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~ Aria Javan – Re-Writing Science in universe

Imagine this:

Imagine an Object In the Front Of One Mirror, Now Imagine That We Increase The Numbers Of The Mirrors by placing them in a right angle with a right distance to create multiple image of the object; now you have hundreds of the images in each mirror, now imagine that we keep adding more mirrors with specific angles to increase the numbers of the image until certain numbers of mirrors placed in unique places and facing calculated angles to create infinite image of our original object; now imagine that we take away object and no longer object facing mirrors, and finally imagine even the object is no longer exist still its image remains and multiplies to infinite numbers. Now imagine this step takes place in production of energies! Once we advance the numbers of application to multiply our original energy into infinite individual application by use of Aria’s second and third “ONSEE” Law and by applying “Aria’s Rule 2357” in any given application including application zero and application alpha; it is certain that even after elimination of original sources of energy as of application alpha still we have infinite sources of energies as an independent application zero which produce unlimited amounts of energies as this reaction take place in sun.
Now imagine the technology that makes it possibility.
                                                                      ~ Aria Javan


  What is (BHOΩ)? What are the sources of (BHOΩ)? How we can eliminate the   (BHOΩ)?

The answer to all above Question is “Highly classified data”

But one Question can be answered. “How (BHOΩ) is related to death Whales, dolphins, Bats; and Mysterious massive death of millions of Fishes and other sea species, How this effect human, and economy of people and which countries are most in danger and will face catastrophic impacts from infecting to  (BHOΩ)?”

It is appears that the Initial result of examination by the Veterinary Pathologists supporting 100% my initial conclusion about how, why, and what cause of the death; I am certain that the COD of these whales are by (BHOΩ).

It is wise that “The Veterinary Pathologist to look for identical Marks on the Whales Skin, these marks are deep enough to been found even if the skin of death whale are badly damaged; Initial findings from necropsies suggest blunt trauma for two whales found dead, I have the cause of such trauma; this means that I have been right from the beginning and the only source of such impact is “BHOΩ”.


It is also wise that to have the depth of marks on the skin which initiated on the skin and moved towards inward; plus same types of marks should be seeing in head and tail of the death infected whales but vice versa. We must not allow these parts of whale absorb in sea or any living cycle which has capability of infecting the other species no matter they are living in water or out of water. It is crucial to keep head, tail and Parts with marks separate for further examination.


We must accept that this issue we are facing is not new but critical; I have informed Alaska Governor about a year ago, I have warned government of Greenland as well as Denmark; Norway, Finland, & Sweden for potential catastrophic event in progress, but seems politic ignored all the warnings, same as they ignoring importance of impact by (BHOΩ).
I have informed several government offices in east coast of Canada regarding what we are  facing now, Let us do not ignore this warning I have making now. Threat by (BHOΩ) is real and catastrophic.
The matter we are facing now is advance but small part of what is in progress for several years, “BHOΩ” is the cause for the similar issues in Green land, Alaska-USA, Bering Sea, increase in number of death sea species. Putting the entire fishing industries from Green Land, to entire east coast of Canada and USA, as well as Alaska – USA and entire Bering Sea and parts of west cost of Canada and south of California in the path of impact by  “BHOΩ”.
We must know that “BHOΩ” is not cause harm only in whales or sea species; it also impact in other animals and human. Since “BHOΩ” is not in outbreak level yet, therefore the animals like whales, dolphins, bats, and most sea species are vulnerable and showing the symptoms of impact. Once it will become an outbreak which will be by the year 2019, this will impact lives of all sea species and therefore other animals as well as human lives; and obviously it will impact the fishing industries and its economic setback.  

Scientifically saying: “BHOΩ” impact cause unusual changes in cells growth, it creates extreme pain in sea species nervous system; so painful that sea species like whale and fishes trying to get out of water to decrease the pain even if it will bring them death, and that is why we see blunt trauma in the whales; “BHOΩ” impact not always cause blunt trauma in sea animals sometimes they transform their DNA & change they looks or future generation. Basically it will re-writes the DNA and reform them physically and biologically to the point that they look like monsters because of their unusual looks and behaviors; this will explain the high #’s of sudden death of sea species or washed away large animal in beaches as well as appearance of different shapes of sea species.
Most likely the areas we have found whales are contaminated by “BHOΩ” impact and most likely whales were trying to shelter in this area to ease the pain. I must see the evidence before making my further scientific conclusion, but I have no doubt that  (BHOΩ) is the cause of such death.
I am not Marine Biologist, neither Have any interest in whales or related matter, but my science and data as well as discoveries will help to save future whales, dolphins, other species (sea or non-sea Species) from certain painful death; not mentioning saving lives of Millions of animals, and Millions of Human Lives; & protecting fishing industries.
I don’t see loss of few whales, I see the catastrophic event in progress; my aim is not saving Whales, my aim is saving lives of billions of sea species and other animals and loss of human lives. While they have the one piece of puzzle to turn around the outcome of what is in progress. I have discovery and science that connect all the facts and explain what Initial findings from necropsies suggested, and by not knowing the sources of cause cannot stop future death and save whales and other species from painful death.  
The source of cause to the death of Whales or changing their shapes and behaves or massive death of sea species is not in the sea, the results of it generates in the sea but not the sources; therefore the solution is not in the marine Biology, My scientific data will be the starting point to look for evidence in the right place, while the results is in the sea for now!!
This is not just death of few Whales, it’s much larger than it looks; it is part of initiating worldwide catastrophes which will impact other animals and human. It might be managed and reduced the devastating results at this time by implicating the right science and applying the right application by building the right technology, but as time goes by we may not be able to reverse the unwanted results.
I strongly am suggesting all government worldwide to take “BHOΩ” impact and future threat in high priorities.
Based on what so far known, we may face additional sea crises in very future soon as it is in progress. My data and scientific expertise showing that the Initial findings from necropsies provide more facts and data than published or unlikely the Veterinary Pathologists missed the clear details provided by the death whales.
I am strongly advising all organizations and Governments take the matter of Unfortunate death of these whales as an extreme environmental warning and use and preserve information at all cost. Reminding for the last time that this is not just death of few whales, it is chance to prevent further death of other species and human as well.  
 “We may expect more sea species to die soon, if the organizations and governments not take my data and research and not use the technology that prevents this matter from going further.
At this time most fishes and whales and other sea living animals dying because they are infected by (BHOΩ), source of cause of the death cannot be determined or discovered by Marine Biologist, since Marine Biology is not the science behind this cause. I have the answer and science to solve the mysteries. I am the only hope and have the technology.
“It says the "unprecedented die-off" of six North Atlantic right whales in the Gulf of St. Lawrence last month represents about one per cent of the estimated 525 endangered animals now in existence.”
As a scientist I must say that “This is my least concern, my main objective is to prevent (BHOΩ) from becoming outbreak and cause same illness in the rest of animals and eventually humans.  
At this time (BHOΩ) can only cause illness and sever pain in nervous system in most sea species and much greater effect in whales and dolphins, sharks and force them to suffer with extreme pains, extreme pain that they rather die than live and suffer; or change they DNA and re-write their genes. Why Whales, dolphins, sharks and sea animal effected by (BHOΩ)? (Answer: classified), is there other animals suffer from (BHOΩ) or changes and re-shapes their DNA? YES, Bats are one of them.

Do human can infected by (BHOΩ) and suffer extraordinary pains or his/her DNA re-form and re-shape? Yes, matter of fact it’s in progress.
Do we have a scientific understanding of (BHOΩ), and able to defeat it? Yes and No, since the only person studied and research and discover about (BHOΩ) is me so yes I have the scientific understanding and Technology to defeat if we act prior to December first 2018; No we don’t because, I am the only scientist that studied, and develop the logic and re-write the science that understand that how the (BHOΩ) works and its existence.
(BHOΩ) is one of my top challenging scientific researches and the most highly complicated one. As every magic come with the price, my discoveries and scientific data has its own prices! 

Energy (ENEM) ⇶ ⇶⇶ NATURALY ⇶⇶⇶ stored (NEEM) at “BHE” ↺↹ (“EA”) Technology ↻↹ Return all energies back to the (ENEM) form for use.
Aria’s Equation to access Mega Sources of energies that stored equal to over “trillion a billion” nuclear energies.
Endless Sources of Energy to achieve Endless Sources of action, Re-shaping our universe, Re-advancing the Science.   
                                             ~ Aria Javan’s Equation of Mega Energy(ENEM) ENERGY ↺↭↻ (NEEM) ENERCY

Aria’s “∞ Ω” Equation / “Ω - Cells”

Creating “Ω - Cells” by “Ω - C” Technology Application.

Past Present “ENEM”;         ∞ future   “NEEM”             »~    {Past Present ≈ ∞ future}

𝛼 « 𝛽 « γ   ;    

  Is not depend on space vector application, but fully depend on (Time, MF, RMF, HV, HM) vectors with ∞ angle possibilities

 Ϣ is “NEEM” FORM & has 4 possibilities:

Ω⁄∞ = 0      (1)

 ∞⁄0 = ∞    (2)

(∞) ( Ω )    (3)

(0)( Ω)      (4)

Ϣ is the ultimatum levels can any cell advance – it is the final destination for any cells to form; it carries 4 possibilities which determined by unknown sources and no way for any human to determine the out-comes unless the human has made with other than human cells. Basically it is impossible for anyone to move further and calculate the next step. –  final conclusion : we are exist in past in order to reach the present; there are no future in the form of “ENEM” life form, the future only exist in “NEEM” form of life.

This Equation is final step of over 1501 initial calculations and steps.

If you think of nuclear Energy as a clean and massive source of energy, think again! Because ( ) Technology can produce over 1 Billion times more energy with no nuclear wastes.

Is innovation of past, ( ) Equation & Technology with capability of producing over 1 Billion times of nuclear Energy is the Innovation of present and sources of clean unlimited Energy for now and next 2000 years to come.

Aria’s  ( ) Technology – New Era to meet the most needed demand for Energy – New form of Energy – “ None – Radio Active – 6 – D – Energy”! The following Aria’s ( ) Equation is the key to stored used and wasted energy in past 5 billion years!

Recycling used and waste Energy by [Reverse – Magma – Frequency – Equation of ( )].

Producing Energy that equivalent to the “1 Trillion” nuclear Energy in a year for next 2000 years to come. New Sources of Energy with the following five possibilities:

( ) Equation is step 6570 of calculation of Reverse Magma Frequency and final step in finding injunction point of transforming (NEEM) form of Energy into the (ENEM) form as a useful energy known as (Magma – Frequencies) – unleashing used & waste Energy in (BHE) and Re-cycling it.
We may be able to absorb “ΩX” energies in the outer space and converted into the energy that can be used in Inner Space.
* I know that we have massive stored energies in outer space as a “NEEM” form. In reality some big chunk of this outer space energies are covering entire our planet earth and protecting it by preventing earth from colliding outer space asteroids.

But since we made so much energy in our planet earth in the form of “ENEM”, so reversing the mass energies stored in “NEEM” form won’t be a such a bad Idea.

If we can capture it as a (Reverse – Magma – Frequencies) (R.M.F) then we can Re-use it. After all, Energy that unused, or wasted, or used and transformed can be recycle and re-used.
When we able to Recycle Energy / the energy that unused, or wasted, or used and transformed and stored in “BHE” in a “NEEM” form sources of energies; we can produce infinite amount of energies without burning anything or creating a nuclear wastes.
Here is what: we use energy or waste it >>> this waste or used energy transform to the “NEEM” form and stored it in “BHE” with its unique storage codes which there are Billions of them. So if we access to the “BHE” and make sure all billion codes connect to one central code which it is connected somehow.
We reverse the code then.
We have a full access to the recycle sources of energy.
* In order to do so; we must make sure that the Re- recycling process act exactly reverse of recycling. While reverse reaction taking place, we create a bridge that flew in opposite direction of reverse – recycling.
So let say that reverse reaction of “BHE” in progress, so  in the “NEEM” form to transform to “ENEM” form, so if we  in “ENEM” form to between “NEEM” FORM.
Then we can unleash the recycled energies, and use it in “ENEM” form, but in the form of “Ω Magma Frequency”.
Basically it is energy but not form of energy we have in our planet as “ENEM” form and not form of energy we transformed into it in “NEEM” form.
Reverse of reverse reaction by “BHE” showing as following steps.
ENERGY (ENEM) ⇶⇶ ENERGY (NEEM) {↺↹ [ reverse reaction by “BHE”] ↻↹} ↭↭↭ [ unleash of recycled energies ] ↭↭↭

This energy is not in “ENEM” NOR “NEEM” form will be for use; it has different frequencies and we need completely re shape and reform of our equipment and the way and tool we use to convert energies.

It is a different energy, not electricity but similar with no same effect ; so we must use different tools either to convert it to be used by what we have now or we convert what we have now into new form of consuming energies. One thing is clear that we won’t face climate changes or face increase in global temperature.
Simply: (Ω.M.F) convert the waste or used energy in new “BHE”  ↱ “BHE” stored used or waste energy  ↱ ( reverse reaction takes place ) ↱ new forms of energy created ↱ {use of new for of energy (Ω. M. F)}  ↱ use of Energy that recycled  in “ENEM” form ↱ { producing energy to be stored in “NEEM” form  ↱ { reverse of reverse reaction apply} ↱↱↱ ∞    ↭ ↭⇶     ∰
Let’s say our planet exist about 5 Billion years; and all these 5 Billion years we as a planet / earth produced energies; all these energies as disappeared from our dimensions “ENEM” form of life , they stored in the “NEEM” form of life in “BHE” coded for these types of energies. The balance of equation of universal laws of physics remained stable when it was some amount of energies were produced naturally and it was transformed into the recycling form of it in “NEEM” form. 
Then we started production of nuclear energies which produced Mass-un-natural energies in the mass scales within a short time period.
Basically we start creating much larger scales of energy in much shorter time with new types and form of frequencies.
Therefore, transformation and its equation become unbalanced. “BHE” became un-stable since received more and more and much more energy in a short and short and much shorter time frame (Line) to recycle it and store it; therefore against universal laws of physics it started to reverse its action and Re-action/ responded to it by its own Reverse-Re-Action and by building a new direction (Bridges) opposite of it existed in billion years and designed by universal laws of creation.

ENEM > ⇸ ⇶ (ENERGY TRANSFORMED) ⇸⇶ > NEEM                                             [PAST]  

ENEM <> ⇼↭ (ENERGY TRANSFORMED) ⇼↭ <> NEEM                                   [PRESENT] 

The reason to above action and equation is that because over volume of energies produced in the past 70 years and all these energies must recycle in “BHE” in the “NEEM” form; but the reality is that the “BHE” did not designed or existed to recycle or store these high volume of energy in a such a short time. So in order to balance the above equations, it need to be empty its recycle / stored energies and perhaps better way to say is that “BHE” decided to give us back some of the energies we have forced on it (“BHE”) to take it and to hold on it.

The problem is that, the initial effect of such reverse – reaction is what we see – some call it climate change. But more we push “BHE” to accept and hold on into our used, waste, and unused energies; more “BHE” will push back and more “BHE” push it back, it will creates much stronger reverse reaction and much stable will be the reverse reaction and its bridges. This will cause chain reactions, which result in massive and un-controllable chain reverse reaction and much devastated and result in much, much higher catastrophic disasters.

Perhaps it is wise to say that, if you are planning for your next 10 years or looking for a future for your children; it’s wise to let go of such a dream. Simply not make a long term plan.

The results of reverse –reaction by “BHE” once become a chain reaction is that: the temperature of the earth in certain parts of earth will increase rapidly (How rapid you ask!? In the less than 10 days the temperature will rise to boiling point and keep rising.) the facts and calculations showing that temperature of Alaska and Greenland and Siberia Russia will be hotter than Saudi and temperature of Saudi will be so cold similar to Alaska.

What is about to happen is that two “BHE” which creating a pockets of (Magma-frequencies) in Greenland and Alaska will join each other between 2019-2021 or 2029-2031 or 2119-2121 and create a massive fire ball which will cover all Alaska to Greenland and north of Russia; Same event will take place weaker, but almost similar in the Antarctica. All ice in Greenland and basically Arctic will melt washing all area and causing unbelievable storm in entire USA, Europe, and Russia.

Basically, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, UK, Ireland, North parts of Germany, Holland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Canada, and Alaska USA will be washed away. So is parts of Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, south Africa, Swaziland, south parts of Australia,  New Zealand,  Fiji, Hawaii, Siberian sea Japan, south Korea,  Taiwan, Philippines, all small lands will wash away.  

- We are going to see more plane will mysteriously disappear in the sky while flying from one destination to the other.

We are facing change of Access (AX) in spin of earth from New Zealand to Norway; a significant shift in less than 10 days.

Basically west of Canada (BC) will become Alaska –USA like, Hawaii and California will be much colder East of Canada will be most likely like BC, and north of Canada become warmer. All countries bellow the Germany and Russia will have Egypt style weather.

China will see much higher heat in air in 2017-2020. Saudi will be much cooler; Ecuador and Cuba will see much higher flooding and earth quakes.

All are depends on once the “BHE” from Greenland and Alaska reach each other and AXES of earth will also rapidly changes from the result of external Magnetic forces.

Let’s go back to “EA” energies:

We have so much energy stored in “BHE”, actually over 5 Billion years of Energies. Its form of  used or wasted or unused energies that Earth produced which Transformed into the “BHE” in the form of “NEEM”; so there is a sources of Energy that we can recycle it and Re-use it over and over again.
Basically: Energy (ENEM) ⇶ ⇶⇶ NATURALY ⇶⇶⇶ stored (NEEM) at “BHE” ↺↹ (“EA”) Technology ↻↹ Return all energies back to the (ENEM”) form for use.
Instead of producing more energies, we can re-use the energy we wasted, or unused, or used which is transformed in to the “BHE”  and by transforming them back to the “ENEM” form, simply have endless sources of energies. By doing so, we can prevent Reverse-Reaction by “BHE”.
We can recapture the waste or unused energies idling in (NEEM) and re-use it. Funny part is that even when we used it, we can reuse it over and over again.
It is simple: we transform long stored Mega Energies from (NEEM) form into the (ENEM) for our use, while we using it, it will be transform into (NEEM) form which we can use our technology to recycle it and reuse it.
Aria’s Equation to access Mega Sources of energies that stored equal to over “trillion a billion” nuclear energies.
Endless Sources of Energy to achieve Endless Sources of action, Re-shaping our universe, Re-advancing the Science.  
                                                                                                                                                          ~ Aria Javan’s Equation of Mega Energy

So endless production of Energies; By using this technology we have capability of creating Green Hole – Blue Hole, Pink Hole, and gamma red Hole; yes we can and we will. Because we have the science, Equation, Formula, design, knowledge as well as the technology to do so.
If you think of nuclear Energy as a clean and massive source of energy, think again! Because ( ) Technology can produce over 1 Billion times more energy with no nuclear wastes.
Is innovation of past, ( ) Equation & Technology with capability of producing over 1 Billion times of nuclear Energy is the Innovation of present and sources of clean unlimited Energy for now and next 2000 years to come.
Aria’s  ( ) Technology – New Era to meet the most needed demand for Energy – New form of Energy – “ None – Radio Active – 6 – D – Energy”! The following Aria’s ( ) Equation is the key to stored used and wasted energy in past 5 billion years!
Recycling used and waste Energy by [Reverse – Magma – Frequency – Equation of ( )].
Producing Energy that equivalent to the “1 Trillion” nuclear Energy in a year for next 2000 years to come. New Sources of Energy with the following five possibilities:

Equation is step 6570 of calculation of Reverse Magma Frequency and final step in finding injunction point of transforming (NEEM) form of Energy into the (ENEM) form as a useful energy known as (Magma – Frequencies) – unleashing used & waste Energy in (BHE) and Re-cycling it.
Possibility of taking place is 99.99%; time of taking place 2019-2021 or 2029-2031 or 2119-2121

Possibility of colliding “BHE”’s 100%. The area of destruction resulting “Cycle – Magma – Frequency” is not determined; cannot be determined till 30 days prior to colliding.  Need data of Bang point one and two and more data of “R-BHE” one and two, to determine the magnitude and area of impact!  The point of impact is easy to estimate, just the radius of cycle-magma-frequency and which density expands are only can be calculated 30 days prior to impact.
There are massive sources of stored energy in “NEEM” form in outer space; I am not sure that existence of these massive energy is needed to protect integrity of universal laws of physics which preserving integrity of universal laws and it must be there to protect stability in universe or creating forces that un-stabilize or stabilize the universal laws of physics or could be simply the third possibility of just stored energies that staying there un-used and could be used as a sources of energies.
Outer space Ω energies (EΩEA) with following formula:
External Ω Energy Aria (EΩEA): Massive Sources of clean Energy – transferable to inner space energy.
Collecting outer space energies which only forms in “NEEM” form, and using it in inner space as a “ΩEA” process in form of “ENEM”
WHILE : “E₳” Is “ULTRA – NONE – RADIOACTIVE – 6 – D – ENERGY” Made by Advance “EA” Technology; E₳ is equivalent to over 1 Billion nuclear energy; E₳ ≥ 1000,000 (H – BOMB)     
             * EA technology can produce energy in the form of “Mag-Magma-Frequencies” the same ways that each Magma frequency from the “BHE” produces when join to another Magma Frequency from different sources of “BHE” , But designed to produce inner space Magma Frequencies in Earth only.
Aria’s  ( ) Technology – New Era to meet the most needed demand for Energy – New form of Energy – “ None – Radio Active – 6 – D – Energy”! The following Aria’s ( ) Equation is the key to stored used and wasted energy in past 5 billion years!
Recycling used and waste Energy or un-used and transferred Energy by [Reverse – Magma – Frequency – Equation of ( )].
Producing Energy that equivalent to the “1 Trillion” nuclear Energy in a year for next 2000 years to come. New Sources of Energy with the following five possibilities: This source of Energy exists only in (Inner Space) which is Earth. Not applies to outer Space sources of energies, which is much higher than inner space sources of Energies with infinite applications.

Following equation can transform External Ω Energy Aria (EΩEA) into the internal Ω Energy Aria (IΩEA):

Producing Mega sources of infinite clean inner space & Outer Space Energies with none radioactive wastes! Changing the way we produced and used Energies, moving forward 2110 years further.
The outer space (“EΩEA”) is the waste, used and un-used energies that produced by Electromagnet in the space, sun, other stars and other planets, even black holes and energy that produces by colliding different frequencies to each other. Which formed specific types of “BHE” in outer space; this means that the energy has been stored in a form of “NEEM”, but not in the reach of us or easy access by us or anyone; basically it is there but we cannot see or have it or reach it, unless we transform it into the “ENEM” form of energies.
My calculation showing that there are much higher volume of energy in outer space, perhaps over trillion – billion times or even trillion-trillion times of nuclear energy; my calculation also showing that yes, we can transform the energy from “NEEM” form into “ENEM” form. Do we will be able to contain it? I don’t know!

If you think of nuclear Energy as a clean and massive source of energy, think again! Because new Technology can produce over 1 Billion times more energy with no nuclear wastes.
Nuclear Energy Is innovation of past, "Omega EA" Equation & Technology with capability of producing over 1 Billion times of nuclear Energy is the Innovation of present and sources of clean unlimited Energy for now and next 2000 years to come.
Aria’s  ( Omega EA) Technology – New Era to meet the most needed demand for Energy – New form of Energy – “ None – Radio Active – 6 – D – Energy”!
Recycling used and waste Energy by [Reverse – Magma – Frequency – Equation of (Omega EA )].
Producing Energy that equivalent to the “1 Trillion” nuclear Energy in a year, for next 2000 years to come. New Sources of Energy with the following five possibilities:
( Omega EA) Equation is step 6570 of calculation of Reverse Magma Frequency and final step in finding injunction point of transforming (NEEM) form of Energy into the (ENEM) form as a useful energy known as (Magma – Frequencies) – unleashing used & waste Energy in (BHE) and Re-cycling it.If you think of nuclear Energy as a clean and massive source of energy, think again!

Ω7 Technology

Part A: Use of the Ω7 Technology:
- For the purpose of Medical use: use as apply of forces in point Ω, α, β, ¥, Ψ, Ѫ, A, B, C; as well as volume of ₽ applied by “H.V.R” & “H.V.G”.
The technology creates [Magma Reverse – “H. V. HM” frequency] and helps the area in contact with it heal itself by resetting its own DNA.
Ex. We have a bad tumor in the brain and we want to remove it. Instead of removing it, we sent a message to the DNA of the cell by form of [Magma Reverse – “H. V. HM” frequency] and create an environment that allows that the cancer cell reset its own DNA back to what it was before become a cancer tumor.
What we do is that: we place the technology in the area of target cell and apply it; duration time of apply and level of ₽ (H.V.R) & ₽ (H.V.G). Duration and time of apply varies depend on the procedures and severity of target. Main time the level of ₽α, ₽β, ₽¥, ₽Ψ, ₽Ω, ₽Ѫ, ₽A, ₽B, ₽C will remain same. These points of { ₽α, ₽β, ₽¥, ₽Ψ, ₽Ω, ₽Ѫ, ₽A, ₽B, ₽C} are (HM) and could also been used as sharp points; which ₽ in each points obeys from the formula, but instead of (HM) power/level; we have the ratio in the sharpness of impacts. So we will use the ₽ of sharpness in Ω, α, and Etc. and varies as it varies in (HM) form.
- This technology also can be used to repair nerve damage.  In reality, the damage nerve become much stronger, healthier and function higher than it used to be prior the damage.  In this type of treatment, we need usually 3 apply for duration of 10 second / less or more +/- 3 seconds.
First apply will be 10 second, which followed by second apply in 60 second for duration of 10 second followed by third apply after 12 hours for duration of 10 seconds.
Depend on case by case base; we may need more apply which the 4th apply will be in 24 hours after the 3rd apply for the duration of 10 seconds +/- 3 seconds.
For treatment of tumors in the brain we must use (HM) form and cannot use the sharp pointes.
This technology can also treats Parkinson, MLS, MS, some Heart conditions, Vision lost, more.
Since the fundamental fact behind this technology is to reset the cells to the original and most likely age 5. And the technology forces every cells to re-set themselves, therefore can be used to treat many more illness.

Part B: Basic details about “Ω7 Technology”:
The circles are only for determination of the points of Apply, and not exist at all.
Center circle is “2r”
Second circle is “3r”
Third circle is “4r”
Oppose circle is “5r” from the origin center Ω.

“Ω” point is in the center which all circles on each other, but oppose circle.
“β” point is located at intersection of oppose circles facing to the Ω at the center.
 “α” is located at the center of oppose circle facing “Ω”
“¥” is located at the intersection of oppose circle with the center circle with “4r”
“Ψ” is located at the intersection of oppose circle with the center circle with “3r”
“Ѫ” is located at the intersection of oppose circle with the center circle with “2r”
“Ω” is the center of all three central circles and point of (Kiss and Ride) for all four oppose circles.
{Ω7 Technology – Multiple use capability depends on several hundred thousand that applies on it – direct influence of applied by “H.V.R” & “H.V.G”}

In this technology “H.V.R” & “H.V.G” Lines only applies in parts of imaginary “Z” Line; which if we had imaginary “Z” line, then end of each “H.V” line will be the beginning point of another “H.V” line.
“A” is the points of passing line from the center of (α) with the circle (4r).
“B” is the points of passing line from the center of (α) with the circle (3r).
“C” is the points of passing line from the center of (α) with the circle (2r)
Part C: These are the Basic Ratio Formula, used in “Ω7” Equation to create ideal condition and application to use “Ω7” Technology for specified purposes.
S= a constant number to be used in all “Ω7” Equations – varies based on time-space-Magma Frequency.
S= (highly classified) – TBD for each 6th dimensions applied into the applications.
- Determination of “S” is depends on 5th dimensions applied in a different angles at a different time and space; regardless of reverse – reaction by Magma Frequencies and very much dependable to Magma Frequencies and angle of applies into the Ω and forces applies directly in “β” in general.
₽ (H.V.R) = 1.7 ₽ (H.V.G)
₽Ω = 2πr(S)
₽α = 2 ₽Ω
₽β = 7/14 ₽Ω = ½ ₽Ω
₽¥ = 4/14 ₽Ω = 2/7 ₽Ω
₽Ψ = 3/14 ₽Ω = 3/14 ₽Ω
₽Ѫ = 2/14 ₽Ω = 1/7 ₽Ω
₽A = 4/5 (₽Ω + ₽α)
₽B = 3/5 (₽Ω + ₽α)
₽C = 2/5 (₽Ω + ₽α)
Determination of how many β-α-Ω-Ѫ-Ψ-A-B-C- and ¥ needed:
Numbers of:

Ω = 1, α = 4, β = 4, ¥ = 8, Ψ = 8, Ѫ = 8, A = 4, B = 4, C= 4  & ONE (H.V.R) , ONE (H.V.G) LINE.Ω7 Technology


Arriving on Mars Alive!

Technology that makes it possible 
The space ship or Rocket cannot land on MARS with any living cells or any sign of life; basically no one lands on Mars alive.
Basically prior to landing they must pass the “X-Magma Frequency” or “¥ Magma Frequency” which is like ozone layer covering the Mars, it only affects living cells. Cannot be detected and it has no influence or effect on none living objects. 
Based on time and position any living cell in spaceship or basically any living person will need to pass the frequencies in order to enter and land on the Mars; if a person passes through the “X-Magma Frequency” his/her living cell basically die and transform to become a different cell; the point is that the person dies. If the living cell / person passes through “¥ Magma Frequency” the ship will land on Mars, but no sign of any living person or their remains. This matter applies to the any living cells even vegetable food, fruits, etc.
How we can prevent it and make sure this not happens, we need to use “HM-HV” Technology.
 “DA-WA” Technology – Multiple Uses
Ψ: sphere (HM) with r=1/32 r & V=4r/3 (πr)                 
 A6: there will be 360 (Ψ) located in this area, basically for every degree there will be one Ψ.
Extra “H.VG” Line broken line towards center, passing through (A3 & A4)
The “H.V.R” towards the center and at area (A3 & A4) in direction of outward
Note: All (HM) should be located at D = 11r/20 from Ground.
Outer area is the location of starting, turning, and ending point of (H.V. Line) which located at the Imaginary circle of (7r) radius. Which it is (1.5r) from the surface of A6. It is starting in 45 degrees from the center in a (Z) shape
“H.V.G” Line starts from the end point of (H.V.R) and goes in a opposite way and creates a “Z” path, and ends at the starting point of (H.V.R), creating several unique Areas with different uses, purpose, and effects.
(H.V.R) & (H.V.G) both are located on the ground zero level. Creating 4 area of “DA” / Dark Area; followed by 4 White Area “WA” at the north, south, east and west. These areas are the cause of (₽U) and (₽H), which ending up creating Q sources of frequencies. ₽ H + ₽ U = 1/ . ∞ = Q   (1)
The (Q) is ∞ times reverse of sum of “₽DA” and “₽WA”.
Which proves that ₽DA + ₽WA is zero; and Q will be infinite sources of reverse frequencies, which shaped as magma reverse frequencies.
“HM” Sphere with R=1/64r
α: total of 4 α / located at the surface of A1; with 90 degrees
β: total of 8 β / located at surface of A2; with 45 degrees
¥: total of 12 ¥ / located at surface of A3; with 30 degrees
Ω: total of 24 Ω / located at surface of A5; with 15 degrees
α, β, ¥, Ω are all “HM” sphere with radius of ( R ) which R= r/64 and located above the ground zero level up- for “5.5r/10”
Distance α, β, ¥, Ω placed must be D= 5.5r/10 or D-11r/20
Ψ must located at D=r/20, above the ground zero.
“A” Area is a very unique area that influence the other areas except areas created and shaped by (H.V.R) & (H.V.G) , and that will be 4 area of dark areas located in 4 corners and differentiated from other 4 areas created and shaped at same time with same forces and these areas are white area located at far north, south, east, and west.
Therefore: A2, A3, A4 are the grey areas which A4 is grey than A3 & A2; and A3 is grey than A2.
A1 has its unique facts and effects which influence the A2, A3, A4, A5, A6; but once created it will act independent, while it is very depend on existence of other areas.
So: Addition of ₽ (D.A) + ₽ (W.A) =0    therefore eliminates “BHE” and its mass energy; while “₽ H + ₽ U” will create a mass energies which is from the result of reverse reaction by “BHE”.
“₽ H” is the reaction caused by reverse reaction
“₽ U” is the energy that released from the transformation of “NEEM” Form into the “ENEM” form.
What “DA-WA” technology does?
This Technology has many uses, depend on the (₽ HVR) & (₽ HVG) applied into it
One of the major use of this technology is in reducing the impact of “BHE” and basically preventing and reducing the volume of “BHE” and stopping the reverse – reaction; “BHE” known as a climate change issue for most peoples.
“DA” area has its unique actions and “WA” area has a complete different reaction.
Space Ω
This is a Creation of funnel in center of “S-HM” Circle which influenced by four individual “J-HM” Circle in 45 degree angle from the center of Space Ω.
In order to create Space Ω, we need one “S-HM”, and 4 “J-HM”; “S-HM” has a radius of ® made by HM, and in the center of this “S-HM” there is an empty space that creates Space Ω with a radius of (r); this “S-HM” is surrendered by total of 24 (Y) which made from HV and located in certain distances from surface of “S-HM” and with 15 degrees angle from each other’s in the center of  Space Ω; and “J-HM” is made from pure HM and has 8 empty cut in each section with 45 degrees angle, this pure “J-HM” surrendered by 4 (Q) with 90 degrees angles with a certain distance from surface of the “J-HM” , the (Q) is same as (Y) with 4 times higher “HV” strength, this “J-HM” also has 4 (F) sources of “HV”  which located out sides of “J-HM” between two (Q) with 45 degrees angle with 1/3 of Q strength in “HV”
Each one of 4 “J-HM” is located in 45 degrees from the center of Space Ω and vertical lines with a distance of (r) between them. Reminding that R=10 r.
This technology requires much more additional scientific calculations, and its extremely important to be placed in a right location, with a right distance, and right angle; plus right amount of HM, and HV.
The “Space Ω” is somehow similar to “Ω - Hole” with some distinguish use as Ω types of space.
These are what we are going to face or see and expect to find in “Space Ω”
High volume of “αΩ - Magma frequencies” which balances the reverse transformation of each phase back and forth between “ENEM” and “NEEM” form with additional dimensions.
Reverse “α – DNA” transformation between “ENEM” stage and “NEEM” stages with a massive reverse ₽ in the level of resetting the DNA into “Ωα – DNA” as originated about 5 years after its development. 

Use of “HM-HV” Technology:
To make sure flying object such as plane, Rockets, space –ships or missile cannot be traced, targeted, and reachable; we must understand that it may be same project used as a base knowledge to all above matter. But design has a different aspect and detail of it different   based on use of “HM-HV” PROJECT.

Basically this project created to protect a space ship from a solar radiation; it can also been used to use to shield space ship from X-Magma Frequency and ¥-Magma Frequency with slight changes in design and some extra changes in shape and power of “HM-HV” sources.
The technology of (HM-HV) with some major changes can create a shield that basically disable radar system, satellites and unable the missile defence system to detect or reach the missiles.
Basically the Missile defense system cannot function once reach the target if it will intercepts and return to the original position lunched and instead of hitting the target equipped by “HM-HV” technology or known as “HM-HV-666” technology, it mirror its target most likely and return to origin / it may hit other targets but cannot hit the target as long as it is shield by “HM-HV-666” technology.
The technology can place on the top / head of the missile / Rocket or around the bottom of the missile or Rocket. I do not see necessary of covering all the missile or Rocket with “HM-HV-666” technology unlike for space ships we need to place this technology not “HM-HV-666” BUT “HM-HV” technology in the certain parts of space ships.
The missiles, Rockets or planes can be visible to the radars or satellites once the technology been turned off which require to do so.
Let say a plan took off from point “A” to go point “C”, and the technology is off and the plane need to be invisible to satellites and radars or unreachable by any missile defense systems; and it decided to turn on the technology and by doing so, all communications will disable and basically no one can locate or have knowledge of it or able to target it.
Basically the plane no longer exists, while a person inside the plane has ability to see outside and outside is exist for the plane and passenger inside the plane.
The shield created by “HM-HV” technology for plane or “HM-HV-666” technology for use in Missile or Rockets is only disable outside intervention or access; and inside the shield still has a control to outside; nothing inside the shield will be effected by these technologies, only it will separate them from outside world. that is why once defense missile approaches to a target if it detected the missile prior to activation of the technology , since missile to destroy protected missile arrive in "¥ - ¥ - Hole” area then return to its original / the place that defense missile lunched and target the lunching place. Because "¥ - ¥ - Hole” basically resets the time –space – dimension and reverse it so inside lunching path become a new target and its target become the initial lunching path.

“A.H.T” Technology / “A – HOLE - TRIALNGLE “
“A.H.T” Technology is the one of the most complicated and advance technology that forms creation of “A – HOLE – TRIALNGLE” area.
“A – HOLE – TRIALNGLE” or “A.H.T” is the area that considered products of Blue Holes, Pink Holes, and Green Holes. It is a form of Red-hole, but not as we created a red hole by using four regular pink hole with additional central and much stronger form of pink hole.
In the center of “A – HOLE – TRIALNGLE” which surrendered by four “G-Holes” and Two “C-Holes” around the central “B-hole”, in the exact center of “B-Hole” we can find or perhaps able to create an area that located at the center with a radius of K; this unique circle area is called a “Ω - Hole”.  
What we will be facing in “Ω - Hole” is beyond understanding of human.
“Ω - Hole” is designed to do many things and I am now willing to reveal the formula of access to “Ω - Hole” until I discover and find the way that ensure that no one will be able to use “Ω - Hole” capability against human lives. The reality is that every technology we create has a benefit and harm way of use to humanity. I do not want to make mistake that many other scientists made in past.
The area in the center of “B-Hole” which passing through “H.V.R Line” shares some but not all perspectives of  Blue Holes, Pink Holes, Green Holes, Blue Holes, and (red hole)½.
“A.H.T” Technology is the one of the most difficult and main time advanced technology ever I had faced in my 25 years research, with infinite data and opportunities to explore the unknown, it is the most advance form of way for creating “A – HOLE - TRIALNGLE “area.
“A.H.T” or  “A – HOLE - TRIALNGLE “ is the area that product of combination of frequencies by  Blue Holes, Pink Holes, Green Holes, Blue Holes, and (red hole)½ at the same time. What makes this very interesting is that each one of Blue Holes, Pink Holes, Green Holes, Blue Holes, and (red hole)½ contributes specific effect, amount and influences limited area of “Ω - Hole” by their unique Ω frequency and ¥ - Magma frequencies and transferring to each other’s frequencies so delegate that avoid any revers reaction by hosting or given frequencies. One more fascinating fact is that every one of Blue Holes, Pink Holes, Green Holes, Blue Holes, and (red hole) communicates through “BHT” without interfering to one and another or compromising each other’s DNA of existence. It seems that “Ω - Hole” is designed to make a bonding relationship between Blue Holes, Pink Holes, Green Holes, Blue Holes, and red hole.
Each one of Blue Holes, Pink Holes, Green Holes, Blue Holes, and Red Hole has their own identities, they created under different circumstances and have their own purpose and effectiveness with different shapes of frequencies, what makes interesting is that what we facing in “Ω - Hole” is combination of some action by Each one of Blue Holes, Pink Holes, Green Holes, Blue Holes, and Red Holes. It is sources of existence under one roof which has only specific parts of ever one of Blue Holes, Pink Holes, Green Holes, Blue Holes, and Red Holes identities. Like we have a “Ω - Hole” that has DNA of each one of Blue Holes, Pink Holes, Green Holes, Blue Holes, and Red Hole frequencies. Basically we created one sources of very unique futures which has the DNA of all Blue Holes, Pink Holes, Green Holes, Blue Holes and form as a “Ω - Hole”.
What is “Ω - Hole” or “Ω - H”?
“Ω - Hole” is the area that has the full abilities to ….
Human can enter into the “Ω - Hole”.
“Ω - Hole” has a specific Magma Frequency in the form of Ω - frequency, which these frequencies can affect to the brain and every part of human cells; by entering to this area the human cells will be confused and reset it-selves. Once living cell enters into the  “Ω - Hole” area, it absorbs Ω and ¥ Magma frequencies existed inside “Ω - Hole” which is the results of Co-ordinated reaction from the Magma frequencies generated from every each one of Blue Holes, Pink Holes, Green Holes, Blue Holes, and Red Hole frequencies. When the cells influenced by Ω and ¥ Magma frequencies, the human cells forced to transform their existing DNA to new “Ω - DNA”, But since the human cells DNA not capable of such transformation in such short time then existing DNA choose to form “α – DNA” which it means that existing cell’s DNA (Human Cells) will lost in the new time and space dimensions, and return to its origin which around age 5.
By choosing to transform to “α – DNA” the cell loses all the data and formation created and collected since age 5 years old. What this means that if a man enters to “Ω - Hole”, his cells transform into cells that identical to his cells when he was 5 years old. So if this person’s cell developed any diseases of illness or aging after he was 5 years old will be vanish from his DNA.
The “Α-DNA” gives ability to a human brain to extend its brain capacity and abilities; it gives extended abilities to a person’s mind to see, experience, discover the things that He has been unable to vision or even think about it. Basically the I.Q of a man become much higher than it was before.  This is not that this person become smarter, it means that this person obtain new era of thinking abilities and intelligent; he will have a different Intelligent thinking abilities, much sharper to see problems, identify the facts and find a long lasting and Rock solid logical solution in much shorter time.
This person carrying a “α – DNA” develops abilities to think in a different dimensions, because the frequencies controlling his thinking abilities are functioning in a Ω frequency.
Once the frequency in “Ω - Hole” influence the mind and every cells in this person and start effecting them then cells starts to re-setting themselves, the mind think and analyze data in a different frequency with a different speeds, you may call it Alien Frequencies, or Alien Intelligent capabilities and communication; but I call it a human intelligent which has access to the 6th dimensions; so it gives ability to calculate, imagine, formulate and eventually creates solutions and his mind functions in a much higher capabilities and frequencies than ordinary people or as he used to do.
A Person enter into “Ω - Hole” will have α – DNA which allows him to use his thinking ability in a Ω and ¥ frequencies which basically it gives his brain capability to access “BHT”; this access is not a full access, but it is a limited format of access, which allows him to see and collect data find issues and create a solution or solutions which not ordinary scientist or any scientists have such wide sources of data or capability to connect them and come up with a solid solution or solutions.
His mind has capability to think freely and out of Box, since his mind is not functioning in a 3D, instead of 6D, yes his mind think , see, analyze, research, formulate any matter and facts or ideas in a 6th dimensions; and by accessing into the higher dimensions, he has abilities to see different, and from 6 different angles, more intelligence ways; more possibilities, more information available to him; more details as well as more way of formulating the solutions and much more possibilities to approach, identify, eliminate and solve the problems.
This technology is much advancer than you imagine it. It has capabilities of doing so many things, while a person is in “Ω - Hole” their mind works much higher intelligent, they cells in his bodies has capabilities of self-healing, If we sent a man with lost vision born with vision, have all types of cancer, lost his memories, have a severe back pain, heart issues, cancer tumours, and broken in any possible way waiting to die into the “Ω - Hole”, after entering and remaining for about 72 hours; we have a man with 20/20 vision; cancer free, remembering everything, no back pain, no heart issues, and smarter, stronger that smartest and strongest man in the earth.
Each person can only enter in “Ω - Hole” only once, re-entering has a severe consequences; basically by re-entering his α - DNA  will transform into “β - ∞ – DNA” and cause reverse reaction, this means that a man transform to infinite years old man.
No second entre in any circumstances.

“Ω - Hole” act differently with non-human cells, this means “Ω - Hole” is not for animals and …
Calculation and collecting data about “Ω - Hole” is the most challenging research I have done in my life, mostly because involves Blue Holes, Pink Holes, Green Holes, Blue Holes, and Red Hole frequencies, their own capabilities, formulas, equations, quantities, and more; while it is fascinated and very interesting to study all the wide ranges of capabilities in  “Ω - Hole”, but connecting all data from each one of Blue Holes, Pink Holes, Green Holes, and Red Hole and their connection to each other at the same time and transformation of their frequencies to new format, understanding how these connection form and transform; how they stabilizing these infinite bridges of action and reaction without causing any distractions and sparks; how we have a very unique area that has specific amount of frequencies needed  from each one of Blue Holes, Pink Holes, Green Holes, Blue Holes, and Red Hole frequencies and how combination of all these frequencies creating such a unique new “ Ω¥ - Magma Frequencies” which contains just the right amount of frequencies in need from all Blue Holes, Pink Holes, Green Holes, Blue Holes, and Red Hole frequencies while still kept its own DNA of frequencies but acting with together making such amazing formation of  “ Ω¥ - Magma Frequencies”.
“Ω¥ - Magma Frequencies” has many useful tools and creates variety of results, the fact is “Ω - Hole” is as important as “¥- Red Hole Galaxy” and has much more things to offer, its ocean inside ocean.
Discovery of “Ω - Hole” was the most difficult, challenging, interesting, fascinating, complicated, twisted, and longest formulated calculation and research I have done and still continues; while creation of “Ω - Hole”, requires much complicated, much more sub-technologies, and twisted design; it requires “α – BH”, “β-BH”, ”C-BH”, ‘G-BH”, “H.V.LINES” ; which cause the creation of area that contains the DNA   from each one of Blue Holes, Pink Holes, Green Holes, Blue Holes, and Red Hole and all in one form as of “Ω¥ - Magma Frequencies”.
It is fascinating while it’s very challenging.
Above article is just highlight of what have been achieved and not full details and scientific calculations and supporting data about it.
~ Aria Javan

Re-Writing the Science!

About pink Holes & Red Holes & ¥ - Red Hole – creation of “∞¥ - Galaxy”:
The pink holes are the area that simply can create areas that considered like fall of summer; let’s say fall is the pink hole and summer is a green hole.
But pink hole are chosen to have a mix reaction and must companied by other pink holes to exist or create a Red hole which in most condition 5 pink holes always create 4 Red holes and dead zones plus “¥ Red Hole”

We have and need different types of pink holes in order to build this technology; for the purpose of building this technology, the center pink hole is different than other 4 surrounded pink holes.
Pink holes cannot be used alone and must company by each other. In this technology I have designed 4 pink holes with additional pink hole in center which have a different frequency / basically 4 pink holes have a same frequency but central pink hole has a different frequency. By doing this I have created 4 Red holes, which creates an area that considered as a Red tornado. These red tornados are inside the central pink hole and located between 4 red holes. There is a “¥ Red Hole” located in the centre of central pink holes which mostly unknown with not existed ordinary Magma frequencies; the frequency is combination of Magma frequency in Red hole with very unique differences, the difference is that Magma frequency in “¥ Red Hole” is not only generates its own frequencies as a circle frequencies but also creates reverse frequency at the same time in opposite direction of original frequency, which has only one logical explanation. The only explanation is that the “¥ Red Hole” is the window to “∞¥ - Galaxy”. If my calculation is right this “∞¥ - Galaxy” is considered super Magma Hole that hold entire Galaxy.
Access to the sources of frequencies exist in “∞¥ - Galaxy” required years of scientific calculation, the funny part is that I have the beginning of the formula and data and I have the end of the formula and results but I don’t know how to connect them / basically I have A and B but I don’t have data that take me from A to B. off course I will be able to calculate it, but again it took me 16 years to calculate how to create Red holes from Pink holes, and by accident I was able to find existence of  “¥ Red Hole”  which scientific evidence and logical explanations lead me to see the possibility of  “∞¥ - Galaxy” and its model formula.
I guess if we will be able to calculate and formulate a formula to access into frequency inside “¥ Red Hole” and able to exist as an “¥ - NEEM” form, we need a supper data calculation with the most fast and accurate computer to do the calculation, which if we have no miss calculation then we will be able to create a formula with all needed data to take us from point A to point B, which will be  “∞¥ - Galaxy” in about 1200 years from now; unless there is a solution already exist in “BHT” data bases which may take a day or centuries to collect them; Whatever is I am sure that,  it is worth to try it.
What is “∞¥ - Galaxy”? It is simply too simple to explain it, and it needs thousands of pages and additional hundreds of thousands of Scientific data, calculation and at the end one number and one Equation that ∑ (¥ + α) ∞ ……. Ω℮∫⅟¥ to a two-step formula.
My initial data and calculation indicates that if we create only two Red Holes we may lose the control of stabilizing the forces between them and cause a reverse reactions, and we may create much deeper dead zones and with no ¥ - Red Hole, which creates unstable environment with no central control of Magma frequencies.
Creation of two Red holes could force unwanted expansion in ↔ direction instead of ↔↕ direction.
My calculation only done for the radius of 1 km for each pink holes, which requires a (6 by 6) km of area and 12 by 12 km of safe zone. Which it creates 4 Red Holes that each contains energy equal to 200,000 times of nuclear energy in “NEEM” form and with additional endless sources of Energy in Magma frequencies with Micro heat of over 40,000 degree; which its completely safe and under the control.
The reality is 4 Red Holes are considered 4 Man-made Sun like Sources of Energy in the earth.
My calculation showing that creation of two Red Holes by using only 3 Pink Holes will create Red Tornados beyond our control but in a same time creation of 4 Red holes will isolates Red Tornados in the centre of central Pink Hole with the radius of “T” which is T= ¼ R and it will cause the creation of “¥ - Red Hole” and ultimately existence of “∞¥ - Galaxy”.  Still I don’t know the actual time – space dimensions and actual form of Magma frequency, I know that the frequency is the cycle form of frequency, which once it was created and initiated then continues for ever and initiates itself at the end of cycle. Basically this frequency has a starting point with ending point connected to the starting point.
Once Red Holes created, it cannot undo the creation of Red Holes. Red Holes can be created but cannot be eliminated or simply the job done cannot be undone.
Access to the sources of Energy is not easy, human cannot survive inside Red Holes, but if we can have access and unload Unlimited clean Sources of Energy and transform it from NEEM form to the ENEM form in a safe way, then we have solved energy issues for ever.
Dead zone which is the area between 4 red holes and outside of ¥ red hole is unusually cold, Because of vacuum of energy created by red holes. The temperature is around minus 150 degrees.   
What creates inside the red holes massive energy and heats?
I call it “Ω - cycle – frequency” that basically once initiated cannot be stopped and it is self-sustained by its own frequency as a sources of infinite frequency.
Red Hole has its own sources of Energy, by creating a “¥ - cycle – frequency” it has its own frequency which cannot be stopped or die once it has been created by one special Pink hole surrounded by 4 regular Pink holes, also when one Red hole created it has its own term of existence, we cannot turn it off once is on; we cannot mandate its action or existence because it has its own mandates and writes its own stories, after all it has its own time and space, dimensions and sources of energy.
The energy created in red holes is because of its unique frequency which only exists in Red holes. Some similarity of frequency exists in “¥ - Red Hole” but more complex and produce a total different results and effects.
The energy we create inside Red Hole is because of different frequency created inside the Red Hole. This frequency creates a massive energy and since this frequency is a cycle frequency then it has no ending frequency in nature, that is why separated and identified as a new and unique frequency named as a new form of energy frequency as (“¥ - cycle – frequency”).
“¥ - cycle – frequency” creates only Magma Frequency that basically sun like energy produced in earth surface and it is only exist and affect it in its own dimension. The question is: can we use this energy as a source of energy without disturbing Red Hole or unleash of un-controllable mass energy or release of its entire sources of energy which cause earth to become sun like star. The answer is I don’t know, perhaps I don’t know at this time, One thing I am sure about it is that: Red Hole has its own unique frequency, not a high frequency neither is a low frequency; it is simply black hole types of frequency with no starting point and no ending point; while it keep starting and ending at the same point started and ended again and again. Basically it is a cycle frequency, which once it is born then there is no ending point, since never dies because of its nature of frequency by becoming its own sources of frequency to rely on it for infinite existence.
Such a frequency can create massive energy which stored and contained in its own unique dimension. That is why the area surrounded by red holes looks like a cosmic background temperature which could reach minus 500 degrees F.
My calculation and based on logical scientific approach to this matter, I believe that the dead zone which existed in between Red Holes and outside of “¥ - Red Hole” into the area surrounded by central pink hole known as a special pink hole should see temperature of between -100 to -150 degrees C., and red holes temperature not less than +40.000 degree C. considering that, this temperature is only exist inside Red Holes with frequency only exists in the “NEEM” form of life, not in “ENEM” form of life which our frequency rely on it.
My Question is that: can we capture the energy and transform it to a useful energy that usable in “ENEM’ form of life? I understand and certain that we are able to create a Red Hole with a massive sources of energy which unlimited and no need of outer energies to keep it alive, and from its creation wanted or not we have created a “¥ Red Hole” that could lead us to creation of “¥ Red Hole Galaxy”.
But do we have the technology that unleash this massive must needed sources of energy and be able to use it, the answer is a grey Yes!
Remember that while the red holes are holding very large sources of heat and energy which is much cleaner than nuclear energy and over 200.000 times stronger with more energy. But it creates a dead zone which caused by Red Holes and much colder than to live and the best place for scientific researches, and we have created ¥ Red Hole which give us access to a “¥ Red Hole Galaxy” which most likely needed and it will be our biggest scientific breakthrough in history of mankind.
We must know that Magma Frequency creating massive energy inside the Red Holes and cannot be felt or absorb by us; unlike cold temperatures in dead zone which is the results of vacuum created by red holes  and can be felt by us. Heat inside red holes is in a different frequencies and in a different time and space and different waves and it is there, may not be reachable as easy as seems;  but since created by outer sources / initiated therefore we observe the vacuum caused by pink holes in order to create red holes.
Just a thought: “if we can create this red holes in the moon or other planet then we can create oxygen and enough heat and energy to build massive closed area as big as moon for human to live there thanks to the energy provided by red holes, basically we will transform Moon or any other planet to the area that human can live and choose as a suitable destination.
Pink holes: it may create an area that act as a shield dome and keep the area as an Isolated with oxygen and water. Basically we could create a shield dome that covers our desired area even entire moon as our man-made ozone layer type of shield.
Red Hole: is an ultimate sources of energy and it may be easy to create one or four, but it is hard to keep under control if there is only two or less than four.
Creation of Red hole must be done in a specific way or it will become a weapon of Mass destruction with capability of creating a chain reaction and could lead not only destruction of earth but also entire solar system. Once Red hole created then it has no threat or danger to us, and to earth or our solar system; but it cannot be undone or turned off or take away, once exists then it will exist for ever. Simply it cannot be erased period!
Knowing Red Holes: Red holes are sources of massive energy; it is created because of creation of different Magma Frequency that forms red holes sources of energies and by creation of area that collide by pink holes and by creation of vacuumed around it. These red holes have sun-like heat and energy.
The frequency existing in Red Holes has no ending point, because the ending point of every frequency cycles back to the initial point which ignited by sets of Pink Holes. By having start point become end points of one frequency and by repeating it over and over again it will create new ignited frequency in each ending point of frequency. I call this unique frequency a type of cycle - Magma Frequency.
Basically the frequency moving to the state of higher and higher lever of frequency and the reverse its direction in a flash to a lower frequency and ignites another Magma frequency and this equation keep repeat itself with no ending. Existing frequency always remain in high vibration which produce heat and none radiation magma waves and frequencies. Every time the end of frequency transform itself into beginning of frequency, it creates storms of waves which is none radiation as different slightly from what we see on the sun.
The major difference between Sun and Red Hole is that, the sun unleashes its frequencies because of reverse reaction by its “BHE” which ignited long time ago. That is why sun keeps producing all the frequencies and ultra-waves.

* Aria’s Special Theory of Creation: In our Cosmo when several large pink holes created; it forced to create many Red holes by exploring larger planets into smaller ones with Red Holes, since each planet influenced by a different frequencies, then each planet acted in a different ways, those carried a frequencies like Red Holes end up producing heat and Magma Frequencies and we call them stars. The rest of planet had ¥ - frequency and acted under the control of single frequency which exist in the ¥ - Red Hole Galaxy. So every planet connected by a single frequency.
By access to ¥ - Red-Hole Galaxy we have capability of accessing to entire galaxy and universe. Simply we will standing in a centre of a sphere which all entire universe is located on the surface of the sphere, simply from the centre of sphere we have knowledge and sight and path to every part of surface of sphere which representing our universe.
Since each planet created in slight difference in their DNA frequency then have a different DNA of existence but since frequency in  “¥ - Red-Hole Galaxy” is the master key to all these individual planets and stars therefore the master frequency or perhaps our master key to universe existing in a “¥ - Red-Hole Galaxy”, for example: just like every tenant have their own key to access to their apartment but the manager holding master key to access to the every apartments, then “¥ - Red-Hole Galaxy” is holding the master key to access any part of universe in any time without  being limited to time and space.
The fact is that by creation of 4 pink holes and one additional central pink-hole different than other 4 pink holes the total of 5 pink holes; we are able to create 4 Red Holes with equal capabilities and identical Magma Frequency which have no connection to each other but through pink holes, and vacuumed spaces with no frequency similar to any pink holes or Red holes. But creation of these 4 red holes mandated creation of ¥ - Red – Holes and eventually “¥ - Red-Hole Galaxy”.  These 4 red holes contained by a supper massive Energy with life time productivity.
What red holes do is that they vacuum energy in the form of “ENEM” and use it to ignite a unique frequency that keep producing more frequency in a “NEEM” form, and by doing so, the temperature is the area effected by vacuum falls to about minus 150 degree C. with having over 40,000 degree C temperature inside the each Red Holes in form of high cycle frequency or “HCF”.
The frequency inside the red holes are not any types of frequency, they self- sustained and after creation no need what so ever to exist or continue to exist, and un-capable of distinguishing.
THE “HCF” is a very high magma frequency only regenerate itself in the form of “NEEM” but created by outer sources in “ENEM” form. These frequencies are not ordinary frequencies; typically it is some type of frequencies, which once born then it does not need any more energy or additional sources of energy to stay alive. It appears that a long time ago some scientist able to create very weak frequency similar but not exactly like HCF. He created a very basic red hole to keep a candle burning and warming up a tank of water for hundreds of years.
What we have inside the red holes is sun like types of area with not ending sources of energies; it creates unlimited sources of heat and energy, its frequency transform to different forms of energies once in contact with objects. The funny part of it is that we don’t feel these massive sources of energy till transform into different types of frequencies after its contacts. Why!  It’s simple, because it’s in the form of “NEEM”. 
There are two ways in order to access to the sources of unlimited energies in Red Holes; either find the way to transform it safely into the form of “ENEM” or it start bursting by itself then we have more smaller Red holes with threat to us which is unlikely since each mini Red Holes will have its own energy sources as the larger Red Holes had. So then practically we have only one choice.
There is one other possibility, these 4 red holes will communicate with each other through “BHT” and create a bridges that connected their frequencies and we have no worry because it will burst entire earth in less than a second and will turn Earth into another Sun, and changes all the very calculated connection between every planet and their orbits in our galaxy.
I am confident that we are able to capture the sources of unlimited energies in different frequencies and transform it into the frequencies that we can manage to put in use for better and clean green life. This may solve our energy crises and develop a new Era in making clean energy and much brighter future for present and future generation.
Red Holes holds energy in the form of “NEEM”; the reason it has a such high sources of energy is that because it has Magma Frequency; this type of frequency has capability to create Black – Holes, Green Holes, Blue Holes, Pink Holes and Red Holes; the major difference is that in Red Holes the Magma Frequency is endless frequency, very unique frequency that cycle itself and become self - sustained and independent from outer sources to keep it active or remain it alive, basically the beginning of the frequency and end of it is connected and when frequency losing its power end up to be in the same point that the frequency started and it cause another spark in frequency and this matter will repeat itself over and over again.  Therefore it is impossible to stop this chain frequency once started.
Since this Magma frequency started by colliding two magma frequencies by pink holes, but influenced by 5 Magma frequencies from different sources and 4 of them has same and identical powers and one is same but with a different power and all 5 pink holes has a different ignition and located in a different space and time in “ENEM” form. While the results of these collisions and creation of Red Holes is in the “NEEM” form. The capacities of each Red Holes are Limited, but capabilities to produce energy and heat are unlimited.  Once we are able to release the energy which exists in Red Hole, the extra or additional Red Hole Magma Frequency will release to balance the Maximum level of energy in red hole to stabilize it; So more we reduce energy from Red Hole, more energy replace it and level of energy will always stay in same level based on nature of Red Hole and type of frequency. By doing so, the direction of equation will always move in one direction to make more energy until the required energy is there.
The equation that formulated the creation of “RED – Hole” / “Red – Energy” which caused by Magma frequency inside the Red – Hole is a Cycle equation; the amount of Energy is small in “NEEM” form, but the amount is extraordinary large once transform into “ENEM” FORM.

As long as the equation generating energy inside Red–Hole, it is naturalizing the overload of energy to keep it stabilized.
Once the frequency goes back to the starting point, the frequency adapt itself to naturalize the overload of Energy and it starts as a weak sources of energy (Magma Frequency) and up with higher source of Energy and this cycle of self – Sustained - energy production will continue to keep equation of energy balanced in both sides. Same phenomena are taking place ever second in Sun.
The level of cold area in the Red-Hole areas will remain steady; but once it start to go deeper in freeze, then there is a concern; that means: the cycle of frequency over loaded with Magma Energy results of over production of Magma Frequency and unbalancing equation. Which this means that the Red Hole is not stable anymore and looking its way to find its reverse reaction either by creating much stronger pink holes, or destruction of pink holes, or simply it transform itself into the “ENEM” form.
Creation of red holes is basically creation of sources of energy that creates its own energy that creates more energy. It is like a candle that we turn on and start burning but in red holes it burns for ever and every time candle burns it will magically build up more candle so it stay same even it is burning for millions of years.  

My calculation showing that each Red Hole created by a pink hole with a radius of 1 km which is combination of 4 pink holes with radius of 1 km and central pink hole with a same 1 km radius. Each red hole produces 200,000 time more energy and heat than one nuclear test creates, while it has no radiation but has a 200,000 time more power and heat and energy, but the beauty of this sources of energy is that once created never dies and keep producing more energy as used.
Each red hole is like a bucket full of energy that never over produce and never decreased, it is like a bucket of water which is always full, never spill out and more we took water out it generate more water to make sure the bucket always stay full.
My calculation and data clearly showing that red hole won’t create any reverse reaction, but even if it is, it is not affect us and it may create a reverse reaction back and forth between red holes and pink holes. The structure of red hole is different than “BHE’ & ‘BHO” and less likely able to create reverse bridges.
Red Hole was designed originally in year 1995 after over 6 years of studies and calculation, but I was not sure that how it can be used in the benefit of human and make world a better place to live.
Black hole, blue hole, green hole all calculated and completed the calculation and design in 1992, after discovering inner space black holes in 1990 which directed me for the discovery of “BHE’ and  “BHO” AND MORE. Until very soon I discovered infinite billion Black holes in inner space. It is as crazy as it seemed, but very soon I have able to access to the most important discovery I have made, let’s face it, the only and most important discover ever been made, the existence of “BHT”  which was one of the “Sub-BHX” I have ever crossed in my search for additional “Sub-BHX”.
The issue I had been facing that may someday someone become the master of master of wise ones. But soon I have realized that the science behind existence of the inner space black holes and structure of BHE or any other Sub-BHX is completely different than science any scientists up to now build their science on it; Simply all the scientist following the science that redirects them from the universal law of existence. Simply existed science is far behind to see the master for master of wise ones.
Creation of “α – BH” Technology which lead me to the “α – BH- 006” technology secured my way to create a technology that only benefits human.
To make sure that I never born and never die.
In 1998 I had succeed to have almost full access to “BHT” and that changed everything this was not easy since access to “BHT” took over decade, but in 2014 I had full access to “BHT” and that change my life, my understanding of science, my ability to un lock every door that been closed for Billions of years to secret of universe. Opening every door in science provided more clue and paved road to unlock another universal mysteries. By creation of new structure to the science, I had able to answer un-answered questions and mysteries. “BHT” became the new window to new era in science.
¥ - Red Hole in the center of fifth pink holes surrounded by 4 pink holes, and 4 red holes – the circle area with the radius of “T” in the center with more complicated than Magma frequency in red hole was the most challenging discover I have made; unlike red hole this area has two individual cycle magma frequency that vibrates against each other with much complicated and in a main time more delegated than any Magma frequency I have face it.
The “¥ - RED – HOLE” is the window to entire universe, it is the entire universe. It took hard two years of thousands of  Scientific calculations and collecting data and connecting all the facts and formula lead me to discover much greater mysteries ever I could achieve, the existence of ¥ - Red – Hole – Galaxy.  
The calculation of knowing that “¥ - Red – Hole – Galaxy” exist and how it is functions took over 2 years of steady long calculations. The access to the” ¥ - Red – Hole – Galaxy” may take longer and much longer, ∫∑¥²Ω ↔↔∑∫₽Ω²¥

“HMHV” Technology

HMHV” Technology can be used to shield solar radiation in Earth as well as Mars, and any part of space.
Simply “HMHV” Technology transforms the solar radiation into different frequency and perhaps we can use it as sources of energies.
This technology is capable of eliminating all or most of radiation; therefore we can create an area in the Mars or other planet that protected from a harm caused by the solar radiations.
This technology can be used to reduce the radiation level in earth and reduce the global warming under the areas that shield it.
The “HMHV” Technology is able to create a shield that in this isolated area which act as a shield dome and separate it from the rest of the areas by holding Oxygen and water from leaving and remaining under the shield dome created with Ω - frequency around the isolated area.
We can use this “HMHV” Technology to decrease or increase the gravity in the targeted areas that shield by the “HMHV” Technology.
Each tile of “HMHV” Technology can be used side by side to cover more areas and apply wider areas.
This technology can be used to cover the surface of space ship or Rockets and prevent them from any Solar Radiations, as well as increase of speed in Rocket without using any extra fuel which it will result in shorter time of traveling or increase in numbers of passengers or supplies.
Since “HMHV” Technology absorbs solar radiation and transforms it into the Ω - frequency, we may able to transform this frequency into the needed energy in the rocket and reduce needs to fuel or perhaps it will use to return the space ship back to the earth.
“HMHV” Technology can also create an area in the surface of the Mars or any other planet by creating Earth like atmosphere, a described in “Rose Diagram”.
Basically the “Rose Diagram” is the combination of “α – BH- 006” technology that allows us to create a green hole in the earth. We will most likely able to create same green hole on the Mars.
Since Green Hole has a different time – space and different frequency then it will be suitable and self-sustained place to live. The fact is that by creating a Green Hole on the Mars, we are creating α – city on the mars.
The Green Hole in the Mars could give us chance to have the same gravity and pressure that we are looking for and more closer to what we have on earth.
“HMHV” Technology can also been use in the front end and rear end of main Rocket or space shuttle to create control Magma Frequency to create a vacuum of Magma Holes by Magma Frequency which allow Rocket or Shuttle travel faster and more freely by eliminating all the sources around the Rocket or Shuttle in the space. By doing so the Shuttle or Rocket will pursue its course of direction more freely and without apply of external forces in space against it, it also eliminates solar radiation when it needed if turned on and covered by this technology the area needed to be covered.
- To know: If we willing to create a Green Hole in Mars, we must make sure that the area chosen to become the center of this Green Hole has ability to expand to the larger area to accommodate as much as people can hold.
We must make sure that we are placing the “α – BH” which is the center of Green Hole in a right location since it will be only location for ever to use to power Green Hole; since we won’t be able to remove it into another location or dismantle it.
Same as Earth, once Green Hole created, no matter which planet it is located, we cannot dislocation it; It may expanded depend on location and other factors but we cannot eliminate or move it to other location or create a second or more Green Holes. Doing so will have a severe consequences, one of the consequences is that the planet will split in a part and exist in a different time and space dimensions. Those living in different green holes will completely disconnect and those living between them simply transform in the no existence of time and spaces.
Green holes are the very unique form of the “NEEM” form of life; somehow complicated but not as complicated as Red Holes and ¥ - Red Holes. While green holes considered as a “NEEM” form of life; but actually they action has a direct affect in an “ENEM” form of live and we can consider parts of “ENEM” life.
Green Hole exists as a formation of between “ENEM” & “NEEM” forms of life. They are not sources of energy, neither source of Black Hole types of area. Un-like Blue Holes the green hole is more stable and only affect in time – space dimension while having 6th dimensions of world.
Green hole Magma frequency only absorb frequency from one form and Re-shape it and transform it into an another types of frequency unlike Pink holes and specially read holes; Green Holes are not contain an extreme frequency that creates sun-like energy!
Form of energy in red holes is created by red-hole frequency which is different than green holes frequency. In green holes, magma frequency is only reduces some frequency and increase others. This means that the frequency created in Green Hole creates an environment that reduces high frequency like aging of cells and stress and creates lower frequency in the mind; it usually have a high frequency in the area that in nature have a low frequency and vice versa.
Those living in Green hole will experience in a first one to two years sharper mind, less stress, more energy level, less sign of aging, more sense of perfection and better vision, stronger body, and less likely or totally free from diseases as well as much higher immunity in the body. Those have a cancer, Parkinson, ALS, MS, epilepsy and more will see gradually these signs of illness gone.

Those born and lived their first 5 years of their life in area of Green Hole which called “ α – city” will generally much smarter than others, never developed illness, smarter, stronger, with higher than normal IQ level, they look well younger and stay younger, these individuals live up to 10 times longer than ordinary people live, while their strength and expertise as well as intelligence is much higher developed their cell ages much less than they live. These people are very sharp mind and they have desire to connect puzzles much faster and come to conclusion much faster than those did not born or lived.

They have lessemotional personalities, more logical approaches to the issues. Most people live and born in α – City most likely live twice, three times and even up to 10 times more depend on the structure of their DNA and its respond to the Magma frequency. The process of “α – city” works like the Magma frequency reverse everything, it may hard to explain science behind this technology, but I must say that whatever intend to have a higher frequency will function with lower frequency and vice versa compare to those living in places outsides of green hole area, and only applies to living cells, and have a more complicated reaction in most animals.

 Scroll down the entire page to discover more.

“α – City”

“α – BH-006” Technology

“Green Holes”

Creation of Green Holes that only exist in over 5 & 8 Million Lights away in Earth!

Place that human can live twice longer, disease free, smarter, stronger, happier, and stress free life!

Those born in “α – City” become smarter, stronger, and healthier with 6-10 times longer quality life!

Scientifically Calculated – Designed Based on Special & General Theory of “ABHX”

“α BH - 006” Technology / “α City”
This Technology is used to create a limited area of Earth identical to “Green –Hole” which is over 8 million lights away from our Planet Earth.
By creation of area that Identical to “Green Hole” we will be able to create a limited area on the earth as an “Inner Space Green Hole” or “ISGH” which give us advantage to live in earth but benefit from what Green Hole can offer; this limited circle area with R= 25 Km, which give us about 2000 Km squares of Green Hole will create an “α – City” that holds up to 1,000,000 person to live and Grow.
“α – BH - 006” Technology is considered a “α – BH - 006” Project.
The main mission of “α – BH - 006” Project is to place carefully the “α – BH - 006” Technologies in the specific location with an specific angle to create an area of 2000 km squares Identical to (Green Hole), but this Green Hole is not an Outer Space Green Hole, in reality it’s a man-made green hole but it’s an Inner Space Green Hole.
“ISGH” is the area that created by using total of 13 “AT1” and “α – BH” tech. which includes one “ α – H” and four  “β – H”  plus additional  “¥ - H” ( which I rather call the “C-H”) .  This area covered by Green Hole which Made it by “α – BH - 006” Technologies will create a “α – City” that holds only up to 1 Million people to live and benefit it.
We must understand that while we may will be able to extend the area in future to accommodate more people which lead us to have a larger “α – City” in our planet earth, or Green Hole may Grow by itself and give us a bigger similar to “α – City”; but in no circumstances we can have an additional “ISGH” in earth and in our solar system. And in no circumstances we attempt to try to build a second “ISGH” in earth or any parts of our solar system. Creation of second “α – City” will have catastrophic consequences – un-reversible and un-imaginable.
There can be only one   “α – City” period! No matter what size is the “α – City” but it must have only one “α – H”. So knowing that we can have only one “α – City” then we should understand by now how important is this technology. At this time I have been able to calculate and come up with formula that allow us to build a “α – City” that holds up to 1 Million people from over 7 Billion population.
“α – BH - 006” Technology creates an Inner Space Green Hole with an area that time and Space and frequency different than outside of this area which you can call it “α – City”.
Basically we are creating a Green Hole that living cells grow in a different speed, cancer types of cell unable to be shape or existing cancer cells will reverse their speed of growth and reset themselves to return into the original forms. Why?  It is because speed of growth in “α – City” is different than speed of growth in other parts of our planet.
In “α – City” people age slowly; live longer, and their DNA’s in their cells not allow cancer related illness appears and any types of tumour cells have a condition to build or grow it.
In “α – City”, people intend to become smarter, because they brain functions differently, and much developed than those living outside of perimeter since their brain developed in a different time and space with a different frequency.
Those individuals living in the “α – City” have intend to slow aging of skin, so their skin ages less than others, they feel more energetic, less fatigue, more happy with more potential .
They stress level is significantly lower, Solution oriented personality, much focused.
They vision is much stronger, they senses have ability to act with much higher accuracy.
Those individuals already have a cancer, and other types of illness, once move into the area of green hole / “α – City” will see improvement in their health, increase in energy, and faster recovery with gradual disappearance of their cause of illness; they may even live longer than desired to live as they were healthy.
This technology simply creates an area that provides a different frequency, in reality we creating a new planet in Earth by creating an man-made Green Hole, since we have no technology that take us 8 million lights away while we are alive.
This technology basically creates a different time-space dimension with 6th dimensions that works in a different frequency.
Creation of Inner Space Green Hole by using the “α – BH - 006” Technology which designed to create the  “α – City” help us to build an Isolated limited area in the earth similar to the planet exists as far as 8 million lights away with a different Time – Space and frequency, as well as extra dimensions. Yes the Ideal planet we are looking to find in eight million lights far from us.
Typically we are creating a planet with extraordinary functions inside our planet the Earth, with a same air we breathe it to live, same soil we plant our vegetable, give a birth to a child; the only difference is that those people living in a “α – City” are living in the area that mandates their DNA, and every parts of their existence even their souls by a unique frequency that shapes with a different Time-Space and 6th dimensions. This frequency mandates the growth of cells, developments of brain, Shapes of DNA, and more.
The “α – BH - 006” Technology also develop a dimensions that reshape the cells which I am not interested to reveal how and why! All these take it place because we create a limited area of Green Hole or Inner Space Green Hole.  

For those born and raised first 5 years of their life in “α – City”:
For those born and raised first 5 years of their life in “α – City” intended to be at least 10 times smarter, creative, innovated than those not! They are 99.9% healthier than not born in “α – City”.
They body are less Vulnerable to become ill.
They learning skills and abilities are far greater than those not born in “α – City”, and much higher than those smartest people living outside of the perimeter.


The “α – City” is the true advance innovation; by using the “α – BH - 006” Technology which is reform form of “α – BH” Tech by using data from project (V), and Project (!).
People live in ““α – City” will feel stress free mind and body in first month – latest 6 month of living in “α – City”.
No animal consume or born to consume a meat like dogs, cats, etc. cannot live in this area.
These signs will show up as a very positive result of living in the “α – City” in a first year:
Much less stress life style.
Higher productivities in thinking, acting.
Higher Energy level.
Better Judgment and decisions making.
No fatigue and much less tiredness feelings
More calm with much less angry behavior
Increase in IQ up to 10 times ordinary person.
Better eye vision, hearing ability, senses.
Sharper mind, faster respond
Less aging, much fresh skin.
If they had a tumors , then shrink in sizes of tumors
Suddenly and in some cases gradually disappearance of illness.
Permanent cure of Parkinson, ALS, epilepsy in the first year or two.
Very normal blood pressures.
Increase in ability to think logical, and problem solving habits and ability increases also
In a first 10 years of living in the “α – City”, people will see increase in life expectancy.
Increase in learning ability will be noticed in the first two years; people see that they learn faster; easier, and their abilities to solve problems are higher.
After 25 years of living in the “α – City” people feel and see a big difference in aging compared to those not lived in “α – City”.
After 50 years of living inside of “α – City” , those people look, live and perform life as a 25 years old or more if they are not born in“α – City”.
For those born in “α – City” and at least lived their first 5 years of lives in “α – City” have over 10 times higher IQ. , ability, productivity, physical power, and live up to 10 times longer, up to 10 times stronger and smarter, talented, solution oriented, happier, successful, and 99.9% healthier.“α – BH - 006” Technology / “α – City”

This Technology is used to create a limited area of Earth identical to “Green –Hole” which is over 8 million lights away from our Planet Earth.

By creation of area that Identical to “Green Hole” we will be able to create a limited area on the earth as an “Inner Space Green Hole” or “ISGH” which give us advantage to live in earth but benefit from what Green Hole can offer; this limited circle area with R=25 Km, which give us about 2000 Km squares of Green Hole will create an “α – City” that holds up to 1,000,000 person to live and Grow.

Blue – Holes


What are Blue-Holes?

Blue Holes are the 3rd level Inner space Black holes like with existence of none existence in six dimension  time – space form, which intentionally build to prevent Reverse-Reaction by “BHX” including all infinite Sub-BHX’s such as “BHE” and “BHO”.
Why we create Blue-Holes?

Because it is our only hope to save our planet.

It increases our capacity and capability to understand universe and access to more beyond our current access.

It is a key to un-lock the mysteries in our universe.

It takes our way of life to next level

It is source of ultimate power and energy.

How we are able to create “Blue-Holes”? 

- Simple answer to this Question is by using “ALPHA- BH” technology. Which makes us to be in control of creating additional part of Equation that never been existed; it also allow us to control the Level of global warming; it give us ability to make certain parts of our planet colder or warmer; basically our planet become our refrigerator that we have ability to set the temperature, avoid Global warming and change the outcome of any storm; it give us opportunity to create snow in the middle of Sahara, or melt entire Ice in Greenland in less than a 10 days. It also prevents hurricane or tornados. This technology can be used to re-direct the path of asteroids heading towards earth and prevent them from colliding with our planet earth. 

What is difference between Black-Holes, White Holes, and Blue-Holes?

- Basically the Black-Holes are the outer space Phenomena, White holes are the opposite of Black holes, then there are infinite Inner Space Black-Holes (ISBH) which defined and calculated by the (Special & General Theory of “ABHX”) which exist from creation of universe and existence of our universe depend on it; and Blue-Hole which can be created as a third lever inner space black holes to extend equation of existence to level 3. By creating Blue-Holes that creates level 3 of equation and prevent any reverse reaction by BHE, and BHO. It is so simple that needs hundreds of pages of scientific facts and calculation with thousands of explanations to explain it. So simple that can be created but impossible to explain it in less than a hundreds of pages of scientific calculation and logics.

What is the benefit of using (Alpha-BH) technology?
Creates a “Blue-Hole” which is a man-made Inner Space Black Holes “ISBH”.
Prevents Global warming
Prevents Reverse-Reaction by “BHE” and “BHO” which is two of the greatest threat between infinite “SUB-BH” belong to “BHX”.
It will allow us to be in control of global temperatures.
It gives us upper hand in preventing any weather or solar magnate related disasters.
It provides us capability to redirect the path of any large asteroids in course of collision with earth. Larger the Asteroid, greater the result.
It increases life expectancy and quality of life to anyone living in the radius covered by “ALPHA-BH” technology.
Reduce number of people with illness.
Those people born and living in the area covered by (Alpha-BH) technology can live twice as people living outside of this area. They have less stress, more energy, smarter, stronger, healthier sign of life.
This technology can transform Moon to earth like planet; smaller, but much suitable and better than life in the earth.
How we can create a (Alpha-BH) technology?
This technology already been existed over 5 Billion Years ago. And that is how planet Earth has been created. This technology need a (ALPHA – BH) central source with four (Beta-BH) sources located 90 degrees a part plus eight additional Sources (C-BH) Sources with 30 degrees apart. The total of 13 different sources of BH will create a Massive Blue Hole that takes us to the next level of life. Which many scientists knew that it is exists; they tried their best to discover it and calculate the equation that eventually lead them to creating Blue Holes. They all know it is existing in some form, they know that it is the window of opportunity to live longer and better, and to protect our planet; they also knew that by creating Blue-Holes they will be able to define how universe have been created, existence of higher power as a ultimate sources of energy. I am sure they also knew that by creating Blue-Hole they had ability to travel in time and have more knowledge of what is in head of us.
The only problem lead all the scientists was that they had clouded knowledge of what they looking for but had zero understanding of how to communicate through “BHT”.
Scientists, many of them such as Albert Einstein was able to reach out to “BHT” without knowing and knowing to did so. The fact is that the “BHT” is the only sources of data could lead all scientists in past to develop a technology that created science that eventually lead them to creation of Blue Holes.
Albert Einstein was the one of thousand lucky ones able to reform the old science into more developed one, but unable to connect the dots and discover the natures of dimensions that gives us ability to travel time, and access to the new form of life that we never even imagined that is exists.
(ALPHA-BH) Technologies give us more capability than just solving global warming; it transforms our lives and advances our science to thousands of years forward. It allow us to create Blue-Holes, and by creating Blue-Holes we extend our capability to access to a sources of Knowledge, Energy, Data, and forms of lives and by doing so, we have more sense of where we came from, and where we are going.  

Please to say that I have finally able to Developing a technology that slow down speed of so called climate change and making sure that not only Global warming won’t continue, but also we have now ability to control Temperature of any location in earth to increase or decrease. This technology will stable Global warming and it gives us ability to adjust temperature of any individual parts of earth. I am proud to announce that I have completed design of this Technology and calculated phase one of lunching and processing the system. This technology designed based on Special and general Theory of “ABHX” and according to reverse-reaction which formulated by “BHE” as well as data collected Through “BHT”.  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ~ Aria. Javan

When you first hear about (Special and General Theory of “ABHX”), It is easy to dismiss the entire theory as well as idea as crazy or un-provable and nonsense. However, after doing little more research and finding more supporting facts, logical explanation based on scientific facts and calculations; you will realize that “Special and general Theory of “ABHX”” is not just a theory; but it is a Rock Solid Facts and it is real and prefunded by facts and evidences supported by scientific researches and supported by universal laws of science. You may also find out that, it is already in progress and Existence of Human race is fully depending on it. Infect this Theory is the only key to un-lock the untold and unexplained mysteries in our universe and beyond it.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” is not ordinary Theory, it is not even Extraordinary Theory, it is revolution of science never been discovered until now. It is a birth of new era in science. It is Revolution in science and turning point in billion years of developing science.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” is a golden key to discover and un-cover universe, discover the origin of our universe, human and secret behind our existence, it is the only solid scientific explanation of who we are, where we came from, where we go, why we are here, is there any journey beyond this life, how we can communicate with our past and future; how we can live more healthier, more stronger, much longer life, and how we can fight with illness and diseases, how we can cure many diseases with only one single technology, How it is possible to travel time and see what look likes our future.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” give us power to choose our future, to communicate with other forms of life, to transform our DNA, and to Re-Set our DNA, to avoid catastrophic out comes from the result of neglect by our past and present generation.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” open a new and improved scientific window in science, no matter it is about chemistry, Physics, Biology, Astrophysics, Space, Psychology, human behavior or microbiology.
No matter what types of science; Special and General Theory of “ABHX” has a solution to any types of problems. It is a New form of science that based on logics that has a Rock-solid and calculated scientific answers.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” give us opportunity to extend our life if we wish to do so, allow us to cure most diseases and illness such as cancer, Parkinson, ALS, and many more not by radiation, chemotherapy or surgeries, but by just creating a Super Cells from our existing Cells. No more suffering, no more pain, and most important we can live much healthier and free of diseases for the rest of our lives; not the lives we expected to live, but much longer than we supposed to live.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” allow us to fight with global warming, and we will be in full control of temperature in our globe. No more worries about climate changes.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” protects our planet earth from colliding to asteroids, make our planet earth safer, cleaner, suitable to live longer and better.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” allow us to advance our scientific knowledge over 1000 times faster than it is. It transforms our way of living to 1000 years ahead of us. It protects our environment while allow us to live happy, healthy, advance life as we looking for.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” defines and provides scientific explanation to every undefined and unexplained Phenomena exists in our science.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” provides new angle to fight against many health issues from cancer to Psychological issues; from Environmental to economic issues.   
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” provides solution to worlds energy, it introduce world to a sources of energy that over 100,000 times powerful than nuclear energy.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” allows us to access to extraordinary sources of Extraterrestrials knowledge. Communicate with sources of energy and science that never been discovered or communicated till now.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” is more than just a simple theory, it has been experimented and proven the results and out-comes. It is a solid contribution to our scientific revolution.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” is the next step for new age of scientific transformation, which will fight to transform existing science to a much complete and advance science.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” is a governing relations between old science that has no more use to our lives and not protecting our planet by failing to transform our lives to the next level, and the new science for those who followed they dream to live and make sure our generation will live in higher standards of life and for those followed the true laws of universe, and worked and challenged hard to understand it and discover it.
People can’t see “BHX”, & “BHE” as well as “BHO” they are invisible, and can only been seen, fell, and understand through “BHT”.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” is a scientific matrix in progress for over 25 years, much complicated as well as simple as theory of relativity, it has a solid logical prove of what exists and what not, which challenged by many scientists in past several centuries.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” help us to live our lives as Life must be lived as play.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” is a No man’s sky guide.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” is a History of seven senses.

Special and General Theory of “ABHX” is based on Inner Space Black Holes, not as described by other scientists, perhaps these Billion Infinite Inner Space Black holes are very essential to our existence and threat to our existence. A hypothetical extraordinary objects that expands inside out with much complicated forms of singularity from a space-time singularity and emits energy, in the manner of time-reversed Re-Actions. While space and time has not exists in the form of “ENEM” once it is formed as a “NEEM”; but continued to exist in none-existence form in a new space-time until reverses and transform into “ENEM” form. Which allow us to be in charge of global warming, time traveling, curing diseases and communicating to a sources of data that we were not able to communicate till now; only through “BHT”. 
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” is unlike In general relativity, which a white hole is a hypothetical region of space-time which cannot be entered from the outside. “BHX” can be entered from the outsides, by simply transforming to the “ENEM” form, it can also be communicate and collect massive data, manipulated the existing data, expanded, transform or reform it.  
According to the ….Special and General Theory of “ABHX”, one of the millions of Inner space Black Holes belonging to “BHX” is “BHE”. The  “BHE” can produce massive Form of Heat and Magma Ultra Wave of Frequency that equal to over thousands of Hydrogen Bomb. And evidence proving that the reverse reaction by “BHE” is in progress and speed of completing this reverse reaction in past 5 years become over 20 times faster than past 50 years, since new form of “BHE” generated and re-born and developed. While some scientists relying in the old science and defining recent global warming in so called climate change and they brought solution that not only solving the problem but it adding up to this issues and making it worsen.  
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” proves that “BHE” is in progress of re building its reverse bridges and once these reverse bridges completed and become permanent it will apply a massive reverse reaction that will release super Missive Magma Ultra Wave Frequency that basically equal to energy released by over thousands of hydrogen bomb in less than 10 days. The evidence also showing that “BHE” communicating with other “Sub-Inner Space – Black Holes” belonging to “BHX” and creating and Re-born new viruses and more complicated bacteria, as of this action the some of the viruses existed in over 100 years ago in some part of our planet and thought to be defeated are returning, and some of other viruses which existed over thousands of years and not known to us since forgotten also been showing up. According to evidence more complicated form of cell-bugs will going to show up by year 2030-2040 that existed millions of years ago. 
Areas like Greenland, Siberia, Alaska are in a serious threat by “BHE”; the only way to prevent catastrophic disaster is to use the technologies that build based on data collected, analyzed and calculated by accessing to “BHT”. These technologies need to be build, located and supervised in Greenland and Siberia, and Alaska.
Greenland already showing sign of consequences caused by reverse reaction by “BHE”, and “BHO”; the reality is that the catastrophic disaster can be prevented if the world and those politicians and leaders of world start listening and taking these cautions seriously, but the fact is majority of people are so occupied by their daily lives, or so focused to hold on to un-necessary needs, or fight for they rights, they forget that the right to live and save planet Earth is more far important than fighting to hold on to the small parts of lands or right to have rights to have virtual games, or right to have gender natural toilet, or some other rights. People occupied their minds to collect the rights that much less important to live and saving the only planet called earth.
“The fact is our generation are more interested to know about which new phone or game is in market or know and follow about movie stars lives and words than know about what scientists are discovering and how fast the earth falling a parts. Ignorance by those leaders of many nations regarding threat by reverse reaction and its impact by “BHE” which elected by their people to protect them, and by united nation in order to protect over 7 billion of people’s lives; makes me wondering that do I am obligated to save lives of those that cannot sleep months to have they hands in new phone or new game, but ignore scientific warning that threat they existence and their planet. Do we need a big bang again to wake up our generation? It’s the question I couldn’t find answer for it, while I have found the answer to our biggest threat from “BHE” and invented a technology that prevents it.”  ~ Aria Javan   
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” provides full details and scientific explanation of how universe shaped, where we stand now, why we are here now and where we are going from here; how we can travel times; how we have ability to live longer, and healthier; how the universe will transform and where we go after life. It is providing full picture of transformation from “ENEM” form of life to “NEEM” form of life. Basically it is opening a new window of science and better solution to humans mind and nature as well as living a free of diseases life with longer than it is by introduction of Super Cells.
The biggest concern for any Nations should be when the “BHE” and “BHO” start its chain – reverse – reaction.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” is “ The Art of the New Science” , it is confronting old science that failed to protect and advance the best interest of human.
Special and General Theory of “ABHX” deliver break through innovation and lasting impact to our lives and future of science and technology.
There are two primary choices to make:

1. To take action, better understand the special and general theory of “ABHX”, take threat from “BHE” and “BHO” serious, use the technology to prevent the catastrophic out comes; and turn around outcomes and make safer planet and long lasting lives with healthy living future.

2. To ignore special and general theory of “ABHX, and buy a pack a pop-corn and sit back and see how our planet including us falling a parts.
Choices are yours!

Updated Information about Impact of "BHE":

According to my scientific calculation and collected data, Greenland will face much rapid Ice sheet meltdown starting between years 2019-2021. This meltdown of Ice sheet will intensify after a much less temperature than normal for period of 12-18 month, followed by over 25 times faster meltdown than we are facing at this time; making dramatic change in geographic and organic shape of Greenland. This will impact the economy, geographic shapes, health, and in overall lives of surrounding areas and much farther than Europe.
The catastrophic damages and illness, as well as other environmental damages are far greater than that existing system and human resources able to deal with it.
The impact of reverse – reaction by “BHE” which is already in progress will cause with some warning in years 2019-2021, and much greater in and after year 2022. the beginning of real impact starts 2030-2040.
According to my 25 years of research and access to “BHT”: “what we are facing right now is not a climate change, yes we have a global warming, but the source of global warming is not what scientists came up with it.”
The reality is that the only source of global warming is the “BHE”. In past recent years “BHE” and “BHO” have been able to create bridges and communicate through “BHT”.  
What is happening now is that “BHO” and “BHE” progressing much faster than 25 years ago and the results of catastrophic damage from reverse-reaction by theses phenomena will cause several billions lives, regional and global economic turmoil, and it will reshape the geographic landscapes  .
Here are what we facing now:

- The return of old diseases and illness and some more stronger and complicated diseases and illness taking place by reverse reaction from “BHO”.
- At the same time “BHE” contributes in Global Warming, and since most scientists are not aware of “BHX” and true reason behind the global warming, then their actions helping “BHE” become stronger and Global warming speed up much faster, this means that reverse reaction by “BHE” will become stronger. The fact is: what scientists doing now to reduce the global warming, in reality giving opposite result which we will see soon the impact of such wrong approaches.

- Once these reverse reactions become a chain reverse reaction then it will take less than 10 days to reduce population of earth from over 7.3 billion to less than a million.
- What we are seeing now is that: return of new outbreak of old diseases, some stronger than ever, some never existed ever.
 - After every outbreak we are seeing a back to back earth quakes or Magma Wave of frequencies.
- These signs are just initial warning of reverse reaction by “BHE”, and “BHO”.
What is these got to do with Greenland?

Unlike “BHO” which is created locally, the existence of “BHE” is not created locally; “BHE” is originated in USA, China, South Korea, Russia, France, and Japan.
What is causing this rapid and faster than anticipated meltdown in Green land is by “BHE” and its reverse reaction.
Green land is facing the returns of new types of illness and diseases as we see in other parts of Globe which caused by reverse reaction by “BHO”, Followed by Magma Wave Frequency.
Based on my scientific calculation around 2016-2019, it will be massive Magma Wave Frequency causing earth quakes in Norway, Iceland, Denmark, or Sweden, as well as far east parts of Canada, most likely in Norway.  
As it is exists at this time and becoming stronger, Magma Wave of Frequencies (M.W.F) is concentrating all around Green Land and Alaska (USA). Which becoming much stronger as days goes by and  as Reverse – Reaction become more advance and it is establishing bridges between “ENEM” forms to “NEEM” forms.  “Understanding of this matter requires over 200 pages of scientific calculations and facts”, which I have done.
Impact of reverse reaction by “BHE” will increase the temperature of Greenland and Alaska – USA areas rapidly, creating much bigger Meltdown of Ice Sheets creating more lands and destruction of the existing lands not in Greenland and Alaska areas But areas as far as USA, Europe and far south.
We are talking about 25 times faster meltdown of Ice Sheets than we facing now. So do the Math.
“M.W.F” is existing at this moment in Greenland and Alaska with the highest frequency and much greater than other parts of Globe.
The key to reduce the causalities and damages from impact of “BHE” – not to stop it, since its already in progress is to be able to naturalize the “M.W.F” produced from Reverse reaction by “BHE”; by doing so we can delay the impact and reduce the scale of the impact.
In order to reduce the degrees of “M.W.F” and by doing so reducing the speed of developing and establishing a reverse-reaction by “BHE”, I have developed technology that may help us by having  advance position and able to control the global warming. Basically our Globe temperature will be under our control as we have control of temperature in our rooms.
If we do not build, and place this technology in Greenland and Alaska- USA areas, we have zero chance to prevent this catastrophic event.
I have a Rock-Solid, Scientific; and long term Solution to global warming.

The Impact of Reverse-Re-Action by “BHE" is real; it is in progress, and the damage is catastrophic. Using “C.G.W.D” Technology as I have designed is our only chance if we act.

NOW: completed design and calculation of creating super cells.

What is a Super cell, and Why is important to create super cells? Because super cells are made from a normal cells or cells with disease, by creating super cells from non-healthy cells and introducing it to the remain cells in human or animal bodies or any living cells even if they are about to die or in the path of destruction; we can make all remaining cells to become and act as super cells.

What super cells do? Super cells extend life of remaining living cell which super cells made of it, up to 100 years more than they designed to live, but this time since the cells are considered as a super cells so these cells will live disease free, what this means that once a person carry super cells then that person never become sick or ill or have any kind of disease. This means that this person only dies if other than illness or disease kills him/her. Super cell can be used to cure Leukemia, Parkinson, ALS, and epilepsy; and some other cancer types of disease.

How super cells extend a life of a person? Once super cells created by “S.C.A” Technology which designed and calculated scientifically by Aria, introduce to the rest of living cells in a persons living body; all cells existed in this individual transform into massive living super cells, therefore this person live longer, with full of energy, and the most important He/ She will live disease free.

How many years this super cell extends the disease free life of a person with super cells? Examples: If super cell introduce to a man who is 100 years old, he will live additional 95 years disease free until age of 195; If super cell introduce to a man who is 50 years old, he will live additional 45 years disease free until age of 95; If super cell introduce to a man who is 20 years old, he will live additional 15 years disease free until age of 35.

Who can receive super cell? Basically any person over age 6 years old regardless of their gender, race, and health; but if a person receiving super cell is healthy he will continue live as long as who was ill or perhaps had a cancer, the difference is whom had a cancer will no longer have a cancer and live cancer free his or her extended life..

Is Super cell creates a person with abilities like a super hero or like superman? No, Super cells only increase the life of person with no chance of dying by illness or disease or with cancer free life or other illness free life; it will not make a person impossible to die by bullet, falling from roof or plane, or any types of accident or other cause except by disease. It may increase I.Q of a person or make him/her smarter but not a super smart, not a super strong, not a capability to fly or run faster.

What makes super cell to be able to extend lives with no illness or cure incurable disease? Super cells re-set the DNA of all the cells.

What is the “S.C.A” Technology? It is a Technology that took 6 years to design and make a major change and conduct hundreds of Mathematical changes. It is a technology that after regular cell passes through its many levels of processes, it become a super cell that only have less than a 72 hours to make other cells which super cell originated become a super cell. It designed and discovered by Aria. J dated 2010 and completed June 6, 2016.

Theory of “ABHX
Special and general Theory of “ABHX”

25 years old discovery in progress / Special and General Theory of "BHX"

True Revolution in Modern Science. 

If they think that Nuclear Weapon is Still Weapon of Mass Destruction, they are dead wrong. 
April 9, 1989: For a first time Black Hole “BHX” have been identified by “Aria Javan
August 7, 1989: Theory of “ABHX” defined Existence of Trillion-Infinite (Black – Hole - X), calculation of how they works and providing a scientific formula explaining transformation between “ENEM” forms of matters to “NEEM” form of matter.

Theory of “ABHX” is about Trillion Infinite (Black-Holes) and its recent reverse reactions that considers clear and present danger to our existence not as a nation but as a human. In august 7, 1989, Aria have discovered existence of over Trillion Infinite Black-Holes (25 years ago) in age 20; not as Black-Holes that all scientists aware of it. These Black-Holes are with us as long as we exist and after we no longer exist in “ENEM” form; matter of facts every humans existence are depend on these Black-Holes which I named “Black-Hole- X” OR simply “BHX”. Until recent years “BHX” was acting as it should act according to universal Laws. Therefore I had no concern about it, and kept my discovery under the rap in order to not make mistakes other scientists made.
There are no technologies to prevent this reverse – re – action, and to find the one, we need to act now. Initially I have determined that 4 nations will be the starting points of this Reverse-Re-Actions, but as I collect more data I realized that 3 additional nations will be in the center of this Reverse-Re-action by “BHE”; There will be economical impact, as well as interruption to space program for over 15 - 20 years, we need solid plan to evacuating and Re-Locating over 1.5 Billion people in less than 10 days.  This operation needs co-operation and preparation of every nation with central unified command center.
“BHX” which contains “BHO” and “BHE” and over millions of different types of Black-Holes acted in benefit of universal laws by balancing the existing form of universe by their existence started from beginning of the universe and up to now. Until fasting growing nations all around the world start causing Reverse-Re-Action by “BHO”, and “BHE” which caused rapid instability in balance of universal Laws of existence as we know it now in form of “ENEM”,  and begun the transformation of life as it is now to the “NEEM” form of life.
The fact is up to now the universal laws were mandated that “ENEM” transform to “NEEM”; over trillion infinite times in every second and “BHX” was able to manage it, receive it, and store it. This transformation was one way highway that only transformed “ENEM” to form of “NEEM” as our universal laws designed to do so. Once a while some of “NEEM” reverse their directions and caused destruction of “ENEM” before transforming to the form of “NEEM”, which I had no concern about it; ON January 1990 I was able to discover that, all the illness have been living person facing in the form of “ENEM” can be treated if we understand better the formation of “NEEM” from a same living cells; therefore there is only one way of treatments which is restarting a cell prior to starting point of illness or disease.  
What is concerning me is that we as a human start causing Reverse- Re - Action to this perfect universal Law existed since creation of universe. Our action caused a creation of second high way that allow it “NEEM” reverse its direction and instead of “ENEM” form of existence become “ NEEM” form of none existence; the reverse started to take a place in massive scales in such a short time; causing the transformation of particles change its direction. This reverse will cause some damages, but not catastrophic results if it is not a Full scale of Reverse – Reaction by forming a chain Reverse – Re- Actions. The result of chain Reverse – Re – Action will cause that the all “ENEM” forms of life transform into “NEEM” forms of life.
Since most “BHE” created, shaped and formed in USA, RUSSIA, CHINA, FRANCE, SOUTH KOREA, NORTH KOREA, and JAPAN; therefore I was originally expected that, this Reverse Re-Action cause the most destruction due to its Reverse – Re - Action in above areas and the rest of Globe will see the result of impact but not as severe as these nations. The reverse reaction already started but not yet created massive release of “NEEM”. But due to uncalculated action based on wrong scientific data and zero knowledge about “BHE” and Theory of “ABHX”; it seems that, the same Nations united to save Earth from so called a “Climate Change” actually speeding up the process of reverse reaction and participating in so called climate change about 10 times faster than this action took place.
Now; thank you for such an un-scientific action in the name of science influenced by politicians knowing nothing about “BHE” and it’s powerful impact; we are facing faster than expected Reverse Re-Actions and not concentrated in one known area, which the results of these uncalculated actions expanded in all over the universe the possibilities of reverse reaction by “BHE”; practically they can pop up anywhere and anytime with unpredictable consequences and develop in larger and wider ranges all over the universe. Based on a scientific calculation ( BHE) will make its first severe impact in about 2-3 years from now by the year 2020, may it take place as soon as a year from now or may delayed to 5-10 years; it is all depends on how fast we are keep overloading the “BHE”.
Since I have no access to some existing scientific data held and collected by other scientists; which they have no Idea how to use it; therefore I cannot calculate the exact time and place of impact and scales of causalities. Based on my limited access to data, I am predicting that Reverse reaction will take place about 2-3 years from now and causalities are about 10 % of earth population and about 15% of population of above nations, which this is no longer is the option since the reverse reaction expanded to the every part of globe; thanks to a hasty action based on none-scientific knowledge in the name of science, Let us not forget that, this damages are only for the first massive Reverse Re-Action by “BHE”. Once “BHE” established its bridge to reverse its massive energy, then “BHO” will start using its own reverse bridges to do as it has been done in past since existence of life, but this time in high volume, High volume of reverse reaction by “BHO” in a short time means that increase in numbers of new illness plus the old illness will come back to life as we thought they been eliminated long time ago. Practically it is Re-born of long gone illness and viruses and birth of new and more advance illness which hard to understand and fight with it.
Just a reminding that this is not a battle can be win by any military or political action, this enemy created by a human not aliens and not any other living species; these phenomena knows No (Religion, Nationalities, Races, Rich or Poor, gender, ethnic and color of skin) and it begun its formation in about 50 years ago. It cannot be seen or felt by any person in the form of “ENEM”, but can be seen and felt its catastrophic impacts and the results of transformations.
I am concern about high causalities in the first impact, but my most fear is that, if this Reverse- Re - Action by “BHX” become a chain reaction; there is no way to stop further impacts; and the results of any further out-comes will be catastrophic and beyond our imaginations.   
What scientist call it climate change is in reality caused by “BHE”; By the way it is not as scientist define, and came up with a solutions; They do not have the real sources and cause of this so called climate change. Any step taking to fight with so called climate change just adding up to the problem instead of solving it; evidence showing that the instructors of “BHE” is so complicated than any scientists had and have clear knowledge of how it works and what it is at all; in order to understand the DNA of “BHE” they need to have an access to “BHT”. The fact is that, collecting any data from “BHT” cannot be possible in year or two and need years of process and it is much complicated than it seems; It took over 20 years for Aria to have limited access to “BHT”.
Aria discovered some facts and cause regarding “BHX” and “BHE”; He knows: what is the cause and sources of this reverse reaction, how to reduce the impacts and how to stop it before developing and becoming a chain- reverse re-action; but he is certain that we cannot stop reverse reaction which is already in the progress and we must not do so to stop it; we must only gently redirect its path and delay its reaction; stopping of the reverse reaction which is already in the progress will bring more harms than good to us. 
In coming years our planet specially these 7 nations included nations around them will see increase in unpredictable and unexplained natural destruction and increase and it develops higher than usual unexplained by scientists regarding health issues causing new causalities which as more they conduct treatment results rise of more illness unexpectedly because they have  no knowledge on how “BHO” reacts.
Aria knows the sources of cause, and able to reduce the damage and prevent catastrophic damage and causalities, but He cannot stop it completely the reverse reaction already in progress, and he is not willing to do so; because once it is in the progress and passed the reverse reaction by building its own bridges, it must take place and preventing such action will have more consequences; “BHO” will transform any forms of “ENEM” matter into “NEEM” which is not destruction process, but most likely it is transformation form as it took place billions of years ago and form this form of life as we known up to now. All he can say is that: “Everything so far scientists discovered is wrong” and once they have better understanding of “BHX” and how “BHO” and “BHE” works, they will set their mind and focus in the right direction.
Every day we are not taking action as we must, and continuing acting as we always did; we are taking one more step to face with the reality of how we change the balance of universal laws as started by birth of our universe and keep existing and transforming every second and it will cause the end of life as we hoped for it. Reverse-Re-Action by “BHE” has capability of destruction of over 75% of life form as a “ENEM” forms of life and not destruction of Earth by transforming forms of life.
Let be clear that: “ENEM”, and “NEEM” reverses transformation caused by our recent urges for more technologies and our needs for more and longer life. Which can be done but in a right way and not the way we are doing now. Science is in wrong path, scientist not understanding that what they are creating to comfort human in one step a time, also creating conditions that takes us in one step a time by guiding and taking them closer to end of the way we live and survived.
One thing is not clear for me and it is still mystery is that: are we dealing with (Trillion Infinite – minus - Trillion) “BHO” or with (Trillion Infinite – minus - Infinite) “BHO”. Which I am hoping the data provided by all nations will may provide a logical answers, and give me better picture that how deep is this issue and how far it will goes beyond our control!

World has two choices:

Take this scientific discoveries and calculation seriously and reprogram and re-educate or re-build science as it should be; and prevent further damage to our existence and the way of life, and by doing so, Reduce the impact and causalities by centralizing and re-directing the path of reverse-reaction.
Ignore it and keep our scientific understanding of how universe exists in the box and face with the results caused by the unexplained phenomena which can be explained with more details and understanding of “BHX” and using Theory of “ABHX” as a guideline and solution formula.
The Question that we should ask now: Are we willing to change these out-comes by better and accurate understanding of where we are standing or not existing. The fact is all the understanding of how time, place, and transformation of one matter to the other matter works by scientists have been wrong and still is wrong; that is why we are in our course to reverse the existence universal laws, un-knowingly by acting intentionally or un-intentionally.  
“Finally, I must say that our universal laws were much-much simple than our existing science; but scientists made it so much complicated than it should be. Matter of fact my understanding and explanation of universe is so simple that, I believe that, I am the only scientist that understand it, used it, communicated and made a scientific calculation of how it is working.  My discovery is so simple that only I can understand it, and see it. My over 100 pages of scientific calculation which need to be accurate by using more data collected by every nations around the world showing that only numbers of nations will be un-touched and the rest must prepare themselves for big changes in living habits and the way of surviving.”  ~ Aria. Javan
Reverse – Re - Action highly it did took place about 2 years ago and again a year ago, and by collecting more data which will give us indication that, do we need to evacuate about 1.5 Billion people or re-location of over 4.5 Billion or even 6 Billion People. It will also provide more information which path we choose to redirect its impacts or it will choose us where to impact us, and what will be the most impact and cause of damages.
Let be honest, at this time the Reverse-Re-Action could strike us anytime, Aria’s prediction based on little data he have collected indicates that, it will be highly by year 2020, could be later or sooner. The only thing he is certain is that several mass Reverse – Re - Action took place in past two years for a less than a minute, it is matter of time that “BHE” build Reverse Bridges. His scientific discovery and calculation can only been understood by numbers of scientists, if they could; He needs to educate them to know better “BHX” and other phenomena. This will take time. He has already identified all the sources of “BHE”, but he need co-operation of all the nations to act on this matter.

“We are in the stage that, we cannot stop this reverse reaction. We can only delay and reduce the cause of impact. I did not expect that this reverse reaction advance this fast.”     ~ Aria. Javan
“The most extraordinary scientists may not understand what I am saying, but may some top scientists see it through and understand it. Let us work with together to save our planet. This is enemy we made it by pushing our boundaries. It is not a terrorist attack or war between nations. It’s much greater than that. There is no military or political solution. There is only scientific solution and unification of all nations needed to save our planet and give a second chance to this generation and next generation to come and to live as our parents lived.”                                  ~ Aria. Javan
We must put a side any difference based on race, nationality, religion, and difference in our fundamental believes and Keep one thought and only one thought in our mind that, we are from planet Earth and we will take any necessary action to save our only planet. We will prepare to risk our comfort and economy to save and re-locate others.” ~ Aria. Javan
Now everyone understands the importance of this Reverse – Re - Action, it’s time to act.
“Let me re-introduce myself, as a person with a cause. Cause to make our world a better place to live and cause to bring new innovation and discoveries to life; First and only scientist that able to identify, calculate and understand Trillion infinite existing Inner Space Black-Holes that dictates and mandates existence of our planet and our rights to exist as we are existing up to now or transform to a new form of existing of – none – existence.”                              ~ Aria. Javan

Theory of “ABHX”: It is about transformation of “ENEM” Form of matter to a “NEEM” form of matter.
I wish it was as simple as it looks like. The secret of this transformation and calculation of how the reverse transformation will take place is the key to understanding of our universe and reaching beyond our boundaries in science while it takes us to understanding of how it works scientifically and fundamentally.
Reverse reaction by “BHX” will create a big bang once again, this time it shape and changes everything.
We will define living cell based on “NEEM” form, and landscape of our planet will change. Population of our planet will decreased by about over 75%, as my extended scientific calculation shows some area of earth will transform to the hard to live area and some impossible to live. Over 100 pages of not very accurate calculation by Aria, because He has not have access to the data he has in need to pin point time and place and level of impact.
“There are a few ways and technology that may help us to redirect impacts of “BHE” to minimize the impacts of reverse – reaction, if we act fast and now.”   ~ Aria. Javan
The rest of planet earth needs to adopt and adjust to new reality of life. This only possible if we succeed to avoid a chain reverse-re-action which will take place.  Reverse reaction already started, we are not in danger of mass reverse reaction, not just yet, but it is in its way to create a mass reverse reaction, His scientific calculation showing that, this will start taking place by year 2020, and it is not Question of If. It is Question of when, how wide and how severe will be the impact!
There are no military, scientific ways, and technology exist at this moment; to avoid this reverse reaction, there are only two things to do; one is to start preventing reverse reaction become a chain reverse-reaction and two is to find a way to delay or reduce the causalities; according to my calculation and basic and fundamental Rules of Theory of “ABHX” the Reverse-Reaction already in progress, it is building massive reverse bridges to create a mass Reverse – Re – Actions, as we are speaking at this moment.
Reverse Reaction of “BHX” Knows no religion, race, countries and acts only based on universal laws; perhaps we can say reaction into responding to action by universal laws and as we all know for any action in this universe there is a reaction. The true fact is we have no technology to go against the “BHX”. No Scientist been able to identify this Supper ultra-Phenomena, Aria has to educate scientists. The Science shaped based on only “ENEM” form of life. Zero knowledge about “NEEM” form of life.
“Let us not worry about outer space Black – Holes and start worrying about Inner Space Black – Holes instead of outer space ones.”  ~ Aria. Javan
The fact is that no one knows about these Inner – Space – Black – Holes such as “ BHX” even exist, perhaps some scientists in the past assumed to its existence and even Einstein had no full knowledge of it and knew nothing about its instructions, he might had some basic ideas, but since “BHE” was not existed at the time he was a live, It makes a sense that he and other scientists couldn’t anticipate that about 100 years later and its outcome such as : this will create a massive reverse re actions, as some might had some guesses, but not known to the world until Aria discovered its existence about 25 years ago; studied, communicated, and learned from it, but in past 2-5 years became his biggest concern as a potential threat to the existing life as we lived and continue to live at this given moment in our planet. In my understanding Einstein was convinced that there is something is missing on his calculation of relativity as well as definition and connection between mass and energy; but he was not able to see and calculate existence of “BHX” and “BHO” which existed since creation of our universe.  
“Every day we are delaying to take any solid step to prevent chain reverse re actions; we are taking steps for loss of more lives and extended destruction of our planet. I am asking for urgent meeting of top scientists and immediate start of collecting data and finding logical solutions.  What I have highlighted in these scientific notes are just highlights of hundreds of scientific calculations and data. Theory of “ABHX” is an Ocean of new and advance scientific discoveries – a golden key to clear understanding of creation, creator, and where we stand now.”                        ~ Aria. Javan
We are looking for evacuation of 1.5 Billion, Perhaps more not less; complete transformation of way of life. I have few scientific based idea that may completed by more data which must be collected by co-operations of several nations, in order to minimize damage. I am the only chance and I am in need of years to educate and help scientists to understand how “BHX” and “BHO” or “BHE” works. I am only person with access to “BHT” and it will take half century for others to gain full access to it as it took me over 20 years to do.                                           ~ Aria. Javan
This is not star wars or a science fiction, this is a science fact and has nothing to do with UFO, aliens or such things, this is a mankind made phenomena and it must be taken very seriously; It may be understood by few great scientists, but eventually understandable and hoping that it can be contained.  
We are facing enemy that: we as a human created, it cannot be seen, felt, or observed, since it is not exists in our form of life, But once reverse its direction then we all be able to see the results of its reverse re action as have been took place in past, but it’s accelerating and as it advancing now.  
“You may call it universal Enemy; I call it result of our failed obligation to protecting our planet. Again we need mass preparation, and solid actions and we need it now.” ~ Aria. J
We are facing enemy that we only able to see the result of its damage. Time is against us, and we must act now.  ~ Aria. Javan
We must act now and act fast – we need to develop strategy, possible new and affective technology, and collect many data and calculate it to serve in our benefits, and come up with more rock-solid solution. Based on Theory of “ABHX” and scientific calculations, what so called a climate change is the result of Reverse –Reaction by “BHE” and what we doing right now are only making our planet to face the reality of destruction much sooner than scientists came up with it!
Recent events and updated data showing that the Reverse-Reactions by “BHE” is developing and shaping much faster than my previous calculations and predictions anticipated; matter of fact what we facing now is supposed to take place about year 2050 or latter. The action taking by united nation and scientists at this time to prevent so called climate change is creating massive reverse reaction by “BHE”.  I am expecting a massive cold – heat waves of energy will be released very soon originated from USA, France, South Korea, and massive cold vacuum in Russia Followed by Mass heat in Russia in coming year or latest by the end of next year 2017. Based on my scientific calculations and limited data available to me, I have calculated  massive earthquake in south parts of Canada from St. John’s to Toronto which it will shake and cause mass destruction. Pin pointing time and density required more details which I have not in possession. But this mass earthquake will take place following mass heat and cold vacuum of air. Based on details from “ABHX” I am expecting reverse reaction taking place very soon in the forms of mass heat or combination of mass heat and earthquake taking place between St John’s and Toronto Canada; most likely Province of Quebec. There are also areas between Bangor till Ohio - USA will be parts of this natural disasters. Some type of earthquake is likely will take place very soon in south west of Norway. Unlike what most experts saying that earthquake in Japan and Ecuador - 2016 are not related, based on “ABHX” they are related.
It appears that reverse – Re-Action by “BHE” is not localized and it won’t only affect USA, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, as well as France. This means there will be pockets of “BHE” expanded in all around the globe causing unpredictable devastation, less damage, but in a wide area of globe.  Above nations and some countries surrounding them facing the most unpredictable and unusual – sudden natural disasters.
“BHE” is speeding up the completion of phase one Reverse Reaction, which is establishing reverse Roots and bridges between form of “ENEM” matters and “NEEM” matters faster than expected, some external forces triggers this speed which I am assuming created by a wrong action taken place by some of activist and nations as well as scientists, that trying to prevent a Global warming.
There is no question that we are in a certain and none-stoppable age of this Reverse-Reaction caused by “BHE”; the process of Reverse-Reaction already in progress, and I am not trying to prevent it from happening, my concentration and focus is on to how we can reduce the speed of this mass reverse reaction and numbers of causalities and perhaps develop of advance Technology to protect some areas.

Reverse-Reaction by “BHE” means release of over tens of thousands of Hydrogen Bombs at the same time and creating supper mass heat and Mega Electro Magnet waves cross the globe and melting area (A1) in my prediction map which is basically countries from Japan to Middle east and Europe and USA, as well as parts of under and above these areas in less than 10 days.

 Good news is that “BHE” does not have any radioactive effects and only produces Supper-mass heats and Mega Electro – Magnet forms of Energy, enough to make life impossible in some areas of the earth.
I am asking that under universal agreement we ask Japan to re-start its nuclear plants in full force, and France must shut down all its nuclear plants in order to reduce the causalities from a reverse reaction by “BHE”. Of course this action will destruct Japan, South and North Korea and west of USA as well as East of Russia. But it’s the best chance to reduce destruction and causalities.
If Japan does not re-start all or most of its nuclear plant ASAP, and France not shut down all its nuclear plants; we are facing the highest causalities which is Japan, South and North Korea, Most parts of Middle-east countries, entire Europe, entire USA, south of Canada, most of south America, and more to be under direct severe impact of Reverse – Re – Action by “BHE”

My Scientific calculations and predictions bring us to the two outcomes:

“BHE” starts its reverse reaction and Japan shut down all its nuclear plants or not re-starts it in full force. We will see the results of destruction by “BHE” which is the release of Supper - mass heat and Mega – Electro Magnet waves throughout the Japan, China, Russia, Taiwan, India, Iran, most middle east, Turkey, Germany, France, Italy, Holland, Belgium , Spain, United states, south parts of Canada, and more ( over 75% of populated area of our planet earth).
France will shut down all nuclear plant and Japan re-start all Nuclear plants, result will be complete destruction of Japan and south Korea and most parts of North Korea, as well as east of Russia, West of USA, and complete destruction of Hawaii Islands, mass heat and destruction in North pacific ocean and pacific ocean. Already some reverse reaction taking place in Greenland.
In addition some parts of earth will see deep freeze temperature, for example People in warmer area with usual warmer and above average heat will see 10 degrees below zero and will need heat to survive and some with usual cold weather will see 60-70 degrees below the usual temperature. This is the result of vacuum created by “BHE”.
What I described is only if we act fast and stop a chain reaction of “BHE”, otherwise if we are not stop the chain reactions from happening, and let it to happen, then we are looking for a new earth with a new form of existence as of “NEEM” form of life, basically our form of matter will completely transform from “ENEM” Form of matter to “NEEM” form of matter.

We have no solid technology and strategy to prevent such a chain reaction, unless all scientists, & nations act united and take my scientific data and calculations, and work with together to come up with solutions.

Just a heads up: In coming remains of year 2016, you will see sudden changes of temperatures throughout year, against the rules of usual season temperatures, and with sudden mass heat for longer periods; in A1 area of my prediction map, unexpected Mega Electro Magnet waves covering most areas from Japan till USA through Europe and Sudden interruptions in communication with outer space areas, unexplained aviation failures. Develop of new forms of illness, higher numbers of cancers and re-develop of old types of viruses and diseases long gone but returning again with much stronger versions; these are results of reverse reactions caused by “BHX” which is contains “BHE” and “BHO” and trillions of other BH’s.
What is happening now by use of  technology  by scientists to avoid climate changes is only adding to problem to what knowing as a climate changes or global warming and it is speeding up the reverse-reaction by “BHE”. The action taking place now is not helping and it is only adding to the problem, basically I am asking to stop it now.
Reminding you that every minute delay in solid action and not following my scientific recommendations; is only adding 4 more causalities per minute.  We have no Technology to stop it, but we have ability to delay it or reduce the causalities and degrees of destructions. I have so far came up with design of technology that can save some nations.  
We must trust in Theory of “ABHX” and the scientific facts and calculations supporting the existing threat by “BHE”.
Since Reverse – Reaction has a direct impact in space program, and it will change all the mathematical and algorithm calculations and NASA has no choice than making new updated calculations based on new reality and position of earth, by not being able to make any space program or sending any shuttle or even space rocket will be impossible; Lives of all dedicated men and women in space station will put in danger.
One of the results of “BHE” will be direct affect in sun and other planets in our solar system. It may not be as important as it is to concentrate all our focus in to the Inner Space Black Holes, but we must know that these inner space black holes will have a direct impact in outer space black holes. I doubt that shape of our planet and other planets in and out of our solar system will change if the chain reverse reaction take place, but I am sure that the position and place of our solar system will be affected and there will be some changes in durations of days, seasons, ground temperature in earth and any other planets in our solar system.
According to some data collected from “BHT”, the impact of Reverse Reaction caused by “BHX’ and its products like “BHO” and “BHE” could be transform our life from one matter to other in such a ways that some of living organisms make this transformation in such a ways that continue their existence in a none existing matter forms accepting and adapting to it as it should be.  

There is no question that, structure of global DNA is changing and all because of “BHX” which been with us as long as we existed, But never been known to us until now.
Details about (“BHX”, “BHE”, “BHO”, and “BHT”) are so delicate and complicated to understand, so I just provide details about their cause of actions; instead of how they work and why they exist, how they shape , act,and grow , where they are about, why they connected and why there are trillion –infinite of them; Which needs to be explained as I came up with logical scientific explanation and calculations which over hundreds of pages of details. 
While worlds believes that nuclear weapon is a weapons of mass destruction and  the solution to energy crises they do not aware of this weapon is considered no longer weapons of mass destruction, neither clean sources of energy.
My calculation showing that the cause of so called climate change is only “BHX” and action by “BHE”, but at this time scientist looking at wrong directions and in reality by contributing to stop so call climate change they action will be results in speeding up the destruction of earth.  
For last time, let me re-introduce myself, as a person with a cause. Cause to make our world a better place to live and cause to bring new innovation and discoveries to live; First and only scientist that able to identify, calculate and understood Trillion infinite existing Inner Space Black-Holes that dictates and mandates existence of our planet and our rights to exist as we are existing up to now.
Special and general Theory of “ABHX”
WHY THE “BLACK HOLE – X” IS SUCH an important matter?
“BHX” is combination of millions of Black Holes that existed since beginning of our universe. They have been with us since creation of our universe, and essential to our existence. The most important Inner Space Black Holes are “BHE”, “BHO”, and “BHT” as they are the most active Inner Space Black Holes. In order for us to exist, we do need existence of all millions Inner Space Black Holes; main while any action to mandate  “BHE”, “BHO”, and “BHT”  to cause a Reverse – Reaction will bring unbalance to universal laws of existence. The result of mass reverse reaction in a short time by any of “BHE”, “BHO”, and “BHT” will create catastrophic results and it will transform our universe as we are into as they mandate us to be. The results of mass chain reverse reaction will create another Big Bang once again, not as scientists thought of it up to now, but as Aria discovered and calculated to be. The most major problems in our universe are existing, and not finding solution to the many worlds health, environmental, psychological issues is that, because of not having full knowledge about Inner Space Black Holes or better understanding of “BHE”, “BHO”, and “BHT”.

What do Heat – waves produces by “BHE” sound like?

It sound like over 1000 hydrogen Bomb released at once. This heat and wave will effect in global temperature and aviation and space programs. It will divide earth into two or four areas such as: possible to live with complete change of life style, area that impossible to live and area okay to live with 180 degree change in life style.

How a “black hole X” would save you or kill you?

We must know that “BHX” is combination of millions of Black Holes that existed since beginning of our universe. They have been with us since creation of our universe, and essential to our existence. Without them universe cannot exist and life never been exist as we have lived till now. They are as important as oxygen, but they could become deadly when they respond to rapid changes in universal laws and decided to react by conducting they own reverse reaction. The fact is that the reverse reaction happened in past and still taking place many times. What is important that it won’t happen in mass or larger scale in such a short period, and if reverse reaction become a chain reverse reaction then our universe must say goodbye to life as we lived in over 4 billion years. So we are the one who transforming the “very useful Inner Space Black Holes” to “a Killer Inner Space Black Holes”.

“BHE”, “BHT” and “BHO”s background:

To understand “BHE”, “BHT” and “BHO”; we must understand fundamental of Theory of “ABHX” and how each individual Inner Space Black Holes are functioning and how they have been created, why created, when created, how long will continue to exist, why we need them, how and what cause the reverse reactions. As “Aria Javan” explains in the Theory of “ABHX” by using a logical, scientifically calculated and supported by facts and evidence to give answer to above questions, which it takes hundreds of pages of calculation and facts and wide open mind to relate the facts and understand it.
How “black-hole-X” could be necessary to maintain life and existence of human and our planet and in some circumstances become threat to every lives and existence of our planet: the answer to this question is simple “how far we will push the boundaries”.
Theory of “ABHX” by ARIA JAVAN: It explains that how “BHE”, “BHT” and “BHO” and other Inner Space Black Holes created, mandated our existence, and mandate our no- existence, how transform “ENEM” form of matter to “NEEM” form of matter.

Theory of “ABHX”:


Theory of “ABHX” is about Trillion Infinite (Black-Holes) and its recent reverse reactions that considers clear and present danger to our existence not as a nation but as a human.
These Black-Holes are with us as long as we exist and after we no longer exist in “ENEM” form; matter of facts every humans existence are depend on these Black-Holes
“BHX” which contains “BHO” and “BHE” and over millions of different types of Black-Holes acted in benefit of universal laws by balancing the existing form of universe by their existence started from beginning of the universe and up to now.
Fast growing nations all around the world start causing Reverse-Re-Action by “BHO”, and “BHE” which caused rapid instability in balance of universal Laws of existence as we know it now in form of “ENEM”,  and begun the transformation of life as it is now to the “NEEM” form of life.
There are no technologies to prevent this reverse – re – action, and to find the one, we need to act now.
The fact is up to now the universal laws were mandated that “ENEM” transform to “NEEM”; over trillion infinite times in every second and “BHX” was able to manage it, receive it, and store it. This transformation was one way highway that only transformed “ENEM” to form of “NEEM” as our universal laws designed to do so.
Once a while some of “NEEM” reverse their directions and caused destruction of “ENEM” before transforming to the form of “NEEM”, which there was no concern about it and it was considered as a usual reaction by “BHX”.
we as a human start causing Reverse- Re - Action to this perfect universal Law existed since creation of universe. Our action caused a creation of second high way that allow it “NEEM” reverse its direction and instead of “ENEM” form of existence become “ NEEM” form of none existence; the reverse started to take a place in massive scales in such a short time; causing the transformation of particles change its direction.
This reverse will cause some damages, but not catastrophic results if it is not a Full scale of Reverse – Reaction by forming a chain Reverse – Re- Actions. The result of chain Reverse – Re – Action will cause that the all “ENEM” forms of life transform into “NEEM” forms of life. 
The reverse reaction already started but not yet created massive release of “NEEM”.
Once “BHE” established its bridge to reverse its massive energy, then “BHO” will start using its own reverse bridges to do as it has been done in past since existence of life, but this time in high volume, High volume of reverse reaction by “BHO” in a short time means that increase in numbers of new illness plus the old illness will come back to life as we thought they been eliminated long time ago.
 Practically it is Re-born of long gone illness and viruses and birth of new and more advance illness which hard to understand and fight with it.
This is not a battle can be win by any military or political action, this enemy created by a human not aliens and not any other living species; these phenomena knows No (Religion, Nationalities, Races, Rich or Poor, gender, ethnic and color of skin) and it begun its formation in about 50 years ago. It cannot be seen or felt by any person in the form of “ENEM”, but can be seen and felt its catastrophic impacts and the results of transformations.
What scientist call it climate change is in reality caused by “BHE”
In order to understand the DNA of “BHE” they need to have an access to “BHT”. The fact is that, collecting any data from “BHT” cannot be possible in year or two and need years of process and it is much complicated than it seems; It took over 20 years for Aria to have limited access to “BHT”.
 what is the cause and sources of this reverse reaction, how to reduce the impacts and how to stop it before developing and becoming a chain- reverse re-action is discovered and guided by Theory of “ABHX”. 
 It is certain that we cannot stop reverse reaction which is already in the progress and we must not do so to stop it; we must only gently redirect its path and delay its reaction; stopping of the reverse reaction which is already in the progress will bring more harm to us than good.
Theory of “ABHX” describes the known sources of cause, and it is able to reduce the damage and prevent catastrophic damage and causalities, but let’s not go ahead in order to stop it completely the reverse reaction already in progress, and we shouldn’t willing to do so; because once it is in the progress and passed the reverse reaction by building its own bridges, it must take place and preventing such action will have more consequences.
 “Everything so far scientists discovered is wrong” and once they have better understanding of “BHX” and how “BHO” and “BHE” works, they will set their mind and focus in the right direction.
The only thing he is certain is that several mass Reverse – Re - Action took place in past two years for a less than a minute, it is matter of time that “BHE” build Reverse Bridges.
We are in the stage that, we cannot stop this reverse reaction. We can only delay and reduce the cause of impact.
These Trillion infinite existing Inner Space Black-Holes that dictates and mandates existence of our planet and our rights to exist as we are existing up to now or transform to a new form of existing of – none – existence” are not known to any scientists till now.
Theory of “ABHX”: It is about transformation of “ENEM” Form of matter to a “NEEM” form of matter.
Reverse reaction by “BHX” will create a big bang once again, this time it shape and changes everything.
 “There are a few ways and technology that may help us to redirect impacts of “BHE” to minimize the impacts of reverse – reaction, if we act fast and now.”    
 It is not Question of If. It is Question of when, how wide and how severe will be the impact!
There are no military, scientific ways, and technology exist at this moment; to avoid this reverse reaction, there are only two things to do; one is to start preventing reverse reaction become a chain reverse-reaction and two is to find a way to delay or reduce the causalities; according to my calculation and basic and fundamental Rules of Theory of “ABHX” the Reverse-Reaction already in progress, it is building massive reverse bridges to create a mass Reverse – Re – Actions, as we are speaking at this moment.
The true fact is we have no technology to go against the “BHX”. No Scientist been able to identify this Supper ultra-Phenomena
Reverse Reaction of “BHX” Knows no religion, race, countries and acts only based on universal laws; perhaps we can say reaction into responding to action by universal laws and as we all know for any action in this universe there is a reaction.
We are facing enemy that: we as a human created, it cannot be seen, felt, or observe, since it is not in our form of life, But once reverse its direction and we all can see the results of its reverse re action as have been took place in past, but it’s accelerating and as it taking shapes now.
We are facing enemy that we only can see result of its damage.
There is no question that we are in certain and none-stoppable age of this Reverse-Reaction caused by “BHE”; the process of Reverse-Reaction already in progress, and focus should not be in trying to prevent it from happening, the concentration and focus should be on how we can reduce the speed of this mass reverse reaction and numbers of causalities and perhaps develop of Technology to protect some areas.
 Reverse-Reaction by “BHE” means release of over tens of thousands of Hydrogen Bombs at the same time creating mass heat and Mega electro magnet waves cross the globe 
 “BHE” does not have any radioactive effects and only produces mass heats and Mega Electro – Magnet forms of Energy, enough to make life impossible in some areas of the earth.
There is no question that, structure of global DNA is changing and all because of “BHX” which been with us as long as we existed, But never been known to us until now.
Energy / mass/ speed of light and its connection to Inner Space Black Holes:
Inner Space Black Holes are not created exactly as Outer Space Black Holes.
Inner Space Black Holes has no Mass / Energy/ or speed and time
Inner Space Black Holes has no limit in holding any form of “NEEM”
Inner Space Black Holes has no effect to outer space Black Holes as long as there is no chain reverse reaction takes place.

A “Black-Hole-X” close-up and its impact in and around the world
You don’t need to look far to see impact of Reverse – Reaction by “BHE”, and “BHO”; what so called a climate change and unusual heat and cold, return of diseases that assumed to be eliminated long time ago and return of much stronger and transformed viruses and disease out breaks are just beginning of many impact from reverse reactions. 

Are “black-hole-X” real?

Yes, all Inner Space Black Holes are real; “BHX” existence is independent of our existence but our existences are dependent to existence of “BHX”. 
Largest “black hole X” could reach to hold Trillion – Infinite of Sub-Black Holes, such as “BHO” and “BHE”, “BHT”, and many more.
What is the “black-hole-X”, “BHO”, BHT”, “and BHE”?
Black Hole X is an Inner Space Black Hole that connects all Sub – Black – Holes to each other and facilitates any communication or action and reaction between them.

A simple way to retrieve data that transformed to “BHX” is by accessing to “BHT”, and gaining such access requires building hundreds of thousands of bridges, and it needs full knowledge of “BHX” and years of dedication; it took over 20 years for Aria to have a limited access to “BHT”; and He is not only one had a such access in past; In fact an access to “BHT” will allow more access to “BHO” and BHE”; basically access to “BHX”.  
Supermassive “BHE” weighs in zero but holds heat and wave of equal to over 1000 to 100,000 hydrogen bomb. In other way it is not even hold such heat and wave in “NEEM” form and it require to conduct reverse reaction and form “ENEM”  to create such a massive heat and waves.
“BHX” Has no mass and takes no space and it is not limited by time, but can transform to mass and time. Basically it is the form of “NEEM”.  

The hunt of what causes reverse reaction:
“ENEM”, “NEEM” reverses transformation caused by our recent urges for more technologies and our needs for more and longer life. Which can be done but in a right way and not the way we are doing now. Science is in wrong path, scientist not understanding that what they are creating to comfort human in one step a time, also creating conditions that one step a time guiding and taking them closer to end of the way we live and survived.
Connections between Quantum Mechanic and “BHE”
At this time we have to define quantum Mechanic existence and roles in “NEEM” form of matter which “BHE” is exist and look to find out that it has any connection or even if it is exist.
General theory of “ABHX” and Transformation of “ENEM” form of matter to “NEEM” form and vice versa:
This action caused a creation of second high way that allow it “NEEM” reverse its direction and instead of “ENEM” form of existence become “ NEEM” form of none existence; the reverse started to take a place in massive scales in such a short time ; causing the transformation of particles change its direction. This reverse will cause some damages, but not catastrophic results if it is not a Full scale of Reverse – Reaction by forming a chain Reverse – Re- Actions. The result of chain Reverse – Re – Action will cause that the all “ENEM” forms of life transform into “NEEM” forms of life.
Special and general relativity contribution to Theory of “ABHX”
Capability of Traveling across the universe without any restriction of time and place and independent of mass and time is possible by accessing into the “BHT” which allow us to travel to past and future, not as the theory of relativity described it; but much faster, accurate and easier. Fact is Special and general Theory of “ABHX” proves that Special and general relativity is wrong in principle.
Aria takes a trip through a “black-hole-X” and discover the only remained unanswered question of mankind, which are:  “what happens when any living organisms dies, how minds works, how mass and energy connected to each other” and he came up with several Logical and scientific explanations with Rock – solid – evidences to support it.
Question of space! Mass! Energy! , and how they connected to “BHX”?
 No connection what so ever, No mass, Energy, Space or Time exist in “BHX” as we known in form of “ENEM”.
What would happen if earth and everything on it affected by Reverse-Reaction and fell into a black hole that only exists in the “NEEM” form of life?
Aria as a Fair observer of both “ENEM” and “NEEM” form of matters do see this transformation as it is in progress and has primary vision of how it forms. He discovered that what recreates birth of super-massive “BHE”, and “BHO” by access to their sources through “BHT”.
Crazy facts about “BHX”:

Supermassive “BHX” with over million types of “Inner -Space-sub- black-hole” shaping and transforming in a speed of infinite light speed between form of “ENEM” and “NEEM” and no restriction of time and mass with any gravity wave. It is lack Holes but no gravity or electro magnet forces exist or even operates in “BHX”.
Everything you wanted to know about “BHX”
A “Black Hole X” can eat universe in speed of infinite light speed. Basically our universe can transform from “ENEM” form of matter to “NEEM” form of matter infinite times of speed of light. As in past several billion years billions of “ENEM” form of matters transformed into a “NEEM” form of matter per less than a second.
What exactly are “Inner Space Black Holes” such as “BHX”, “BHE”, “BHT”, and “BHO” and what happens inside them, what are made of, what made them to become and what cause them to have a reverse reaction, cause of this reverse reaction and consequences or outcome of it!
Why better understanding of Theory of “ABHX” and science behind it will lead to better innovations – and creation of much advance technology and logical steps to avoid any harsh consequences caused by reverse reaction.
Aria has rock solid scientific answers to all above mysteries. 
What will be the result of Falling into a “Black Hole X”!
“BHO” can be found in the most unexpected place with unexplained out comes.
“Black hole X”’s have a size limit of its own capacity in its own time range while has no connection to time, basically time is not exist in Inner Space Black Holes.
New Scientific view point: the first signs of merging “Sub – black – holes” in “BHX” indicating that more reverse reaction taking place, more merging taking place between all sub Black Holes.
Does a “BHX” have a shape?
The answer is NO; “BHX” has no mass and independent of time and not in form of energy; then it is not exist in the form of shapes or sizes.
Who could be impacted by reverse reaction by “BHX” and its Sub - Black - Holes?
The answer is simple: everything exists in any form as become “ENEM” matter.
How it is possible that “BHX” would kill you?  
By conducting Reverse Reactions.
What are proven to exist in “BHX”?
“BHX” exists in Inner Space as well as outer space, Aria’s scientific calculations say.
Scientist, Aria proves that “weigh” “Black hole X” with no mass but, infinite relative capacity in the form of “NEEM”
Travel inside a “BHX” is possible?                     Yes Through to the “BHT”
Top supper facts about the Inner Space Black – Holes known as “BHX”.
Giant “BHX” colliding in space could have blasted the earth?
NO, But reverse reaction by any Sub – Inner Space –Black – Holes from “BHX” can cause a catastrophic destruction and transformation to earth and every one.
Visible reverse reaction from a “BHE”, “BHO”, and “BHT” has been detected for the first time in earth? Yes many times, but none of them so far took place in a mass reverse reactions or chain mass reverse reactions.
A quantum theory of “BHX” could solve universal mysteries?  Yes
Aria says there are no such things as Outer -Space - black-hole are connected to  Inner – Space – Black – Holes or have major similarities. They could merge to each other, but they created by different sources and act differently.
Horizon – earth can be destroyed by “black hole X”?
Yes, by creating a reverse reaction and ultimately by becoming a chain reverse reactions, Aria says as evidence and calculation proves and supported the facts.
Other amazing facts about “black holes X”
Gravitational wave does not exist in new type of black hole known as Inner Space Black Hole or (BHX).
Technology to prevent the reverse reaction: Exist and not exist.
What is the recipe for making super-massive black hole X?
Require hundreds of pages of scientific explanations, evidence, and calculation which already completed.
“BHX” discovery forces universal rethink about how to live, take an action and advance our technology.