About Innovation Aria


ARIA JAVAN specializes in helping corporations and small businesses with all their innovation, Scientific, creativity needs. Because he is  well versed in creativity and Innovation (Your world! your Way! and new Idea! For Our Success!), He know exactly what it takes to make world a better place for everyone. Aria Javan is Inner directed, with highly Innovated and creative  and future focused with the power of now.

Location and Hours

          ARIA JAVAN

          A Global Ambassador of

  Peace, Science, Innovation, & Creativity

Our Vision and Innovation specializes in helping corporations and small businesses with all their Ideas and innovation needs. Because we are well versed in creating a new vision and ideas ( we are Innovation Aria - where Idea and Success meet! ) we know exactly what it takes to help you in all your business endeavors. We are power of now and future focused. 

 Join Us Make A Difference!







Mon - Sat (8am - 4pm)
 Innovation Aria

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"Supreme Goal of Life is to live Happy, Healthy, and Wealthy" ~ Aria Javan
                                                     [ Master of Wise Ones]
A Global Ambassador of Science, Peace, Innovation, and Creativity! 
INNOVATION ARIA / Scientist Without Borders 



"Man of few words, but always the right ones; man of action and not just words!"

He is A Global Ambassador of a Peace, Science, Innovation, and Creativity!
 Aria Javan ( Inventor, futurist, Peace activist, researcher, designer, and scientist without boarder)  is a Founder and designer of project "S.S.V"/ A WORLD CLASS CITY. - including over 30,000 sub-project. Discovering “A.N.A” balancing and re-programming the body system to cure and restart fresh; highly educated in Pharmacy Compounding, Psychology, Advance Mathematics, and Medical Research and over 100,000 Technologies, over 600000 Scientific researches, and over 10,000 designated Scientific Design in Inner and outer Space Technologies and [Infinite Zero Time-Energy Technology].

He is a Founder of Trillion-Infinite Black-Hole "BHX" and Theory of “ABHX” as well as Massive Black Holes Such As: "BHO", "BHE", "ABH", and over 1000,000 of different Sub-BHX, calculation and designer of Equation Of "ENEM" & "NEEM" Transformation.

Designer of "S.C.A" Technology to create a super cells. and designer and creator of Technology that prevent the  Global warming.
He is an Author of Books such as "A STRONG MIND", "A GOLDEN PEOPLE" and "Rule 2357" and more.
He is always looking for any extraordinary new opportunities, projects, and Ideas.

His Interests: All area of Meta – Form of Living cells, Understanding of  formation in extraordinary intelligent form of life as he discovered 1989 and designed and formed the formula of connecting between two forms of life as Known as ENEM & NEEM;  Advance Math; Photography; Travel; Scientific and Legal Research; Silence conversation; Empowerment and Self-motivated Seminars; Medical and pharmaceutical Research; designing one Project for advancing and relating science, economy, and more into and connected to each other as a Project “S.S.V” with combining over 6000 Sub-Projects. His remarkable success in his Research resulting on successful discovery of treatment for most types of cancer with single way of treatment using Method of “ANA”, creation of application alpha and omega depending on the single application such as application zero; developing Infinite Zero series of technologies. 

He is self-motivated, and self-directed with inner light, living as a Work of Art.

Aria Javan is highly educated and experienced in Pharmacy Compounding and Living Cell as a command organism. He has been travel over 20 countries, fluent in several languages. He has  Certified Pharmacy Compounding from Professional Compounding Center of America (PCCA) and Ontario College of Pharmacy (OCP); He is a founder and designer of Project “S.S.V” With over 6000 Sub-Projects, inventor of over 100 Advance Technologies such as Project " P-Pi-Omega series".

He is an Author of “A Strong Mind” and “Golden People”. He become an Inventor of short integral calculus Math solution in age 16. He is a founder of cure for epilepsy and cure for stage G “AIDS” and Blood F- Cancer. One of his biggest achievements is in developing and defining theory of “ABHX” which transform our understanding of universal laws and practically provide the answer to every unsolved question about every mysteries regarding cosmos and discovering and identifying Trillion Infinite Black-Holes knowing as a "BHX".
"He is considered one in trillion, while population of planet earth is less than 8 billion"
Defying all the previous understanding of universe and creating more solid and logical scientific explanation of new form of understanding universal laws and how these Black-Holes Works and Why our Existence as a human and Existence of our Planet depend on it.  

His scientific calculation of how Theory of “ABHX” and over 10,000 pages of scientific calculation of how “BHX” acts are beyond understanding and capability of ordinary and extraordinary existing scientist of all the time.

His carefully designed Scientific Project Knowing as a ( Project “S.S.V” ) is the first and Rock solid Solution with over 6000 Sub-Projects that provides a solid and logical solution to majorities of issues our society facing in every day path to success and reaching to a better life….!

Wellcome to:

The latest Achievement by Aria Javan: " Equation Aria - 07-07" / Formula that can produce Ultra - None -Radioactive  -6 -D - Energy , produced by using Advance EA Technology . producing over 1,000,000 time more Energy than Hydrogen Bomb do it; or creating instant release of Massive Energy over one billion Nuclear Bomb. None radio Active, ultra Sources of Energy, Easy to Make, Much Less Expensive to operate and create it.  True Revolution in Energy!

Above Formula will re-shape how we depend on production of Energy, and make nuclear weapons and Hydrogen Bombs or nuclear Energies the sources of past and nothing more than fire works toys. By using this Technology we can produce clean Energy without leaving nuclear wastes.  Equation Aria -07-07 by "Aria Javan" will take us into the new Era in ultimate power and Energy.  

Dear friend,

Thank you so much for visiting. I hope you have enjoyed this site and my other Professional and motivation sites!
"Ordinary people see what is happening to them as a bless or karma, extraordinary ones see it opportunities to challenge in order to transform dreams into ideas and ideas into the goal, and goals into the reality!" ~Aria Javan 
Don’t forget to check out other sections of this site such as PUBLISHED BY ARIA , VISION ARIA, and INNOVATION ARIA.

A message from Aria Javan:

Hi! I am Aria Javan. I am a founder and designer of Project “S.S.V”; founder of Theory of “ABHX”, successfully forming and identifying Trillion-Infinite “BHX”, discovering and calculating the element of transformation between ENEM form of life and NEEM form of life; defying time and matter and transforming time freely in any form of NEEM particles; freely travel between two matters; I am considered a first Scientist which transforms existing science to the next level of re-formed science. I am also a Certified Pharmacy Compounding Specialist by PCCA and Certified by OCP. but those are less matter when it comes to my scientific Project “S.S.V” and Calculation of BHX based on theory of “ABHX”. and revolution in infinite zero technologies.

You may ask that why I chose these subject such as Inspiration and Motivation, Medical and Mathematics - and Science, the answer is simple:  I really wanted to be part of saving lives by providing the Best Medication for better cure, Providing Inspiration to Success and inner peace, or providing Knowledge and Logic in Advance Math.

I am founder and designer of Project “S.S.V” / over 6000 Sub-Project/ Rock-solid Solution to Economy, Science, Peace, and more/ A World Class City , First and Unique in the World.

I like to help anyone to get over the hump and achieve their goals, as you help me to do so. I strongly believe that “We are Product of our Believes, Thoughts, and Choices”. We are the chosen wise ones, we trust the universe and control nothing; we are the best of universe by bringing  a better life to every one and to all humanity. we are science oriented people that has no geographic, race, religion, or political dependency. 
I believe that as everyone deserves a second chance, while no one have right to have a third chance.

Again, a very warm welcome to you!

Feel free to contact me

Best regards,

let us fight for a world peace, Equality, Mutual Respects, and (Happy, Wealthy, and Healthy) life for all mankind regardless of their believes, Nationalities, Race, Faiths by choosing Science and higher education to expand wisdom all around the globe and make life enjoyable and productive for every one!

                                                                                                                                        ~ Aria Javan 

  Thank you and enjoy the knowledge and wisdom provided to you!

For complete information about Aria's Visions, Contact him at or see other options in this website such as Innovation Aria, Published by Aria, and Vision by Aria; if you still have a Question from him, you may contact him at or

 To contact Aria Javan about any offer, ideas, or need his expertise or simply interested to meet him in person, have a question regarding his scientific Projects, and research or Discoveries, please use our online form @ contact or directly sent him email at ; don’t forget to provide a clear details, nature of contact and your own contact information; Aria Javan will respond to it as soon as he can.

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I am a Global ambassador of Peace, Science, innovation, Creativity, Advance Science and Technology holding only International nationality "I Am from Planet Earth" Product of my own Wisdom, Master of Wise Ones.

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