Initially I have determined that 4 nations will be the starting points of this Reverse-Re-Actions, but as I collect more data I have realize that 3 additional nations will be in the center of this Reverse-Re-action by “BHE”; There will be economical impact, as well as interruption to space program for over 15 - 20 years, we need solid plan to evacuating and Re-Locating over 1.5 Billion people in less than 10 days.  This operation needs co-operation and preparation of every nation with central unified command center.

“BHX” which contains “BHO” and “BHE” and over millions of different types of Black-Holes acted in benefit of universal laws by balancing the existing form of universe by their existence started from beginning of the universe and up to now. Until fasting growing nations all around the world start causing Reverse-Re-Action by “BHO”, and “BHE” which caused rapid instability in balance of universal Laws of existence as we know it now in form of “ENEM”,  and begun the transformation of life as it is now to the “NEEM” form of life.

The fact is up to now the universal laws were mandated that “ENEM” transform to “NEEM”; over trillion infinite times in every second and “BHX” was able to manage it, receive it, and store it. This transformation was one way highway that only transformed “ENEM” to form of “NEEM” as our universal laws designed to do so. Once a while some of “NEEM” reverse their directions and caused destruction of “ENEM” before transforming to the form of “NEEM”, which I had no concern about it; ON January 1990 I was able to discover that, all the illness have been living person facing in the form of “ENEM” can be treated if we understand better the formation of “NEEM” from a same living cells; therefore there is only one way of treatments which is restarting a cell prior to starting point of illness or disease.  

What is concerning me is that we as a human start causing Reverse- Re - Action to this perfect universal Law existed since creation of universe. Our action caused a creation of second high way that allow it “NEEM” reverse its direction and instead of “ENEM” form of existence become “ NEEM” form of none existence; the reverse started to take a place in massive scales in such a short time; causing the transformation of particles change its direction. This reverse will cause some damages, but not catastrophic results if it is not a Full scale of Reverse – Reaction by forming a chain Reverse – Re- Actions. The result of chain Reverse – Re – Action will cause that the all “ENEM” forms of life transform into “NEEM” forms of life.

Since most “BHE” created, shaped and formed in USA, RUSSIA, CHINA, FRANCE, SOUTH KOREA, NORTH KOREA, and JAPAN; therefore I was originally expected that, this Reverse Re-Action cause the most destruction due to its Reverse – Re - Action in above areas and the rest of Globe will see the result of impact but not as severe as these nations. The reverse reaction already started but not yet created massive release of “NEEM”. But due to wrong action based on wrong scientific data and zero knowledge about “BHE” and Theory of “ABHX”; it seems that, the same Nations united to save Earth from so called a “Climate Change” actually speeding up the process of reverse reaction and participating in so called climate change about 10 times faster than this action took place.

Now; thank you for such an so called scientific action in the name of science influenced by politicians knowing nothing about “BHE” and it’s powerful impact; we are facing faster than expected Reverse Re-Actions and not concentrated in one known area, which the results of these miss calculated actions expanded in all over the universe the possibilities of reverse reaction by “BHE”; practically they can pop up anywhere and anytime with unpredictable consequences and develop in larger and wider ranges all over the universe. Based on a scientific calculation ( BHE) will make its first severe impact in about 2-3 years from now by the year 2020 IN A FORM OF ADVANCED WORLD WIDE SPREAD VIRUSE, may it take place as soon as a year from now or may delayed to 5-10 years; it is all depends on how fast we are keep overloading the “BHE”.

Since I have no access to some existing scientific data held and collected by other scientists; which they have no Idea how to use it; therefore I cannot calculate the exact time and place of impact and scales of causalities. Based on my limited access to data, I am predicting that Reverse reaction will take place about 2-3 years from now and causalities are about 10 % of earth population and about 15% of population of above nations, which this is no longer is the option since the reverse reaction expanded to the every part of globe; thanks to a hasty action based on none-scientific knowledge in the name of science, Let us not forget that, this damages are only for the first massive Reverse Re-Action by “BHE”. Once “BHE” established its bridge to reverse its massive energy, then “BHO” will start using its own reverse bridges to do as it has been done in past since existence of life, but this time in high volume, High volume of reverse reaction by “BHO” in a short time means that increase in numbers of new illness plus the old illness will come back to life as we thought they been eliminated long time ago. Practically it is Re-born of long gone illness and viruses and birth of new and more advance illness which hard to understand and fight with it.

Just a reminding that this is not a battle can be win by any military or political action, this enemy created by a human not aliens and not any other living species; these phenomena knows No (Religion, Nationalities, Races, Rich or Poor, gender, ethnic and colour of skin) and it begun its formation in about 50 years ago. It cannot be seen or felt by any person in the form of “ENEM”, but can be seen and felt its catastrophic impacts and the results of transformations.

I am concern about high causalities in the first impact, but my most fear is that, if this Reverse- Re - Action by “BHX” become a chain reaction; there is no way to stop further impacts; and the results of any further out-comes will be catastrophic and beyond our imaginations.   

What scientist call it climate change is in reality caused by “BHE”; By the way it is not as scientist define, and came up with a solutions; They do not have the real sources and cause of this so called climate change. Any step taking to fight with so called climate change just adding up to the problem instead of solving it; evidence showing that the instructors of “BHE” is so complicated than any scientists had and have clear knowledge of how it works and what it is at all; in order to understand the DNA of “BHE” they need to have an access to “BHT”. The fact is that, collecting any data from “BHT” cannot be possible in year or two and need years of process and it is much complicated than it seems; It took over 20 years for Aria to have limited access to “BHT”.

Aria discovered some facts and cause regarding “BHX” and “BHE”; He knows: what is the cause and sources of this reverse reaction, how to reduce the impacts and how to stop it before developing and becoming a chain- reverse re-action; but he is certain that we cannot stop reverse reaction which is already in the progress and we must not do so to stop it; we must only gently redirect its path and delay its reaction; stopping of the reverse reaction which is already in the progress will bring more harms than good to us. 

In coming years our planet specially these 7 nations included nations around them will see increase in unpredictable and unexplained natural destruction and increase and it develops higher than usual unexplained by scientists regarding health issues causing new causalities which as more they conduct treatment results rise of more illness unexpectedly because they have  no knowledge on how “BHO” reacts.

Aria knows the sources of cause, and able to reduce the damage and prevent catastrophic damage and causalities, but He cannot stop it completely the reverse reaction already in progress, and he is not willing to do so; because once it is in the progress and passed the reverse reaction by building its own bridges, it must take place and preventing such action will have more consequences; “BHO” will transform any forms of “ENEM” matter into “NEEM” which is not destruction process, but most likely it is transformation form as it took place billions of years ago and form this form of life as we known up to now. All he can say is that: “Everything so far scientists discovered is wrong” and once they have better understanding of “BHX” and how “BHO” and “BHE” works, they will set their mind and focus in the right direction.

Every day we are not taking action as we must, and continuing acting as we always did; we are taking one more step to face with the reality of how we change the balance of universal laws as started by birth of our universe and keep existing and transforming every second and it will cause the end of life as we hoped for it. Reverse-Re-Action by “BHE” has capability of destruction of over 75% of life form as a “ENEM” forms of life and not destruction of Earth by transforming forms of life.

Let be clear that: “ENEM”, and “NEEM” reverses transformation caused by our recent urges for more technologies and our needs for more and longer life. Which can be done but in a right way and not the way we are doing now. Science is in wrong path, scientist not understanding that what they are creating to comfort human in one step a time, also creating conditions that takes us in one step a time by guiding and taking them closer to end of the way we live and survived.

One thing is not clear for me and it is still mystery is that: are we dealing with (Trillion Infinite – minus - Trillion) “BHO” or with (Trillion Infinite – minus - Infinite) “BHO”. Which I am hoping the data provided by all nations will may provide a logical answers, and give me better picture that how deep is this issue and how far it will goes beyond our control.

World have two choices:

Take this scientific discoveries and calculation seriously and reprogram and re-educate or re-build science as it should be; and prevent further damage to our existence and the way of life, and by doing so, Reduce the impact and causalities by re-directing the path of reverse-reaction.
Ignore it and keep our scientific understanding of how universe exists in the box and face with the results caused by the unexplained phenomena which can be explained with more details and understanding of “BHX” and using Theory of “ABHX” as a guideline and solution formula.

The Question that we should ask now: Are we willing to change these out-comes by better and accurate understanding of where we are standing or not existing. The fact is all the understanding of how time, place, and transformation of one matter to the other matter works by scientists have been wrong and still is wrong; that is why we are in our course to reverse the existence universal laws, unknowingly by acting intentionally or un-intentionally.  

“Finally, I must say that our universal laws were much-much simple than our existing science; but scientists made it so much complicated than it should be. Matter of fact my understanding and explanation of universe is so simple that, I believe that, I am the only scientist that understand it, used it, communicated and made a scientific calculation of how it is working.  My discovery is so simple that only I can understand it, and see it. My over 100 pages of scientific calculation which need to be accurate by using more data collected by every nations around the world showing that only numbers of nations will be untouched and the rest must prepare themselves for big changes in living habits and the way of surviving.”                                                                                                                 ~ Aria. Javan

Reverse – Re - Action highly it did took place about 2 years ago and again a year ago, and by collecting more data which will give us indication that, do we need to evacuate about 1.5 Billion people or re-location of over 4.5 Billion or even 6 Billion People. It will also provide more information which path we choose to redirect its impacts or it will choose us where to impact us, and what will be the most impact and cause of damages.

Let be honest, at this time the Reverse-Re-Action could strike us anytime, Aria’s prediction based on little data he have collected indicates that, it will be highly by year 2030, could be later or sooner. The only thing he is certain is that several mass Reverse – Re - Action took place in past two years for a less than a minute, it is matter of time that “BHE” build Reverse Bridges. His scientific discovery and calculation can only been understood by numbers of scientists, if they could; He needs to educate them to know better “BHX” and other phenomena. This will take time. He has already identified all the sources of “BHE”, but he need co-operation of all the nations to act on this matter.

“We are in the stage that, we cannot stop this reverse reaction. We can only delay and reduce the cause of impact. I did not expect that this reverse reaction advance this fast.”     ~ Aria. Javan

“The most extraordinary scientists may not understand what I am saying, but may some top scientists see it through and understand it. Let us work with together to save our planet. This is enemy we made it by pushing our boundaries. It is not a terrorist attack or war between nations. It’s much greater than that. There is no military or political solution. There is only scientific solution and unification of all nations needed to save our planet and give a second chance to this generation and next generation to come and to live as our parents lived.”                                  ~ Aria. Javan

“We must put a side any difference based on race, nationality, religion, and difference in our fundamental believes and Keep one thought and only one thought in our mind that, we are from planet Earth and we will take any necessary action to save our only planet. We will prepare to risk our comfort and economy to save and re-locate others.”  ~ Aria. Javan

Now everyone understands the importance of this Reverse – Re - Action, it’s time to act.

“Let me re-introduce myself, as a person with a cause. Cause to make our world a better place to live and cause to bring new innovation and discoveries to life; First and only scientist that able to identify, calculate and understand Trillion infinite existing Inner Space Black-Holes that dictates and mandates existence of our planet and our rights to exist as we are existing up to now or transform to a new form of existing of – none – existence.”                                     ~ Aria. Javan

Theory of “ABHX”: It is about transformation of “ENEM” Form of matter to a “NEEM” form of matter.

I wish it was as simple as it looks like. The secret of this transformation and calculation of how the reverse transformation will take place is the key to understanding of our universe and reaching beyond our boundaries in science while it takes us to understanding of how it works scientifically and fundamentally.

Reverse reaction by “BHX” will create a big bang once again, this time it shape and changes everything.

We will define living cell based on “NEEM” form, and landscape of our planet will change. Population of our planet will decreased by about over 75%, as my extended scientific calculation shows some area of earth will transform to the hard to live area and some impossible to live. Over 100 pages of not very accurate calculation by Aria, because He has not have access to the data he has in need to pin point time and place and level of impact.

“There are a few ways and technology that may help us to redirect impacts of “BHE” to reduce the impacts of reverse – reaction, if we act fast and now.”   ~ Aria. Javan

The rest of planet earth needs to adopt and adjust to new reality of life. This only possible if we succeed to avoid a chain reverse-re-action which will take place.  Reverse reaction already started, we are not in danger of mass reverse reaction, not just yet, but it is in its way to create a mass reverse reaction, His scientific calculation showing that, this will start taking place by year 2030-2040, and it is not Question of If. It is Question of when, how wide and how severe will be the impact!

There are no military, scientific ways, and technology exist at this moment; to avoid this reverse reaction, there are only two things to do; one is to start preventing reverse reaction become a chain reverse-reaction and two is to find a way to delay or reduce the causalities; according to my calculation and basic and fundamental Rules of Theory of “ABHX” the Reverse-Reaction already in progress, it is building massive reverse bridges to create a mass Reverse – Re – Actions, as we are speaking at this moment.

Reverse Reaction of “BHX” Knows no religion, race, countries and acts only based on universal laws; perhaps we can say reaction into responding to action by universal laws and as we all know for any action in this universe there is a reaction. The true fact is we have no technology to go against the “BHX”. No Scientist been able to identify this Supper ultra-Phenomena, Aria has to educate scientists. The Science shaped based on only “ENEM” form of life. Zero knowledge about “NEEM” form of life.

“Let us not worry about outer space Black – Holes and start worrying about Inner Space Black – Holes instead of outer space ones.”  ~ Aria. Javan

The fact is that no one knows about these Inner – Space – Black – Holes such as “ BHX” even exist, perhaps some scientists in the past assumed to its existence and even Einstein had no full knowledge of it and knew nothing about its instructions, he might had some basic ideas, but since “BHE” was not existed at the time he was a live, It makes a sense that he and other scientists couldn’t anticipate that about 100 years later and its outcome such as : this will create a massive reverse re actions, as some might had some guesses, but not known to the world until Aria discovered its existence about 25 years ago; studied, communicated, and learned from it, but in past 2-5 years became his biggest concern as a potential threat to the existing life as we lived and continue to live at this given moment in our planet. In my understanding Einstein was convinced that there is something is missing on his calculation of relativity as well as definition and connection between mass and energy; but he was not able to see and calculate existence of “BHX” and “BHO” which existed since creation of our universe.  

“Every day we are delaying to take any solid step to prevent chain reverse re actions; we are taking steps for loss of more lives and extended destruction of our planet. I am asking for urgent meeting of top scientists and immediate start of collecting data and finding logical solutions.  What I have highlighted in these scientific notes are just highlights of hundreds of scientific calculations and data. Theory of “ABHX” is an Ocean of new and advance scientific discoveries – a golden key to clear understanding of creation, creator, and where we stand now.”                                                                                                                                                           ~ Aria. Javan

We are looking for evacuation of 1.5 Billion, Perhaps more not less; complete transformation of way of life. I have few scientific based idea that may completed by more data which must be collected by co-operations of several nations, in order to reduce the damage. I am the only chance and I am in need of years to educate and help scientists to understand how “BHX” and “BHO” or “BHE” works. I am only person with access to “BHT” and it will take half century for others to gain full access to it as it took me over 20 years to do.                                           ~ Aria. Javan

This is not star wars or a science fiction, this is a science fact and has nothing to do with UFO, aliens or such things, this is a mankind made phenomena and it must be taken very seriously; It may be understood by few great scientists, but eventually understandable and hoping that it can be contained.  

We are facing enemy that: we as a human created, it cannot be seen, felt, or observed, since it is not exists in our form of life, But once reverse its direction then we all be able to see the results of its reverse re action as have been took place in past, but it’s accelerating and as it advancing now.  

“You may call it universal Enemy; I call it result of our failed obligation to protecting our planet. Again we need mass preparation, and solid actions and we need it now.” ~ Aria. J

We are facing enemy that we only able to see the result of its damage. Time is against us, and we must act now.                                                                                                      ~ Aria. Javan

We must act now and act fast – we need to develop strategy, possible new and strong technology, and collect many data and calculate it to serve in our benefits, and come up with more rock-solid solution. Based on Theory of “ABHX” and scientific calculations, what so called a climate change is the result of Reverse –Reaction by “BHE” and what we doing right now are only making our planet to face the reality of destruction much sooner than scientists came up with it!

Recent events and updated data showing that the Reverse-Reactions by “BHE” is developing and shaping much faster than my previous calculations and predictions anticipated; matter of fact what we facing now is supposed to take place about year 2050 or latter. The action taking by united nation and scientists at this time to prevent so called climate change is creating massive reverse reaction by “BHE”.  I am expecting a massive cold – heat waves of energy will be released very soon originated from USA, France, South Korea, and massive cold vacuum in Russia Followed by Mass heat in Russia in coming year or latest by the end of next year 2017. Based on my scientific calculations and limited data available to me, I have calculated  massive earthquake in south parts of Canada from St. John’s to Toronto which it will shake and cause mass destruction. Pin pointing time and density required more details which I have not in possession. But this mass earthquake will take place following mass heat and cold vacuum of air. Based on details from “ABHX” I am expecting reverse reaction taking place very soon in the forms of mass heat or combination of mass heat and earthquake taking place between St John’s and Toronto Canada; most likely Province of Quebec. There are also areas between Bangor till Ohio - USA will be parts of this natural disasters. Some type of earthquake is likely will take place very soon in south west of Norway. Unlike what most experts saying that earthquake in Japan and Ecuador - 2016 are not related, based on “ABHX” they are related.

It appears that reverse – Re-Action by “BHE” is not local and it won’t only affect USA, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, as well as France. This means there will be pockets of “BHE” expanded in all around the globe causing unpredictable devastation, less damage, but in a wide area of globe.  Above nations and some countries surrounding them facing the most unpredictable and unusual – sudden natural disasters.

“BHE” is speeding up the completion of phase one Reverse Reaction, which is establishing reverse Roots and bridges between form of “ENEM” matters and “NEEM” matters faster than expected, some external forces triggers this speed which I am assuming created by a wrong action taken place by some of activist and nations as well as scientists, that trying to prevent a Global warming.

There is no question that we are in a certain and none-stoppable age of this Reverse-Reaction caused by “BHE”; the process of Reverse-Reaction already in progress, and I am not trying to prevent it from happening, my concentration and focus is on to how we can reduce the speed of this mass reverse reaction and numbers of causalities and perhaps develop of advance Technology to protect some areas.

Reverse-Reaction by “BHE” means release of over tens of thousands of Hydrogen Bombs at the same time and creating supper mass heat and Mega magnet waves cross the globe and melting area (A1) in my prediction map which is basically countries from Japan to Middle east and Europe and USA, as well as parts of under and above these areas in less than 10 days.

Good news is that “BHE” does not have any radioactive effects and only produces Supper-mass heats and Mega  Magnet forms of Energy, enough to make life impossible in some areas of the earth.

I am asking that under universal agreement we ask Japan to re-start its nuclear plants in full force, and France must shut down all its nuclear plants in order to reduce the causalities from a reverse reaction by “BHE”. Of course this action will destruct Japan, South and North Korea and west of USA as well as East of Russia. But it’s the best chance to reduce destruction and causalities.

If Japan does not re-start all or most of its nuclear plant ASAP, and France not shut down all its nuclear plants; we are facing the highest causalities which is Japan, South and North Korea, Most parts of Middle-east countries, entire Europe, entire USA, south of Canada, most of south America, and more to be under direct severe impact of Reverse – Re – Action by “BHE”

My Scientific calculations and predictions bring us to the two outcomes:

“BHE” starts its reverse reaction and Japan shut down all its nuclear plants or not re-starts it in full force. We will see the results of destruction by “BHE” which is the release of Supper - mass heat and Mega – Magnet waves throughout the Japan, China, Russia, Taiwan, India, Iran, most middle east, Turkey, Germany, France, Italy, Holland, Belgium , Spain, United states, south parts of Canada, and more ( over 75% of populated area of our planet earth).
France will shut down all nuclear plant and Japan re-start all Nuclear plants, result will be complete destruction of Japan and south Korea and most parts of North Korea, as well as east of Russia, West of USA, and complete destruction of Hawaii Islands, mass heat and destruction in North pacific ocean and pacific ocean. Already some reverse reaction taking place in Greenland.

In addition some parts of earth will see deep freeze temperature, for example People in warmer area with usual warmer and above average heat will see 10 degrees below zero and will need heat to survive and some with usual cold weather will see 60-70 degrees below the usual temperature. This is the result of vacuum created by “BHE”.

What I described is only if we act fast and stop a chain reaction of “BHE”, otherwise if we are not stop the chain reactions from happening, and let it to happen, then we are looking for a new earth with a new form of existence as of “NEEM” form of life, basically our form of matter will completely transform from “ENEM” Form of matter to “NEEM” form of matter.

We have no solid technology and strategy to prevent such a chain reaction, unless all scientists, & nations act united and take my scientific data and calculations, and work with together to come up with solutions.

Just a heads up: In coming remains of year 2016, you will see sudden changes of temperatures throughout year, against the rules of usual season temperatures, and with sudden mass heat for longer periods; in "A1" area of my prediction map, unexpected Mega Magnet waves covering most areas from Japan till USA through Europe and Sudden interruptions in communication with outer space areas, unexplained aviation failures. Develop of new forms of illness, higher numbers of cancers and re-develop of old types of viruses and diseases long gone but returning again with much stronger versions; these are results of reverse reactions caused by “BHX” which is contains “BHE” and “BHO” and trillions of other BH’s.

What is happening now by use of  technology  by scientists to avoid climate changes is only adding to problem to what knowing as a climate changes or global warming and it is speeding up the reverse-reaction by “BHE”. The action taking place now is not helping and it is only adding to the problem, basically I am asking to stop it now.

Reminding you that every minute delay in solid action and not following my scientific recommendations; is only adding 4 more causalities per minute.  We have no Technology to stop it, but we have ability to delay it or reduce the causalities and degrees of destruction. I have so far came up with design of technology that can save some nations.  

We must trust in Theory of “ABHX” and the scientific facts and calculations supporting the existing threat by “BHE”.

Since Reverse – Reaction has a direct impact in space program, and it will change all the mathematical and algorithm calculations and NASA has no choice than making new updated calculations based on new reality and position of earth, by not being able to make any space program or sending any shuttle or even space rocket will be impossible; Lives of all dedicated men and women in space station will put in danger.

One of the results of “BHE” will be direct affect in sun and other planets in our solar system. It may not be as important as it is to concentrate all our focus in to the Inner Space Black Holes, but we must know that these inner space black holes will have a direct impact in outer space black holes. I doubt that shape of our planet and other planets in and out of our solar system will change if the chain reverse reaction take place, but I am sure that the position and place of our solar system will be affected and there will be some changes in duration of days, seasons, ground temperature in earth and any other planets in our solar system.

According to some data collected from “BHT”, the impact of Reverse Reaction caused by “BHX’ and its products like “BHO” and “BHE” could be transform our life from one matter to other in such a ways that some of living organisms make this transformation in such a ways that continue their existence in a none existing matter forms accepting and adapting to it as it should be.  

There is no question that, structure of global DNA is changing and all because of “BHX” which been with us as long as we existed, But never been known to us until now.

Details about (“BHX”, “BHE”, “BHO”, and “BHT”) are so delicate and complicated to understand, so I just provide details about their cause of actions; instead of how they work and why they exist, how they shape , act,and grow , where they are about, why they connected and why there are trillion –infinite of them; Which needs to be explained as I came up with logical scientific explanation and calculations which over hundreds of pages of details. 

While worlds believes that nuclear weapon is a weapons of mass destruction and  the solution to energy crises they do not aware of this weapon is considered no longer weapons of mass destruction, neither clean sources of energy.

My calculation showing that the cause of so called climate change is only “BHX” and action by “BHE”, but at this time scientist looking at wrong directions and in reality by contributing to stop so call climate change they action will be results in speeding up the destruction of earth.  

For last time, let me re-introduce myself, as a person with a cause. Cause to make our world a better place to live and cause to bring new innovation and discoveries to live; First and only scientist that able to identify, calculate and understood Trillion infinite existing Inner Space Black-Holes that dictates and mandates existence of our planet and our rights to exist as we are existing up to now.


Special and general Theory of “ABHX”

WHY THE “BLACK HOLE – X” IS SUCH an important matter?

“BHX” is combination of millions of Black Holes that existed since beginning of our universe. They have been with us since creation of our universe, and essential to our existence. The most important Inner Space Black Holes are “BHE”, “BHO”, and “BHT” as they are the most active Inner Space Black Holes. In order for us to exist, we do need existence of all millions Inner Space Black Holes; main while any action to mandate  “BHE”, “BHO”, and “BHT”  to cause a Reverse – Reaction will bring unbalance to universal laws of existence. The result of mass reverse reaction in a short time by any of “BHE”, “BHO”, and “BHT” will create catastrophic results and it will transform our universe as we are into as they mandate us to be. The results of mass chain reverse reaction will create another Big Bang once again, not as scientists thought of it up to now, but as Aria discovered and calculated to be. The most major problems in our universe are existing, and not finding solution to the many worlds health, environmental, psychological issues is that, because of not having full knowledge about Inner Space Black Holes or better understanding of “BHE”, “BHO”, and “BHT”.

What do Heat – waves produces by “BHE” sound like?

It sound like over 1000 hydrogen Bomb released at once. This heat and wave will effect in global temperature and aviation and space programs. It will divide earth into two or four areas such as: possible to live with complete change of life style, area that impossible to live and area okay to live with 180 degree change in life style.

How a “black hole X” would save you or kill you?

We must know that “BHX” is combination of millions of Black Holes that existed since beginning of our universe. They have been with us since creation of our universe, and essential to our existence. Without them universe cannot exist and life never been exist as we have lived till now. They are as important as oxygen, but they could become deadly when they respond to rapid changes in universal laws and decided to react by conducting they own reverse reaction. The fact is that the reverse reaction happened in past and still taking place many times. What is important that it won’t happen in mass or larger scale in such a short period, and if reverse reaction become a chain reverse reaction then our universe must say goodbye to life as we lived in over 4 billion years. So we are the one who transforming the “very useful Inner Space Black Holes” to “a Killer Inner Space Black Holes”.

“BHE”, “BHT” and “BHO”s background:

To understand “BHE”, “BHT” and “BHO”; we must understand fundamental of Theory of “ABHX” and how each individual Inner Space Black Holes are functioning and how they have been created, why created, when created, how long will continue to exist, why we need them, how and what cause the reverse reactions. As “Aria Javan” explains in the Theory of “ABHX” by using a logical, scientifically calculated and supported by facts and evidence to give answer to above questions, which it takes hundreds of pages of calculation and facts and wide open mind to relate the facts and understand it.

How “black-hole-X” could be necessary to maintain life and existence of human and our planet and in some circumstances become threat to every lives and existence of our planet: the answer to this question is simple “how far we will push the boundaries”.

Theory of “ABHX” by ARIA JAVAN: It explains that how “BHE”, “BHT” and “BHO” and other Inner Space Black Holes created, mandated our existence, and mandate our no- existence, how transform “ENEM” form of matter to “NEEM” form of matter.

Theory of “ABHX”: Facts

Theory of “ABHX” is about Trillion Infinite (Black-Holes) and its recent reverse reactions that considers clear and present danger to our existence not as a nation but as a human.
These Black-Holes are with us as long as we exist and after we no longer exist in “ENEM” form; matter of facts every humans existence are depend on these Black-Holes
“BHX” which contains “BHO” and “BHE” and over millions of different types of Black-Holes acted in benefit of universal laws by balancing the existing form of universe by their existence started from beginning of the universe and up to now.
Fast growing nations all around the world start causing Reverse-Re-Action by “BHO”, and “BHE” which caused rapid instability in balance of universal Laws of existence as we know it now in form of “ENEM”,  and begun the transformation of life as it is now to the “NEEM” form of life.
There are no technologies to prevent this reverse – re – action, and to find the one, we need to act now.
The fact is up to now the universal laws were mandated that “ENEM” transform to “NEEM”; over trillion infinite times in every second and “BHX” was able to manage it, receive it, and store it. This transformation was one way highway that only transformed “ENEM” to form of “NEEM” as our universal laws designed to do so.
Once a while some of “NEEM” reverse their directions and caused destruction of “ENEM” before transforming to the form of “NEEM”, which there was no concern about it and it was considered as a usual reaction by “BHX”.
we as a human start causing Reverse- Re - Action to this perfect universal Law existed since creation of universe. Our action caused a creation of second high way that allow it “NEEM” reverse its direction and instead of “ENEM” form of existence become “ NEEM” form of none existence; the reverse started to take a place in massive scales in such a short time; causing the transformation of particles change its direction.
This reverse will cause some damages, but not catastrophic results if it is not a Full scale of Reverse – Reaction by forming a chain Reverse – Re- Actions. The result of chain Reverse – Re – Action will cause that the all “ENEM” forms of life transform into “NEEM” forms of life. 
The reverse reaction already started but not yet created massive release of “NEEM”.
Once “BHE” established its bridge to reverse its massive energy, then “BHO” will start using its own reverse bridges to do as it has been done in past since existence of life, but this time in high volume, High volume of reverse reaction by “BHO” in a short time means that increase in numbers of new illness plus the old illness will come back to life as we thought they been eliminated long time ago.
 Practically it is Re-born of long gone illness and viruses and birth of new and more advance illness which hard to understand and fight with it.
This is not a battle can be win by any military or political action, this enemy created by a human not aliens and not any other living species; these phenomena knows No (Religion, Nationalities, Races, Rich or Poor, gender, ethnic and color of skin) and it begun its formation in about 50 years ago. It cannot be seen or felt by any person in the form of “ENEM”, but can be seen and felt its catastrophic impacts and the results of transformations.
What scientist call it climate change is in reality caused by “BHE”
In order to understand the DNA of “BHE” they need to have an access to “BHT”. The fact is that, collecting any data from “BHT” cannot be possible in year or two and need years of process and it is much complicated than it seems; It took over 20 years for Aria to have limited access to “BHT”.
 what is the cause and sources of this reverse reaction, how to reduce the impacts and how to stop it before developing and becoming a chain- reverse re-action is discovered and guided by Theory of “ABHX”. 
 It is certain that we cannot stop reverse reaction which is already in the progress and we must not do so to stop it; we must only gently redirect its path and delay its reaction; stopping of the reverse reaction which is already in the progress will bring more harm to us than good.
Theory of “ABHX” describes the known sources of cause, and it is able to reduce the damage and prevent catastrophic damage and causalities, but let’s not go ahead in order to stop it completely the reverse reaction already in progress, and we shouldn’t willing to do so; because once it is in the progress and passed the reverse reaction by building its own bridges, it must take place and preventing such action will have more consequences.
 “Everything so far scientists discovered is wrong” and once they have better understanding of “BHX” and how “BHO” and “BHE” works, they will set their mind and focus in the right direction.
The only thing he is certain is that several mass Reverse – Re - Action took place in past two years for a less than a minute, it is matter of time that “BHE” build Reverse Bridges.
We are in the stage that, we cannot stop this reverse reaction. We can only delay and reduce the cause of impact.
These Trillion infinite existing Inner Space Black-Holes that dictates and mandates existence of our planet and our rights to exist as we are existing up to now or transform to a new form of existing of – none – existence” are not known to any scientists till now.
Theory of “ABHX”: It is about transformation of “ENEM” Form of matter to a “NEEM” form of matter.
Reverse reaction by “BHX” will create a big bang once again, this time it shape and changes everything.
 “There are a few ways and technology that may help us to redirect impacts of “BHE” to minimize the impacts of reverse – reaction, if we act fast and now.”    
 It is not Question of If. It is Question of when, how wide and how severe will be the impact!
There are no military, scientific ways, and technology exist at this moment; to avoid this reverse reaction, there are only two things to do; one is to start preventing reverse reaction become a chain reverse-reaction and two is to find a way to delay or reduce the causalities; according to my calculation and basic and fundamental Rules of Theory of “ABHX” the Reverse-Reaction already in progress, it is building massive reverse bridges to create a mass Reverse – Re – Actions, as we are speaking at this moment.
The true fact is we have no technology to go against the “BHX”. No Scientist been able to identify this Supper ultra-Phenomena
Reverse Reaction of “BHX” Knows no religion, race, countries and acts only based on universal laws; perhaps we can say reaction into responding to action by universal laws and as we all know for any action in this universe there is a reaction.
We are facing enemy that: we as a human created, it cannot be seen, felt, or observe, since it is not in our form of life, But once reverse its direction and we all can see the results of its reverse re action as have been took place in past, but it’s accelerating and as it taking shapes now.
We are facing enemy that we only can see result of its damage.
There is no question that we are in certain and none-stoppable age of this Reverse-Reaction caused by “BHE”; the process of Reverse-Reaction already in progress, and focus should not be in trying to prevent it from happening, the concentration and focus should be on how we can reduce the speed of this mass reverse reaction and numbers of causalities and perhaps develop of Technology to protect some areas.
 Reverse-Reaction by “BHE” means release of over tens of thousands of Hydrogen Bombs at the same time creating mass heat and Mega magnet waves cross the globe 
 “BHE” does not have any radioactive effects and only produces mass heats and Mega – Magnet forms of Energy, enough to make life impossible in some areas of the earth.
There is no question that, structure of global DNA is changing and all because of “BHX” which been with us as long as we existed, But never been known to us until now.

Energy / mass/ speed of light and its connection to Inner Space Black Holes:

Inner Space Black Holes are not created exactly as Outer Space Black Holes.
Inner Space Black Holes has no Mass / Energy/ or speed and time
Inner Space Black Holes has no limit in holding any form of “NEEM”
Inner Space Black Holes has no effect to outer space Black Holes as long as there is no chain reverse reaction takes place.

A “Black-Hole-X” close-up and its impact in and around the world

You don’t need to look far to see impact of Reverse – Reaction by “BHE”, and “BHO”; what so called a climate change and unusual heat and cold, return of diseases that assumed to be eliminated long time ago and return of much stronger and transformed viruses and disease out breaks are just beginning of many impact from reverse reactions. 

Are “black-hole-X” real?

Yes, all Inner Space Black Holes are real; “BHX” existence is independent of our existence but our existences are dependent to existence of “BHX”. 

Largest “black hole X” could reach to hold Trillion – Infinite of Sub-Black Holes, such as “BHO” and “BHE”, “BHT”, and many more.

What is the “black-hole-X”, “BHO”, BHT”, “and BHE”?

Black Hole X is an Inner Space Black Hole that connects all Sub – Black – Holes to each other and facilitates any communication or action and reaction between them.

A simple way to retrieve data that transformed to “BHX” is by accessing to “BHT”, and gaining such access requires building hundreds of thousands of bridges, and it needs full knowledge of “BHX” and years of dedication; it took over 20 years for Aria to have a limited access to “BHT”; and He is not only one had a such access in past; In fact an access to “BHT” will allow more access to “BHO” and BHE”; basically access to “BHX”.  

Supermassive “BHE” weighs in zero but holds heat and wave of equal to over 1000 to 100,000 hydrogen bomb. In other way it is not even hold such heat and wave in “NEEM” form and it require to conduct reverse reaction and form “ENEM”  to create such a massive heat and waves.

“BHX” Has no mass and takes no space and it is not limited by time, but can transform to mass and time. Basically it is the form of “NEEM”.  

The hunt of what causes reverse reaction:

“ENEM”, “NEEM” reverses transformation caused by our recent urges for more technologies and our needs for more and longer life. Which can be done but in a right way and not the way we are doing now. Science is in wrong path, scientist not understanding that what they are creating to comfort human in one step a time, also creating conditions that one step a time guiding and taking them closer to end of the way we live and survived.

Connections between Quantum Mechanic and “BHE”

At this time we have to define quantum Mechanic existence and roles in “NEEM” form of matter which “BHE” is exist and look to find out that it has any connection or even if it is exist.

General theory of “ABHX” and Transformation of “ENEM” form of matter to “NEEM” form and vice versa:

This action caused a creation of second high way that allow it “NEEM” reverse its direction and instead of “ENEM” form of existence become “ NEEM” form of none existence; the reverse started to take a place in massive scales in such a short time ; causing the transformation of particles change its direction. This reverse will cause some damages, but not catastrophic results if it is not a Full scale of Reverse – Reaction by forming a chain Reverse – Re- Actions. The result of chain Reverse – Re – Action will cause that the all “ENEM” forms of life transform into “NEEM” forms of life.

Special and general relativity contribution to Theory of “ABHX”

Capability to Travel across the universe without any restriction of time and place and independent of mass and time is possible by accessing into the “BHT” which allow us to travel to past and future, not as the theory of relativity described it; but much faster, accurate and easier. Fact is Special and general Theory of “ABHX” proves that Special and general relativity is wrong in principle.

Aria takes a trip through a “black-hole-X” and discover the only remained unanswered question of mankind, which are:  “what happens when any living organisms dies, how minds works, how mass and energy connected to each other” and he came up with several Logical and scientific explanations with Rock – solid – evidences to support it.

Question of space! Mass! Energy! , and how they connected to “BHX”?

 No connection what so ever, No mass, Energy, Space or Time exist in “BHX” as we known in form of “ENEM”.

What would happen if earth and everything on it affected by Reverse-Reaction and fell into a black hole that only exists in the “NEEM” form of life?

Aria as a Fair observer of both “ENEM” and “NEEM” form of matters do see this transformation as it is in progress and has primary vision of how it forms. He discovered that what recreates birth of supermassive “BHE”, and “BHO” by access to their sources through “BHT”.

Crazy facts about “BHX”:

Super-massive “BHX” with over million types of “Inner -Space-sub- black-hole” shaping and transforming in a speed of infinite light speed between form of “ENEM” and “NEEM” and no restriction of time and mass with any gravity wave. It is lack Holes but no gravity or  magnet forces exist or even operates in “BHX”.

Everything you wanted to know about “BHX”

A “Black Hole X” can eat universe in speed of infinite light speed. Basically our universe can transform from “ENEM” form of matter to “NEEM” form of matter infinite times of speed of light. As in past several billion years billions of “ENEM” form of matters transformed into a “NEEM” form of matter per less than a second.

What exactly are “Inner Space Black Holes” such as “BHX”, “BHE”, “BHT”, and “BHO” and what happens inside them, what are made of, what made them to become and what cause them to have a reverse reaction, cause of this reverse reaction and consequences or outcome of it!

Why better understanding of Theory of “ABHX” and science behind it will lead to better innovations – and creation of much advance technology and logical steps to avoid any harsh consequences caused by reverse reaction.

Aria has rock solid scientific answers to all above mysteries. 

What will be the result of Falling into a “Black Hole X”!

“BHO” can be found in the most unexpected place with unexplained out comes.

“Black hole X”’s have a size limit of its own capacity in its own time range while has no connection to time, basically time is not exist in Inner Space Black Holes.

New Scientific view point: the first signs of merging “Sub – black – holes” in “BHX” indicating that more reverse reaction taking place, more merging taking place between all sub Black Holes.

Does a “BHX” have a shape?

The answer is NO; “BHX” has no mass and independent of time and not in form of energy; then it is not exist in the form of shapes or sizes.

Who could be impacted by reverse reaction by “BHX” and its Sub - Black - Holes?

The answer is simple: everything exists in any form as become “ENEM” matter.

How it is possible that “BHX” would kill you?  

By conducting Reverse Reactions.

What are proven to exist in “BHX”?

“BHX” exists in Inner Space as well as outer space, Aria’s scientific calculations say.

Scientist, Aria proves that “weigh” “Black hole X” with no mass but, infinite relative capacity in the form of “NEEM”

Travel inside a “BHX” is possible?                     Yes Through to the “BHT”

Top supper facts about the Inner Space Black – Holes known as “BHX”.

Giant “BHX” colliding in space could have blasted the earth?

NO, But reverse reaction by any Sub – Inner Space –Black – Holes from “BHX” can cause a catastrophic destruction and transformation to earth and every one.

Visible reverse reaction from a “BHE”, “BHO”, and “BHT” has been detected for the first time in earth? Yes many times, but none of them so far took place in a mass reverse reactions or chain mass reverse reactions.

A quantum theory of “BHX” could solve universal mysteries?  Yes

Aria says there are no such things as Outer -Space - black-hole are connected to  Inner – Space – Black – Holes or have major similarities. They could merge to each other, but they created by different sources and act differently.

Horizon – earth can be destroyed by “black hole X”?

Yes, by creating a reverse reaction and ultimately by becoming a chain reverse reactions, Aria says as evidence and calculation proves and supported the facts.

Other amazing facts about “black holes X”

Gravitational wave does not exist in new type of black hole known as Inner Space Black Hole or (BHX).

Technology to prevent the reverse reaction: Exist and not exist.

What is the recipe for making super-massive black hole X?

Require hundreds of pages of scientific explanations, evidence, and calculation which already completed.

“BHX” discovery forces universal rethink about how to live, take an action and advance our technology.  

 According to my scientific calculation and collected data, Greenland will face much rapid Ice sheet meltdown starting between years 2019-2021. This meltdown of Ice sheet will intensify after a much less temperature than normal for period of 12-18 month, followed by over 25 times faster meltdown than we are facing at this time; making dramatic change in geographic and organic shape of Greenland. This will impact the economy, geographic shapes, health, and in overall lives of surrounding areas and much farther than Europe.

The catastrophic damages and illness, as well as other environmental damages are far greater than that existing system and human resources able to deal with it.

The impact of reverse – reaction by “BHE” which is already in progress will cause with some warning in years 2019-2021 in form of viruses which it's impacts will  remain active for as long as 20 years or more. and much greater in and after year 2022; major first impact is year 2030 which last till 2040.

According to my 25 years of research and access to “BHT”: “what we are facing right now is not a climate change, yes we have a global warming, but the source of global warming is not what scientists came up with it.”

The reality is that the only source of global warming is the “BHE”. In past recent years “BHE” and “BHO” have been able to create bridges and communicate through “BHT”.  

What is happening now is that “BHO” and “BHE” progressing much faster than 25 years ago and the results of catastrophic damage from reverse-reaction by theses phenomena will cause several billions lives, regional and global economic turmoil, and it will reshape the geographic landscapes  .

Here are what we facing now:

- The return of old diseases and illness and some more stronger and complicated diseases and illness taking place by reverse reaction from “BHO”.

- At the same time “BHE” contributes in Global Warming, and since most scientists are not aware of “BHX” and true reason behind the global warming, then their actions helping “BHE” become stronger and Global warming speed up much faster, this means that reverse reaction by “BHE” will become stronger. The fact is: what scientists doing now to reduce the global warming, in reality giving opposite result which we will see soon the impact of such wrong approaches.

- Once these reverse reactions become a chain reverse reaction then it will take less than 10 days to reduce population of earth from over 7.3 billion to less than a million.

- What we are seeing now is that: return of new outbreak of old diseases, some stronger than ever, some never existed ever.

 - After every outbreak we are seeing a back to back earth quakes or Magma Wave of frequencies.

- These signs are just initial warning of reverse reaction by “BHE”, and “BHO”.

What is these got to do with Greenland?

Unlike “BHO” which is created locally, the existence of “BHE” is not created locally; “BHE” is originated in USA, China, South Korea, Russia, France, UK and Japan.

What is causing this rapid and faster than anticipated meltdown in Green land is by “BHE” and its reverse reaction.

Green land is facing the returns of new types of illness and diseases as we see in other parts of Globe which caused by reverse reaction by “BHO”, Followed by Magma Wave Frequency.

Based on my scientific calculation around 2016-2019, it will be massive Magma Wave Frequency causing earth quakes in Norway, Iceland, Denmark, or Sweden, as well as far east parts of Canada, most likely in Norway, The destructive impact wont take place till year 2030-2040.  

As it is exists at this time and becoming stronger, Magma Wave of Frequencies (M.W.F) is concentrating all around Green Land and Alaska (USA). Which becoming much stronger as days goes by and  as Reverse – Reaction become more advance and it is establishing bridges between “ENEM” forms to “NEEM” forms.  “Understanding of this matter requires over 200 pages of scientific calculations and facts”, which I have done.

Impact of reverse reaction by “BHE” will increase the temperature of Greenland and Alaska – USA areas rapidly, creating much bigger Meltdown of Ice Sheets creating more lands and destruction of the existing lands not in Greenland and Alaska areas But areas as far as USA, Europe and far south.

We are talking about 25 times faster meltdown of Ice Sheets than we facing now. So do the Math.

“M.W.F” is existing at this moment in Greenland and Alaska with the highest frequency and much greater than other parts of Globe.

The key to reduce the causalities and damages from impact of “BHE” – not to stop it, since its already in progress is to be able to reduce the “M.W.F” produced from Reverse reaction by “BHE”; by doing so we can delay the impact and reduce the scale of the impact.

In order to reduce the degrees of “M.W.F” and by doing so reducing the speed of developing and establishing a reverse-reaction by “BHE”, I have developed technology that may help us by having  advance position and able to control the global warming. Basically our Globe temperature will be under our control as we have control of temperature in our rooms.

If we do not build, and place this technology in Greenland and Alaska- USA areas by the end of year 2030, we have zero chance to prevent this catastrophic event.

I have a Rock-Solid, Scientific; and long term Solution to global warming.

The Impact of Reverse-Re-Action by “BHE is real; it is in progress, and the damage is catastrophic. Using “C.GWD” Technology as I have designed is our only chance if we act sooner!